Unit 2 Working in Health and Social Care

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Unit 2: Working in Health and Social Care Starter: List as many different people as you can think of with specific needs that may require health and social care support. Holy Cross College Hospital May 2018 NHS Foundation Trust www. england. nhs. uk

Welcome! • Over the next few weeks during your placement here, you will be learning all about your new role as a nurse. • You will explore a wide range of roles and see how they work together to ensure that the individual needs of vulnerable people are met. • You will learn how standards are set and monitored and how these impact on those working in this sector. Service Job Roles Organisations users www. england. nhs. uk Regulation and legislation

Our philosophy of care… • In your induction packs, read through the ‘philosophy of care’ section. • Answer the following question: As a healthcare professional, which parts of this philosophy stand out to you most and why? www. england. nhs. uk

Our service users • The people you will be working with have a variety of specific needs. • First of all, we want you to be able to identify what their specific needs might be, so that you can begin to determine how you can best support them. • There are 5 main ‘groups’ of people with specific needs that you will meet whilst you are here. www. england. nhs. uk

1. Physical and mental ill health • When supporting people with physical and mental ill health, a multi-disciplinary approach is usual practice. • Care professionals aim to take a holistic approach to meet the needs of the whole person. • People with mental health problems often have associated physical ill health. Task! Considering the above, answer the questions in your workbook on page 7. Think higher… Are there any issues with identifying and monitoring mental ill www. england. nhs. uk health? Why?

9/15/2020 https: //www. theguardian. com/commentisfree/ video/2016/mar/30/were-being-forced-to-fixour-own-mental-health-its-not-working-video www. england. nhs. uk

2. Learning disability MENCAP define this as: In pairs, discuss how you would define the term ‘learning disability’. ‘a reduced intellectual ability and difficulty with everyday activities… which affects someone for their whole life’ Task! What activities could be affected by a learning disability? Research by The Foundation for People with Learning Difficulties has found that between 25 -40% of people with learning difficulties also suffer from mental health problems. www. england. nhs. uk

Unit 2: Working in Health and Social Care Lesson 2 Starter: In your workbooks, list as many different activities that you can think of that could be affected by a learning disability. Holy Cross College Hospital May 2018 NHS Foundation Trust www. england. nhs. uk

Learning Objectives • By the end of this lesson, you will be able to: 1. Identify groups of people with specific needs. 2. Describe the specific needs of service user case studies. 3. Discuss the implications of these individual needs on providing care for our service users. www. england. nhs. uk

2. Learning disability MENCAP define this as: ‘a reduced intellectual ability and difficulty with everyday activities… which affects someone for their whole life’ Research by The Foundation for People with Learning Difficulties has found that between 25 -40% of people with learning difficulties also suffer from mental health problems. www. england. nhs. uk

2. Learning disability The Community Care Act (1990) increased the number of people with learning disabilities who were cared for and supported in the community rather than in large institutions or hospitals. The Disability Discrimination Act (1995) provided people with legal protection against discrimination in the workplace, access to public buildings and in renting of accommodation. www. england. nhs. uk

9/15/2020 https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=x. FB 0 tcz. J W_8 www. england. nhs. uk

3. Physical and sensory disabilities • Read through the information on pages 9 and 10 of your workbooks and complete the tasks and think higher question. Disabling environment https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=v. SG 6 LGutk Ho&fs=1&hl=en%5 FGB www. england. nhs. uk

9/15/2020 Just ask video Physical disability Talk to me https: //sites. google. com/site/wattshealthandsocial/ new-btec-level-3/unit-2/learning-aim-c---workingwith-peopel-with-specific-needs-in-health-andsocial-care/people-with-specific-needs www. england. nhs. uk

4. Specific age groups a) Early Years Task 1: Using a whiteboard, you have one minute to write down the different life stages! End 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Task 2: In your workbooks, write down what you think the EYFS curriculum covers. www. england. nhs. uk

EYFS Curriculum: 1. Communication and language 2. Physical development 3. Personal, social and emotional development 4. Literacy 5. Mathematics 6. Understanding the world 7. Expressive arts and design www. england. nhs. uk https: //sites. google. com/site/wattshealth andsocial/new-btec-level-3/unit 2/learning-aim-c---working-with-peopelwith-specific-needs-in-health-and-socialcare/people-with-specific-needs

4. Specific age groups a) Later adulthood • The effects of ageing for most people are most acute in later adulthood. Task 1: In your workbooks, list some of the effects of ageing. Think higher… Which theories from Unit 1 could this link into? Why? www. england. nhs. uk Living with dementia https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=loks. PQ 7 Q 8 t. M

5 categories you need to know 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Physical and Mental ill health Learning disability Physical and sensory disabilities Early Years Later adulthood www. england. nhs. uk

Our service users… Working in pairs, you are going to read through your case study and identify: 1. What their specific need group is 2. What their specific needs are, relating to physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual. Now, you are going to pair up with someone else who has a different case study and share your ideas. www. england. nhs. uk

Eye on the exam… Working in pairs, consider how you might begin to approach this question: Discuss how health and social care staff could empower Melanie in preparation for her future. www. england. nhs. uk

Homework… You are going to research one of the five groups we have discussed. You will need to consider what their needs could be and how you might approach this with regards to providing individualised care for them. www. england. nhs. uk
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