Un da tpico Repaso Unidad 2 Task o

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Un día típico Repaso: Unidad 2

Task o Your new pen pal in Mexico wants to know about your school life in the United States. Write a letter to him/her describing a typical school day and discuss your plans for this Saturday.

Unidad 2 Learning Targets o Unidad 2 Etapa 1 n n n o Unidad 2 Etapa 2 n n n o Describe classes and classroom objects Say how often you do something Discuss obligations Talk about schedules Ask and tell time Say where you are going Unidad 2 Etapa 3 n n n Discuss plans Sequence events Talk about places and people you know

Grammar Structures o o o Unidad 2 Etapa 1 n Present tense –ar verbs n Adverbs of frequency n Expressing obligation with hay/tener que Unidad 2 Etapa 2 n The verb ir; ir + a + place n Telling time n The verb estar Unidad 2 Etapa 3 n Say where you are going ir + a + infinitive n Present tense of regular -er and –ir verbs n Verbs with irregular yo forms n The verb oír

Para escribir – Strategy: Writing o Organize information chronologically and by category. A clear and detailed schedule is important for any student. Your pen pal will need to know school hours, class subjects and times, and after-school activities in chronological order.

Antes de escribir o o Before you begin the first draft of your schedule brainstorm the elements of your school week. Good writers always begin by thinking about their audience, the people who will be reading their work. In this case your audience is your pen pal, a Spanish-speaking student.

Antes de escribir o o o Make a chart of your schedule to organize your ideas. What kinds of things would you want to know if you were in their place. Include: your class subjects (7 periods) and times, lunch time, and (1) before or afterschool activity. Make your schedule interesting. Create your schedule so that you have different classes on each day. Use additional classes from R 21 in your book.

Activity o Read the “Modelo de estudiante”. Based on what you read fill in the students school schedule.

Modelo del estudiante de pdf o l de ante. o M udi Est

Mi horario hora lunes martes miércoles jueves viernes 8: 30 llegar ------- 9: 00 -9: 52 español ------- 9: 55 -10: 43 biología arte biología 10: 46 -11: 34 salud ------- 11: 34 -12: 04 almuerzo ------- 12: 07 -12: 55 álgebra literatura álgebra 12: 58 -1: 46 química ------- 1: 49 -2: 37 educación física japonés educación física 2: 40 -3: 30 historia ------- 3: 30 -5: 30 práctica de fútbol práctica de fútbol

Modelo del estudiante o o o The writer organizes information chronologically using appropriate times The author groups classes together, noting that not all classes meet every day. The writer describes a variety of extracurricular activities and tells on which days they take place

Rubric o Un dia tipico Rubric. pdf

Rough Draft #1 o Create your school schedule. Parts of your schedule may need to be made up. Use p. R 21 in your textbook to fill in your schedule. At least 3 of your periods should have alternating classes.

Rough Draft #1 o Use the your schedule and the following questions and statements as a guide: n n n n Where do you go to school? Give a general description of your typical school day. Include something you do everyday. Include something you rarely do. Include something you never do. Whom do you do things with? Briefly explain what you are going to do on Saturday.

Revisiones o Color code all the grammar in your paper based on each chapter n U 2 E 1 – color code red o o o n U 2 E 2 – color code blue o o o n Present tense –ar verbs Adverbs of frequency Expressing obligation with hay/tener que The verb ir; ir + a + place Telling time The verb estar U 2 E 3 – color code green o o o Say where you are going ir + a + infinitive Present tense of regular -er and –ir verbs Verbs with irregular yo forms

Revisiones o o Do you show evidence of all grammar topics from U 2 E 1, U 2 E 2 and U 2 E 3? Is there grammar you need to add to your paper? Do you understand how to use all the grammar structures? Have at least 2 peers edit your paper.

Revisiones o Share your draft with at least two other students. Peer-editors should ask: n n n o Is the schedule complete and accurate? Is the schedule organized chronologically? Would any other information be useful? Did the student use correct grammar? Did the student spell and use accents correctly? On the bottom of the paper write: peer reviewed by (your name)

Rough Draft #2 / Revisiones o o o Type a second rough draft making all the corrections from your first draft. Be sure to format your paper correctly. At least two more peers should edit your second rough draft before starting on your final draft. Rough drafts may be emailed to me at jamie. myers@vansd. org. I will correct as many as I have time for on a first come first serve basis. No papers will be corrected Thursday evening.

Format o o o Typed 1 page maximum Proper Heading (first & last name, Spanish date, period) aligned right Times New Roman Font / 12 pt. Modelo de Estudiante. pdf

Final Draft o viernes, el 25 de septiembre de 2009 Please anticipate and resolve any computer and/or printing issues before viernes.
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