Welcome to Sourcing 3 0 Day One ChecklistFebruary

Welcome to Sourcing 3. 0! Day One Checklist—February 28: Refer to your February 15 or 16 State Purchasing Training Materials for details q Check in with the MFMP Team to receive your Username and Password 8 -9: 30 a. m. Donuts & Sourcing 3. 0 in the ‘playground’ q Verify you can access the system / Bookmark these links in your ‘Favorites’ in Internet Explorer q State Purchasing Link to Login Screen: https: //sourcing. myfloridamarketplace. com/Sourcing/Main? passwordadapter=Pass word. Adapter 1 q Vendor Link (for Vendor Login and View): https: //sourcing. myfloridamarketplace. com/Sourcing/Main q Review/Update preferences / Reset Password (Refer to Slide 17 of the training materials for a screenshot of where to locate these links) q Confirm / Update your profile information (display name, e-mail, phone numbers, etc. ) q Set up your Security Question q Adjust your ‘Notifications’ settings Week One Checklist—February 28 - March 4: q Review current contracts (MFMP Team is completing the initial loads as part of “go-live” tasks)- “Project” slides start on Slide 22 of the training materials q Confirm your Contracts are loaded/visible as Full Projects- Access via your ‘Dashboard’ under ‘Watched Projects’ q Review Project Overview and edit information for each of your projects as needed. Slide 35 q Upload Project Documents as your Bureau Chief directs (e. g. , sales reports, copy of contract)- Slides 37 -46 q Tasks (Review and Set start/end dates)- Slides 47 -58 q Team (Add team to Project Groups / Assign-Delegate as needed)- Slides 59 -63 q Begin using Sourcing 3. 0 for contract management activities (e. g. , Start Phase 7 tasks for your loaded projects)! q Where to go for Help: q Review Training Materials posted in the Sourcing Library and online q MFMP Team (My. Florida. Market. Place@dms. myflorida. com) q MFMP Customer Service Desk (buyerhelp@myfloridamarketplace. com) q Attend Sourcing 3. 0 Office Hour Sessions! (see other side of this document for details) 1
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