Welcome to Junior Parent Night January 10 2008

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Welcome to… Junior Parent Night January 10, 2008 7: 00 -8: 30 pm Mrs.

Welcome to… Junior Parent Night January 10, 2008 7: 00 -8: 30 pm Mrs. Patricia Prinzi A- L Mrs. Rae Carson M-Z Mr. Thomas Jones, Assistant Principal

Options after High School Employment Military Service Specialized Schools Community College Technical Institutes Apprentice

Options after High School Employment Military Service Specialized Schools Community College Technical Institutes Apprentice Programs Remember: decision making is a PROCESS, not an event! Universities

Your College Search …a presentation by the Rush-Henrietta Senior High School Counseling Center

Your College Search …a presentation by the Rush-Henrietta Senior High School Counseling Center

The most important factors in College Planning • • • Recognize your strengths and

The most important factors in College Planning • • • Recognize your strengths and weaknesses Analyze your interests Identify your values Learn about your alternatives Consider ALL colleges of interest, regardless of financial cost Take responsibility for your future

Sophomore Year College & Career Exploration & Planning

Sophomore Year College & Career Exploration & Planning

 • Introduction to College and Career Center – Shadowing – Explorer posts –

• Introduction to College and Career Center – Shadowing – Explorer posts – Internships – Taste of College Program – Value of volunteering – Career reference guides – College catalogs – Guidance Direct software

Sophomore Year, cont. • Guidance Direct classroom sessions – Interest Inventory – Work Importance

Sophomore Year, cont. • Guidance Direct classroom sessions – Interest Inventory – Work Importance Locator (values) – Resume • Meetings with college representatives • Course selection and future planning with counselor and parents • College Fairs

Junior Year College & Career Exploration & Planning

Junior Year College & Career Exploration & Planning

October • PSAT test administration • Meetings with college representatives • Begin family discussions

October • PSAT test administration • Meetings with college representatives • Begin family discussions regarding specific criteria for universities and colleges

Family Discussion Topics • • Majors and educational programs Type of school and degrees

Family Discussion Topics • • Majors and educational programs Type of school and degrees offered Location and size Costs and financial aid Special programs Academic reputation Extracurricular activities

November • Counselor-led classroom discussions • • regarding college search Guidance Direct college search

November • Counselor-led classroom discussions • • regarding college search Guidance Direct college search activity Preparing for College workbook distribution College and Career Center resource review Collect college information

Collect Information • College catalogs, information bulletins, • • mailings and websites College representatives

Collect Information • College catalogs, information bulletins, • • mailings and websites College representatives and fairs Parents, students, and alumni School counselors and teachers Professionals in the field Friends and neighbors Directories and computerized information systems College planning section of your ACT and SAT score reports

December • Course selection and future planning with • • • counselor and parents

December • Course selection and future planning with • • • counselor and parents PSAT interpretation Monitor grades, prepare for midterms Begin preparation for SAT Reasoning and ACT

Preparing for Assessments: ACT, SAT Reasoning, SAT Subject, TOEFL • Best Preparation is a

Preparing for Assessments: ACT, SAT Reasoning, SAT Subject, TOEFL • Best Preparation is a rigorous high school • • • curriculum Become familiar with the test content and format by quizzing from prior exams Know appropriate test-taking strategies See your counselor for test preparation information or visit websites – WWW. COLLEGEBOARD. ORG – WWW. ACT. ORG

Standardized Tests Ø SAT Reasoning: measures aptitude in verbal and numerical reasoning and writing

Standardized Tests Ø SAT Reasoning: measures aptitude in verbal and numerical reasoning and writing ability in standard English. We recommend taking this test no more than 3 times. We must send scores from each attempt. Ø ACT: measures achievement in math, reading, and natural science reasoning, and problem solving. We recommend this to be taken in addition to the SAT Reasoning. Ø SAT Subject: measures knowledge in a specific content area. Only required by selective colleges, we recommend a student consider taking one (of the approximate 23) if they have significant expertise. A high score can add to an applicant’s credentials. Refer to Preparing for College workbook for scoring information.

January • Register for standardized tests • Scheduling - review 12 th grade required

January • Register for standardized tests • Scheduling - review 12 th grade required courses - link high school electives to college major and career path - 4 th year of science and math strongly encouraged - early release/late arrival “privilege” may be a temptation, but resist! - take an academically challenging course load • Research and compare colleges

Research and Compare Colleges • Prepare a college • • comparison checklist Weigh advantages

Research and Compare Colleges • Prepare a college • • comparison checklist Weigh advantages and disadvantages Contact the admissions office Schedule appointments for your campus visits Be prepared with questions

February • Discuss definitive course selections • Investigate process for Military Academies • Begin

February • Discuss definitive course selections • Investigate process for Military Academies • Begin campus visits over break

