UnHungarian sounds Szilgyi Szandra Fonetika s fonolgia angoltanroknak

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Un-Hungarian sounds Szilágyi Szandra Fonetika és fonológia angoltanároknak Autumn 2014

Un-Hungarian sounds Szilágyi Szandra Fonetika és fonológia angoltanároknak Autumn 2014

1. Consonants n 1. 1. / ŋ / q q q the velar nasal

1. Consonants n 1. 1. / ŋ / q q q the velar nasal the sound / ŋ / regularly appears before /k, g/ just as in Hungarian in word-final ng, the g is silent /n/: sin kin son ban thin wind hand /ŋ/: sing king sung bang thing winged hanged

n 1. 2. / w / q q q labio-velar: just like /u/ but

n 1. 2. / w / q q q labio-velar: just like /u/ but /w/ is [- syllabic], a ”semi-vowel” it only occurs in prevocalic position in RP wh is pronounced just like w (which = witch) /v/: verse veal via vine veil vest invite /w/: worse wheel wire wine whale west in white

n 1. 3. / θ, ð / q q dental fricatives pronounce them like

n 1. 3. / θ, ð / q q dental fricatives pronounce them like a lisp /s/ and /z/ they can be confused by beginners: /θ/ with /f/ and /ð/ with /d/ /θ/’s and /ð/’s spelling is always th /s/: sing mouse face force miss seem useful /θ/: thing mouth faith fourth myth theme youthful http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=VSdxq. IBf. EAw&feature=youtu. be /d/: dare dine eider sudden wordy dense /ð/: there thy thine either southern worthy thence

q there is /θ/ ~ /ð/ alternation when a singular word becomes plural n

q there is /θ/ ~ /ð/ alternation when a singular word becomes plural n n q bath mouth path youth baths mouths paths youths here are some other examples n n /θ/: breath tooth north /ð/: breathe teethe northern

2. Vowels n 2. 1. / ӕ / q q q it is produced

2. Vowels n 2. 1. / ӕ / q q q it is produced in the front of the mouth, with the tongue in a mid or low position much broader than Hungarian /ɛ/ /ӕ/’s spelling is always a http: //www. bbc. co. uk/worldservice/learningenglish/grammar /pron/sounds/vowel_short_7. shtml

n 2. 2. / e / q q in conservative RP it is not

n 2. 2. / e / q q in conservative RP it is not as broad as the Hungarian /ɛ/, it’s between /ɛ/ and /e: / othervise nowadays it is the same as Hungarian /e/ /ӕ/: bat lad pack catch marry flash cattle /e/: bet lead peck ketch merry flesh kettle /ӕ/: salary mansion bag had a fact fanatic radish /e/: celery mention beg head affect phonetic reddish

n 2. 3. / ɪ / q q tongue is raised to mid position

n 2. 3. / ɪ / q q tongue is raised to mid position or high position and is produced in the front half of the mouth it’s much broader than Hungarian /i/, similar to /ɛ/ http: //www. bbc. co. uk/worldservice/learningenglish/grammar /pron/sounds/vowel_short_1. shtml /ɪ/: sin bin rid is live risen his

n 2. 4. / Ʌ / q q low and central it is similar

n 2. 4. / Ʌ / q q low and central it is similar to a short Hungarian /a: / http: //www. bbc. co. uk/worldservice/learningenglish/grammar /pron/sounds/vowel_short_3. shtml

n 2. 5. / ɒ / q q low and back it is between

n 2. 5. / ɒ / q q low and back it is between Hungarian /o/ and /ɔ/ http: //www. bbc. co. uk/worldservice/learningenglish/grammar /pron/sounds/vowel_short_4. shtml /Ʌ/: luck nut rub sung cuff colour gun /ɒ/: lock not rob song cough collar gone

n 2. 6. / ʊ / q it is much broader than /u/ and

n 2. 6. / ʊ / q it is much broader than /u/ and approaches /o/ /u/: fut luk rum sugár puding pulóver bulit / ʊ/: foot look room sugar pudding pullover bullet

n 2. 7. / ɜ: / q q it is similar to /ə/ but

n 2. 7. / ɜ: / q q it is similar to /ə/ but longer and tenser it is always followed by r in the spelling /Ø: /: fő sző ők sőt lőn szőkül ökör /ɜ: /: fur sir irk shirt learn circle occur

sources n János Kovács – Péter Siptár (1989): Angolra hangolva. Budapest. Tankönyvkiadó. n Ádám

sources n János Kovács – Péter Siptár (1989): Angolra hangolva. Budapest. Tankönyvkiadó. n Ádám Nádasdy (2003): Practice book in English Phonetics and Phonology. Budapest. Nemzeti. n http: //www. youtube. com/ n http: //www. bbc. co. uk/worldservice/learningenglish/gr ammar/pron/

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