Understanding Standards Physical Education National 5 An Overview
- Slides: 17
Understanding Standards: Physical Education National 5 An Overview of Course Assessment
What this Presentation Covers Structure of course assessment w Still two components – Portfolio – Performance
An overview of what is changed and/or what is unchanged w the content of the Course has not changed w content previously only assessed in the units is now included in the course assessment w skills of planning and evaluation now assessed in portfolio
An overview of what is changed and/or what is unchanged Portfolio w all sections extended Performance w increase from 1 to 2 physical activities w planning and evaluating sections removed
Component 1 Portfolio w enables candidates to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the performance development process w increased to 60 marks w 50% course award w 3 sections w command words
Component 1 Portfolio w w changes to assessment conditions completed in centre submission date remains the same continues to be externally marked by SQA
Component 1 Portfolio Section 1 w assesses the understanding of the four factors w 8 marks available w completed under a high degree of supervision and control
Component 1 Portfolio Section 2 w performance development process w 29 marks available w gathering data w personal development programme w completed under some supervision and control
Component 1 Portfolio Section 3 w evaluating the performance development process w 23 marks available w completed under some supervision and control
Component 1 Portfolio Command words w identify w describe w explain w justify w evaluate
Component 1 Portfolio Revised portfolio course assessment task and detailed marking instructions w published end of June 2017
Component 2 Performance w mark allocation increased to 60 – 30 marks per activity w 50% course award w 2 physical activities w revised marking instructions
Component 2 Performance w 2 single performance events in different activities w conditions and context remain unchanged w enables candidates to demonstrate a range of skills
Component 2 Performance w no change in the method of marking w marked in centre - subject to visiting verification - internal verification w marks submitted to SQA early May
Component 2 Performance Revised performance course assessment task and detailed marking instructions w published end of June 2017 Understanding Standards Materials w updated commentaries for the current performance exemplification will be available on the SQA secure website September 2017
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