Checklist for a campus visit • Take a tour • Talk with students, •

Checklist for a campus visit • Take a tour • Talk with students, • • faculty Investigate your academic program Meet with an admissions counselor Verify admissions requirements Tour the town • Meet with a financial • • aid officer Determine actual costs Inquire about a class visit Discuss your chances for success regarding admission, graduation, job placement Investigate extracurricular options

March & April • Visit College & Career Center • Research scholarship and summer

March & April • Visit College & Career Center • Research scholarship and summer enrichment • • • opportunities in Counseling Connection Registration for SAT Reasoning, Subject exams April 4 th & 5 th - Attend NACAC College Fair at Riverside Convention Center Plan campus visits for spring break

May & June • • • Attend college nights and fairs Continue to refine

May & June • • • Attend college nights and fairs Continue to refine list of priorities/colleges Students begin collection of documents – – – Letters of recommendation Letters of disclosure Parent “brag sheet” Applications Make ROTC & Academy connections • Take SAT Reasoning, SAT Subject, ACT • Prepare for final exams

Application Process and Procedures • Senior Appointment: what is it? – Graduation Requirements –

Application Process and Procedures • Senior Appointment: what is it? – Graduation Requirements – Parent Brag Sheet – Activity Resume – Senior Interview • Obtain college applications: how? • Turn in complete applications: when?

 • • Senior Summary Letters Reporting standardized test scores Be aware of fees

• • Senior Summary Letters Reporting standardized test scores Be aware of fees & deadlines! Allow 10 business days for processing applications Report all on-line applications to Counseling Center Report any concerns promptly Transcript Release Form

Transcript Release Form

Transcript Release Form

July & August • Volunteer, leadership, enrichment, community • • and college experiences Continue

July & August • Volunteer, leadership, enrichment, community • • and college experiences Continue to update Resume Visit college campuses Complete NCAA form, if required (on-line) Work on college essays

Senior Year … hit the ground running!

Senior Year … hit the ground running!

September & October • Set up senior appointment – Graduation status letter – Individual

September & October • Set up senior appointment – Graduation status letter – Individual circumstances • Early Decision • Letter of disclosure • Teacher letters of recommendation • Standardized testing • Auditions – set dates and times

September & October, con’t. • Request applications - one “reach” school - three obtainable

September & October, con’t. • Request applications - one “reach” school - three obtainable schools - one “safety” school • Re-take SAT or ACT to improve scores • Read Counseling Connection and Grapevine • • consistently for opportunities Meet with college admissions representatives to build connections Proofread application essays with English teachers and counselors

November • Submit college applications to • • Counseling Center before Thanksgiving break Applications

November • Submit college applications to • • Counseling Center before Thanksgiving break Applications with Jan. 1, 2009 deadlines must be handed in by Dec. 1, 2008 Continue reading Counseling Connection for opportunities

December • • • Take SAT Subject test if necessary Complete Financial Aid Profile,

December • • • Take SAT Subject test if necessary Complete Financial Aid Profile, if required Attend Financial Aid Night for senior parents Obtain FAFSA (on-line) Begin collecting tax information for mailing of FAFSA after Jan. 1

Determine your financial plan • Calculate institutional costs – Investigate all possible resources •

Determine your financial plan • Calculate institutional costs – Investigate all possible resources • family members • savings • summer earnings • financial aid (includes scholarships, grants, loans, work study) – Estimate your family contribution (EFC) – Attend Financial Aid Night (12/08) $

January • Complete and mail FAFSA and any additional • • • forms required

January • Complete and mail FAFSA and any additional • • • forms required by colleges Apply for NYS Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) if you are planning on attending a NYS college or university Submit portfolios, musical tapes or other supplements to application Prepare for mid-year exams

February & March • Request mid-year grades be sent to colleges to • •

February & March • Request mid-year grades be sent to colleges to • • which you have applied Continue to investigate and apply for scholarships and other financial aid Continue to visit colleges

April • Maintain your grades, as admissions will • • periodically check academic progress

April • Maintain your grades, as admissions will • • periodically check academic progress Show initiative and be assertive Talk as a family & with counselors & college representatives… ask questions! Visit or revisit college campuses Make a final decision

May 1, 2009 • Select a college that meets your needs and preferences •

May 1, 2009 • Select a college that meets your needs and preferences • Send one deposit • Follow up with colleges to which you have applied • Good luck on AP exams!

June 2009 • Inform your counselor about • • • your final destination Request

June 2009 • Inform your counselor about • • • your final destination Request that final transcript be sent to the college you will attend Prepare for final exams Return all required papers to colleges by the deadlines Senior Ball! Happy Graduation!!!

Questions? Mrs. Patricia Prinzi 359 -5229 pprinzi@rhnet. org Mrs. Rae Carson 359 -5226 rcarson@rhnet.

Questions? Mrs. Patricia Prinzi 359 -5229 pprinzi@rhnet. org Mrs. Rae Carson 359 -5226 rcarson@rhnet. org Resources: www. rhnet. org/ccc