Using APA Format Using APA Format Using APA

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Using APA Format

Using APA Format

Using APA Format

Using APA Format

Using APA Format Why do I need to use a format?

Using APA Format Why do I need to use a format?

Using APA Format Why do I need to use a format? • It creates

Using APA Format Why do I need to use a format? • It creates consistency—between assignments, classes, and schools.

Using APA Format Why do I need to use a format? • It creates

Using APA Format Why do I need to use a format? • It creates consistency—between assignments, classes, and schools. • It is a matter of convenience—you don’t have to create your own method of documentation.

Using APA Format Why do I need to use a format? • It creates

Using APA Format Why do I need to use a format? • It creates consistency—between assignments, classes, and schools. • It is a matter of convenience—you don’t have to create your own method of documentation. • It helps you connect with the academic community.

Using APA Format Why do I need to use a format? • It creates

Using APA Format Why do I need to use a format? • It creates consistency—between assignments, classes, and schools. • It is a matter of convenience—you don’t have to create your own method of documentation. • It helps you connect with the academic community. • It is expected that you will use one.

Using APA Format Why do I need to use a format? • It creates

Using APA Format Why do I need to use a format? • It creates consistency—between assignments, classes, and schools. • It is a matter of convenience—you don’t have to create your own method of documentation. • It helps you connect with the academic community. • It is expected that you will use one. How important is using the format?

Using APA Format Why do I need to use a format? • It creates

Using APA Format Why do I need to use a format? • It creates consistency—between assignments, classes, and schools. • It is a matter of convenience—you don’t have to create your own method of documentation. • It helps you connect with the academic community. • It is expected that you will use one. How important is using the format? • It shows you take the assignment seriously.

Using APA Format Why do I need to use a format? • It creates

Using APA Format Why do I need to use a format? • It creates consistency—between assignments, classes, and schools. • It is a matter of convenience—you don’t have to create your own method of documentation. • It helps you connect with the academic community. • It is expected that you will use one. How important is using the format? • It shows you take the assignment seriously. • It shows you are capable of performing at this level.

Using APA Format What is APA format?

Using APA Format What is APA format?

Using APA Format What is APA format? • APA = American Psychological Association

Using APA Format What is APA format? • APA = American Psychological Association

Using APA Format What is APA format? • APA = American Psychological Association •

Using APA Format What is APA format? • APA = American Psychological Association • APA is a documentation format used in the social sciences. (There are other formats used in the other disciplines, such as MLA for the humanities. )

Using APA Format What is APA format? • APA = American Psychological Association •

Using APA Format What is APA format? • APA = American Psychological Association • APA is a documentation format used in the social sciences. (There are other formats used in the other disciplines, such as MLA for the humanities. ) • APA requires a particular look for each page.

Using APA Format What is APA format? • APA = American Psychological Association •

Using APA Format What is APA format? • APA = American Psychological Association • APA is a documentation format used in the social sciences. (There are other formats used in the other disciplines, such as MLA for the humanities. ) • APA requires a particular look for each page. • APA also requires careful documentation of all sources used in writing a paper.

Using APA Format Requirements for page format:

Using APA Format Requirements for page format:

Using APA Format Requirements for page format: All Pages

Using APA Format Requirements for page format: All Pages

Using APA Format Requirements for page format: All Pages • typed

Using APA Format Requirements for page format: All Pages • typed

Using APA Format Requirements for page format: All Pages • typed • double-spaced

Using APA Format Requirements for page format: All Pages • typed • double-spaced

Using APA Format Requirements for page format: All Pages • typed • double-spaced •

Using APA Format Requirements for page format: All Pages • typed • double-spaced • easy-to-read font (Times New Roman / 12 pt. )

Using APA Format Requirements for page format: All Pages • typed • double-spaced •

Using APA Format Requirements for page format: All Pages • typed • double-spaced • easy-to-read font (Times New Roman / 12 pt. ) • 1 inch margins

Using APA Format Requirements for page format: All Pages • typed • double-spaced •

Using APA Format Requirements for page format: All Pages • typed • double-spaced • easy-to-read font (Times New Roman / 12 pt. ) • 1 inch margins • Running Head: shortened version of paper’s title (upper left) and page number (upper right)

Using APA Format 4

Using APA Format 4

Using APA Format Cover Page

Using APA Format Cover Page

Using APA Format Cover Page • add “Running head: ” to the running head

Using APA Format Cover Page • add “Running head: ” to the running head

Using APA Format Cover Page • add “Running head: ” to the running head

Using APA Format Cover Page • add “Running head: ” to the running head • paper’s title (centered)

Using APA Format Cover Page • add “Running head: ” to the running head

Using APA Format Cover Page • add “Running head: ” to the running head • paper’s title (centered) • identification (double-spaced/centered): student’s name school’s name (e. g. William Jessup University)

Using APA Format Running head: SPECTATOR CHRISTIANITY Kierkegaard and Spectator Christianity Joe Student William

Using APA Format Running head: SPECTATOR CHRISTIANITY Kierkegaard and Spectator Christianity Joe Student William Jessup University

Using APA Format Abstract Page (if required)

Using APA Format Abstract Page (if required)

Using APA Format Abstract Page (if required) • Abstract heading (centered)

Using APA Format Abstract Page (if required) • Abstract heading (centered)

Using APA Format Abstract Page (if required) • Abstract heading (centered) • Abstract: A

Using APA Format Abstract Page (if required) • Abstract heading (centered) • Abstract: A concise summary of your paper that introduces your topic and major points.

