United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Environmental

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United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Environmental Information Enterprise Architecture Program December 2007 EA Working Group Session December 13, 2007 0

Agenda Today’s session will focus on upcoming transition planning, EA performance assessment, and ongoing enterprise data architecture activities 9: 00 a. m. Welcome & Introductions L. Watkins End of Year EAWG Social with Refreshments 9: 30 a. m. Transition Strategy and Sequencing Plan J. Sullivan 10: 15 a. m. EA Performance and Value Measurement B. Creswick 10: 30 a. m. Enterprise Data Architecture Program Update K. Kirby 10: 45 a. m. Recap of OEI National Meeting J. Sullivan 11: 00 a. m. Adjourn 1

EPA Transition Strategy and Sequencing Plan Historical Perspective and Analysis Historically, EPA’s Transition Strategy and Sequencing Plan has centered on IT Investments and technology architecture Ø EPA structured these products to help manage system development efforts and inform future investment decisions. As an overview, they included: • • A listing of milestones by IT investment (CPIC Majors and Lites) Identification of Enterprise Tools / Services associated with each investment milestone Projected and actual completion dates for investment milestones Alignment of IT investments to EPA architectural segments Ø Criteria for which IT investments to include consisted of: • • Mission Criticality External Use/Public Access Regulatory/Compliance-Related PMA-Associated Registry Dependent System Life Cycle Phase Expected Data Sharing Sample Inclusions/ Exclusions 2

EPA Transition Strategy and Sequencing Plan: Moving towards a Business-Focused Transition Approach Source: FEA Practice Guidance, November 2007 http: //www. whitehouse. gov/omb/egov/documents/ FEA_Practice_Guidance_Nov_2007. pdf 3

EPA Transition Strategy and Sequencing Plan Leveraging Architecture Intelligence Your support and our joint activities this past year have positioned the Agency to mature toward a business-focused approach EA Refresh Business Area Transformation Frameworks READ Record (& CPIC) Performance Measurement Framework Business Model Data Model Systems Interface Diagram Legacy ART/Updated Import 4

EPA Transition Strategy and Sequencing Plan Showing a line of sight EPA h a s c o n t a i n sc h a s h a Transformatios n Objective Segment o n t a i n s Business Program h a Trasformations Objective h a s Business Program ac hie ve d thr ac ou hie gh ve d ac thr hie ou ve gh d thr ac ou hie gh ve d thr ou gh Business Project IT Project 5

EA Performance and Value Measurement Overview EA value measurement centered on documenting EA value to Agency decision-makers and identifying opportunities to improve EA support Ø Goals of EA value measurement include: • • • Demonstrating the value of the Agency EA program Highlighting the influence of EA on strategic and operational decisions Identifying opportunities to improve EA products and services Justifying the allocation of agency resources to the development and use of architectural products Fulfilling opportunities to improve EA products and services as well as enhance customer service Ø One of the primary challenges of EA value measurement is to demonstrate a cause-andeffect relationship between actions within the EA program and improvements to Agency performance 6

EA Performance and Value Measurement Perspective-Based Performance Assessment EPA’s EA Value Measurement Framework embraces a comprehensive approach to assess performance from three perspectives 7

EA Performance and Value Measurement EA Value Measurement Framework We are establishing an EA Value Measurement Framework to identify performance indicators and metrics under each perspective 8

The Role of Data Architecture Kevin Kirby, Data Architect Presentation Highlights Ø Ø Ø EPA Enterprise Architecture Conceptual Framing Business Drivers of Data Architecture DAMA’s Data Management Functions FEA’s Data Reference Model (DRM) DRM’s Data Strategy Framework Data Architecture: Next. Presentation Steps Highlights 9

EPA’s Enterprise Architecture 10

Enterprise Architecture Segments Ø Segment priorities beginning in FY 06 are highlighted with an asteric (*) Ø EPA selected Records Management as its FY 07 priority segment Core Mission Area Segment Enterprise Service Segment Business Service Segment Partner Views 11

Business Priorities Drive Data Architecture 12

What Information is needed to support Business Functions? Place-based Information Source Information Ambient Conditions Ecological/ Human Health Indicators Facility Emissions Performance and Progress Indicator and Trend Data Interpretive Information 13

Data Management Functions Unstructured Data Management Data Quality Improvement Reference & Master Data Management Data Architecture, Analysis & Design Data Stewardship, Strategy & Governance Data Warehousing & Business Intelligence Database Administration Data Security Management Metadata Management 14

FEA Data Reference Model How do I exchange Data? Query Points Data Sharing Exchange Packages Registries How do I Find access Data What does the Data Mean? Meta. Data Description Data Context Taxonomies 15

Data Strategy Framework Business & Data Goals drive Governance The Rule: All 3 pillars are required for an effective data strategy. Data Strategy Data Architecture Information Sharing/Exchange (Structure) (Services) Goals drive; governance controls; structure defines; and services enable data strategy. 16

Next Steps in Developing a Data Management Strategy Ø Define Communities of Interest around core data sharing Ø Develop vision and Goals for Enterprise Data Architecture Ø Develop Communication Outreach Materials Ø Define / Form a Data Advisory Committee (DAC) - Develop DAC Vision document - Develop DAC Charter Ø Define / Publish an Enterprise Data Management Strategy 17

Data Architecture Contacts John Sullivan Chief Architect US EPA/OEI 202 566 -0328 sullivan. john@epa. gov Kevin Kirby Data Architect US EPA/OEI 202 566 -1656 kirby. kevin@epa. gov 18

Contact Information If you have any questions about the information presented today please contact one of the following individuals John Sullivan EPA Chief Architect 202. 566. 0328 (office) sullivan. john@epa. gov Joanna Hugney PPC EA Program Manager 703. 748. 7094 (office) jhugney@ppc. com 19
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