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OUTLINING Three main points: 1. Generalization of strong and weak forms 2. Cases using

OUTLINING Three main points: 1. Generalization of strong and weak forms 2. Cases using strong forms 3. Cases using weak forms Exercises

I. GENERALIZATION OF STRONG AND WEAK FORMS - The strong form is used only

I. GENERALIZATION OF STRONG AND WEAK FORMS - The strong form is used only when the word is stressed. E. g. When it’s the last word. - The weak form is the usual pronunciation. It’s used when the word is unstressed.

II. CASES USING STRONG FORMS 1. For many weak-form words occuring at the end

II. CASES USING STRONG FORMS 1. For many weak-form words occuring at the end of a sentence. E. g. “I’m fond of chips” aim ‘fɒnd әv ‘tʃips “Chips are what I’m fond of” ‘tʃips ә ‘wɒt aim ‘fɒnd ɒv. 2. When a weak-form word is being contrasted with another word. E. g. “The letter’s from him, not to him” ðә ‘letәz ‘frɒm im nɒt ‘tu: im.

II. CASES USING STRONG FORMS 3. When a weak-form word is given stress for

II. CASES USING STRONG FORMS 3. When a weak-form word is given stress for the purpose of emphasis. E. g. “You must give me more money” ju ‘mᴧst ‘giv mi ‘mͻ: ‘mᴧni. 4. When a weak-form word is being “cited” or “quoted”. E. g. “You shouldn’t put “and” at the end of a sentence” ju ʃʊ ‘dnt pʊt ᴂnd әt ði ‘end әf ә’sentәns

III. CASES USING WEAK FORMS Which words have weak forms? - Articles - Conjunctions

III. CASES USING WEAK FORMS Which words have weak forms? - Articles - Conjunctions - Prepositions - Auxiliary verb - Modal verbs - Pronouns - Possessive adjectives - Objects ‘gra mm wor ar’ ds

III. CASES USING WEAK FORMS 1. Articles Weak form Examples Transcriptions The ðә Shut

III. CASES USING WEAK FORMS 1. Articles Weak form Examples Transcriptions The ðә Shut the door ‘ʃᴧt ðә ‘dͻ: A ә Read a book ‘rid ә bʊk An әn Eat an apple ‘i: t әn ᴂpl

III. CASES USING WEAK FORMS 2. Conjunctions Weak form Examples Transcriptions And әnd; әn;

III. CASES USING WEAK FORMS 2. Conjunctions Weak form Examples Transcriptions And әnd; әn; n Come and see ‘kᴧm әn ‘si But bәt It’s good but expensive its ‘gʊd bәt iks’pensiv

3. III. CASES USING WEAK FORMS Prepositions Weak form Examples Transcriptions At әt I’ll

3. III. CASES USING WEAK FORMS Prepositions Weak form Examples Transcriptions At әt I’ll see you at lunch ail ‘si: ju әt ‘lᴧntʃ For fә Thanks for asking ‘θᴂƞks fә ‘a: skiƞ From frәm I’m home from work aim ‘hәʊm frәm ‘wз: k Of әv Most of all mәʊst әv ᴐ: l To tә Try to stop ‘trai tә stɒp As әz As much as possible әz ‘mᴧtʃ әz ‘pɒsibᶅ Than ðәn Better than ever ‘betә ðәn ‘evә

III. CASES USING WEAK FORMS 4. Auxiliary verb Aux. verbs Weak form Examples Transcriptions

III. CASES USING WEAK FORMS 4. Auxiliary verb Aux. verbs Weak form Examples Transcriptions Have; Has; Had әv; әz; әd Which have/has/had you seen? ‘witʃ әv/әz/әd ju si: n? Do dә Why do they like it? ‘wai dә ðei ‘laik it? Does dәz When does it arrive? ‘wen dәz it ә’raiv? Am әm Here are the plates. ‘hiәr ә ðә ‘pleits. Are әr The coasts are in there ðә ‘kәʊts әr in ðeә. Was wәz He was here a minute ago. hi wәz ‘hiәr ә ‘minit ә’gәʊ Were wә The papers were late. ðә ‘peipәz wә ‘leit

III. CASES USING WEAK FORMS 5. Modal verbs Weak forms Examples Transcriptions Can kәn

III. CASES USING WEAK FORMS 5. Modal verbs Weak forms Examples Transcriptions Can kәn They can wait ðei kәn ‘weit Could kәd He could do it ‘hi: kәd ‘du: it Shall ʃәl or ʃᶅ We shall need to hurry ‘wi ʃᶅ ‘ni: d tә ‘hᴧri Should ʃәd I should forget it ‘ai ʃәd fә’get it Must mәs (before consonants) You must try harder ju mәs ‘trai ‘ha: dә mәst (before vowels) He must eat more hi mәst ‘i: t ‘mͻ:

III. CASES USING WEAK FORMS 6. Pronouns Weak forms Examples Phonetics She ʃi Why

III. CASES USING WEAK FORMS 6. Pronouns Weak forms Examples Phonetics She ʃi Why did she read it? ‘wai did ʃi ‘ri: d it? He i Which did he choose? ‘witʃ did i ‘tʃu: z? We wi How can we get there? ‘hәʊ kәn wi ‘get ðeә? You ju What do you think? ‘wɒt dә ju θiƞk?

