Vigorous writing is concise A sentence should contain

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“Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts. This requires not that the writer make all his sentences short, or that he avoid all detail and treat his subjects only in outline, but that he make every word tell. ” ~Strunk


Redundant Word Pairs � Absolutely essential � Actual facts � Advance warning � Added bonus � All-time record � Assembled together � Bald-headed � Blend together � Careful scrutiny � Circulate around � Hollow tube � Close proximity � Hurry up � Connect together � I personally � Could possibly � Kneel down � Different kinds � Lag behind � End result � Little baby � Exact same � Local residents � Fellow classmates � Now pending � Final outcome � Old adage � Fuse together � Over exaggerate � Heat up � Protest against

Redundant Phrases �Biography of his life �Classify into groups �Depreciate in value �Disappear from sight �Drowned to death �Each and every �First and foremost �Full to capacity �Live studio audience �Meet each other �Nostalgia for the past �Period of time �Postpone until later �Red in color �Round in shape �Shiny in appearance �Small in size �Tall in stature �Vacillate back and forth �Whether or not

Redundant Acronym-Word Combos �A. M. in the morning �ATM machine �GOP party �PIN number �Please RSVP �RAM memory �UPC code �You only YOLO once


Wordiness Wordy sentences use more words than necessary to convey the intended meaning. Remember, this does not mean one should avoid qualifying, descriptive, or memorable language if these help convey meaning.

Aim for Conciseness Sentences that could be considered by many to be concise are the kind of sentences that are not only thorough but they are also brief. Concise sentences are thorough but brief.

Advantages of Brevity What do you suppose are some of the advantages (that you can think of) of writing the things that you attempt to compose in a style that is wordy, or, in other words, has more words than necessary to say the thing you mean to say? What are the advantages of writing concisely?

Strategies for Concise Writing 1. Avoid redundant word pairs and phrases, but also avoid repetitive ideas. The exception to this rule is when you use restate an idea for emphasis or clarity. Often, good writers will restate or reframe a difficult-to-grasp term or concept in an easier-to-grasp or more memorable way.

Strategies for Concise Writing 2. Write in active voice since passive voice is typically more wordy. Jim threw the ball. The ball was thrown by Jim.

Strategies for Concise Writing 3. Avoid expletive construction. There were… There are… There was… It is… It was…

Strategies for Concise Writing It was not until the ninth inning that we finally had the leading score. (14) REVISED TO ELIMINATE EXPLETIVE CONSTRUCTION. . . �We finally had the leading score, but not until the ninth inning. (12) �In the ninth inning, we finally had the leading score. (10). . . AND WORDINESS �We finally led in the ninth inning. (7)

Strategies for Concise Writing 4. Identify prepositional phrases to see if they can be re-arranged for brevity. the man of importance = the important man the employees at the bank = the bank employees the price for the book = the book’s price the dogs in the neighborhood = the neighborhood dogs

Strategies for Concise Writing In short, “Omit needless words. ” ~ Strunk

Let’s Practice Revising There are many farmers in the area who are planning to attend the meeting, which is scheduled for next Friday. (20)

Let’s Practice Revising Area farmers plan to attend Friday’s meeting. (We reduced a 20 -word sentence to 7 words without changing the meaning, tone, or intent of the sentence. )

Let’s Practice Revising Some people believe in capital punishment, while other people are against it; there a wide variety of many differing opinions on this subject. (24)

Let’s Practice Revising Capital punishment is a contested subject. (6) OR Some people believe in capital punishment. (6) OR Capital punishment invokes debate. (4)

“Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts. This requires not that the writer make all his sentences short, or that he avoid all detail and treat his subjects only in outline, but that he make every word tell. ” ~Strunk