Using APA Format

Using APA Format

Using APA Format List of References Page

Using APA Format List of References Page

Using APA Format List of References Page • References heading (centered)

Using APA Format List of References Page • References heading (centered)

Using APA Format List of References Page • References heading (centered) • entries in

Using APA Format List of References Page • References heading (centered) • entries in alphabetical order

Using APA Format List of References Page • References heading (centered) • entries in

Using APA Format List of References Page • References heading (centered) • entries in alphabetical order • second and subsequent lines of each entry indented

Using APA Format

Using APA Format

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources:

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources:

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources: Citations

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources: Citations

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources: Citations • Citations are a shorthand

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources: Citations • Citations are a shorthand reference.

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources: Citations • Citations are a shorthand

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources: Citations • Citations are a shorthand reference. • APA requires parenthetical (or in-text) citations.

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources: Citations • Citations are a shorthand

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources: Citations • Citations are a shorthand reference. • APA requires parenthetical (or in-text) citations. • APA does not use footnotes or endnotes.

Using APA Format For example: In exploring the origin and nature of human knowledge,

Using APA Format For example: In exploring the origin and nature of human knowledge, Kant reminded us that “all our knowledge begins with experience” (Kant, 1998, p. 101). parenthetical citation

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources: Citations • Citations are a shorthand

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources: Citations • Citations are a shorthand reference. • APA requires parenthetical (or in-text) citations. • APA does not use footnotes or endnotes. • Citations should be placed at the end of the sentence (even if your quoted material ends in the middle of your sentence).

Using APA Format For example: Randall Fitzgerald pointed out in The Hundred -Year Lie

Using APA Format For example: Randall Fitzgerald pointed out in The Hundred -Year Lie that “the synthetic revolution is a by-product of activities within three sectors of the U. S. economy, ” the processed food, the pharmaceutical, and the chemical industries (Fitzgerald, 2004, p. 6). placed at end of sentence

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources: Citations • Citations are a shorthand

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources: Citations • Citations are a shorthand reference. • APA requires parenthetical (or in-text) citations. • APA does not use footnotes or endnotes. • Citations should be placed at the end of the sentence (even if your quoted material ends in the middle of your sentence). • You should always include a period after the citation (unless it is a block quotation).

Using APA Format For example: Jiddu Krishnamurti began his 1981 essay on education by

Using APA Format For example: Jiddu Krishnamurti began his 1981 essay on education by asking, “Now, what is the significance of life? ” (Krishnamurti, 1984, p. 11). He goes on to say that, if we are being educated merely to achieve distinction or secure a better job, “our lives will be shallow and empty” (p. 14). period after citations

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources: Citations • The information you need

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources: Citations • The information you need to include in your citation depends on the type of source you are using. (Please refer to a handbook or The OWL at Purdue for details. )

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources:

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources:

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources: List of References Page

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources: List of References Page

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources: List of References Page • The

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources: List of References Page • The list of references page is a register of all sources used in the paper.

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources: List of References Page • The

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources: List of References Page • The list of references page is a register of all sources used in the paper. • Always include it as a separate page.

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources: List of References Page • The

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources: List of References Page • The list of references page is a register of all sources used in the paper. • Always include it as a separate page. • The page should be numbered.

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources: List of References Page • The

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources: List of References Page • The list of references page is a register of all sources used in the paper. • Always include it as a separate page. • The page should be numbered. • Include a References heading (centered).

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources: List of References Page • The

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources: List of References Page • The list of references page is a register of all sources used in the paper. • Always include it as a separate page. • The page should be numbered. • Include a References heading (centered). • The page should be double-spaced.

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources: List of References Page • The

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources: List of References Page • The list of references page is a register of all sources used in the paper. • Always include it as a separate page. • The page should be numbered. • Include a References heading (centered). • The page should be double-spaced. • The second and subsequent lines of each entry should be indented.

Using APA Format For example: Kant, I. (1999). Of the difference between pure and

Using APA Format For example: Kant, I. (1999). Of the difference between pure and empirical knowledge. In L. Black (Ed. ), 18 th indent century philosophy (pp. 87 -103). New York: The Free Press

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources: List of References Page • Special

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources: List of References Page • Special Note on Italics: Italicize the titles of books, periodicals, reports, and websites, but do not italicize (or use quotation marks around) the titles of articles.

Using APA Format For example: title of article not italicized Lidz, F. (2013, June).

Using APA Format For example: title of article not italicized Lidz, F. (2013, June). America’s oldest sweet shop gets a hipster makeover. Smithsonian, 33 -36. title of magazine italicized

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources: List of References Page • Special

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources: List of References Page • Special Note on Italics: Italicize the titles of books, periodicals, reports, and websites, but do not italicize (or use quotation marks around) the titles of articles. • Special Note on Capitalization: With the titles of books, reports, articles, and on-line documents, capitalize only the first word of the title (and subtitle) and any proper nouns. Titles of periodicals are capitalized in the standard method.

Using APA Format For example: first word of article title capitalized Lidz, F. (2013,

Using APA Format For example: first word of article title capitalized Lidz, F. (2013, June). America’s oldest sweet shop gets a hipster makeover. Smithsonian, 33 -36. title of magazine capitalized

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources: List of References Page • The

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources: List of References Page • The information needed for each entry depends on the type of source being used. (Please refer to a handbook or The OWL at Purdue for details. )

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources: List of References Page • The

Using APA Format Requirements for documentation of sources: List of References Page • The information needed for each entry depends on the type of source being used. (Please refer to a handbook or The OWL at Purdue for details. ) • You can also use a format generator, like Knight Cite: http: //www. calvin. edu/library/knightcite/index. php