III. CASES USING WEAK FORMS 7. Possessive adjectives Weak form Examples Transcriptions His iz

III. CASES USING WEAK FORMS 7. Possessive adjectives Weak form Examples Transcriptions His iz Take his name ‘teik iz neim Her ә (before consonants) ә r(before vowels) I like her voice Take her address ai ‘laik ә vͻis ‘teik әr ә’dres Your jә(before consonants) jәr (before vowels) Take your time On your own teik jә taim ɒn jәr әʊn

III. CASES USING WEAK FORMS 8. Objects Weak forms Examples Transcriptions Him im Leave

III. CASES USING WEAK FORMS 8. Objects Weak forms Examples Transcriptions Him im Leave him alone ‘li: v im ә’lәʊn Her ә (hә when sentence-initial) Ask her to come ‘a: sk ә tә ‘kᴧm Them ðәm Leave them here ‘li: v ðәm ‘hiә Us әs Write us a letter ‘rait әs ә ‘letәr

IV. CONCLUSION -Knowing when to use strong forms and weak forms is very important

IV. CONCLUSION -Knowing when to use strong forms and weak forms is very important to foreign learners of English. -Using weak forms in English depends on the purpose of each speaker.

EXERCISES 1. Look at the following passage and find out all the weak forms.

EXERCISES 1. Look at the following passage and find out all the weak forms. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way-in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.

EXERCISES 1. Look at the following passage and find out all the weak forms.

EXERCISES 1. Look at the following passage and find out all the weak forms. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way-in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.

EXERCISES 1. Look at the following passage and find out all the weak forms.

EXERCISES 1. Look at the following passage and find out all the weak forms. ɪt wәs thә best of times, ɪt wәs thә worst әf times, ɪt wәs thә age әf wisdom, ɪt wәs thә age әf foolishness, ɪt wәs thә epoch әf belief, ɪt wәs thә epoch әf incredulity, ɪt wәs thә season әf Light, ɪt wәs thә season әf Darkness, ɪt wәs thә spring әf hope, ɪt wәs thә winter әf despair, we had everything before әs, we had nothing before әs, wɪ wә all going direct tә Heaven, wɪ wә all going direct thɪ other way -ɪn short thә period wәs so far like thә present period, thәt some of its noisiest authorities insisted on ɪts being received, fә good ә fә evil, ɪn thә superlative degree әf comparison only.

EXERCISES 2. In the following sentences, the transcription for the weak form words is

EXERCISES 2. In the following sentences, the transcription for the weak form words is left in blanks, taking care to use the appropriate form. a. I want her to park that car over there. ai wɒnt pa: k ka: r әʊvә b. Of all the proposals, the one that you made is the silliest. ͻl prәpәʊzlz wᴧn meɪd c. Jane and Bill could have driven them to and from the party. ʤein bil drɪvәn pa: ty d. To come to the point, what shall we do for the rest of the week? kᴧm pͻɪnt wɒt rest wi: k e. Has anyone got an idea where it came from? enɪwᴧn gɒt aɪdɪә weәr ɪt keɪm

EXERCISES 2. In the following sentences, the transcription for the weak form words is

EXERCISES 2. In the following sentences, the transcription for the weak form words is left in blanks, taking care to use the appropriate form. a. I want her to park that car over there. ai wɒnt ә tә pa: k ðәt ka: r әʊvә ðeә b. Of all the proposals, the one that you made is the silliest. әv ͻl ðә prәpәʊzlz ðә wᴧn ðәt ju meɪd ɪz ðә c. Jane and Bill could have driven them to and from the party. ʤein әn bɪl kәd әv drɪvәn ðәm tu: әn frɒm ðә pa: ty d. To come to the point, what shall we do for the rest of the week? tә kᴧm tә ðә pͻɪnt wɒt ʃәl wɪ dә fә ðә rest әv ðә wi: k e. Has anyone got an idea where it came from? hәz enɪwᴧn gɒt әn aɪdɪә weәr ɪt keɪm frɒm