Tudor Seafaring Tudor Seafaring During the Tudor period

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Tudor Seafaring.

Tudor Seafaring.

Tudor Seafaring • During the Tudor period, there was a great expansion of sea

Tudor Seafaring • During the Tudor period, there was a great expansion of sea travel. • There was a lot of trade between countries and lots of battles too. • Everyone wanted to conquer new lands and bring home exciting new foods and spices.

Famous Tudor Explorers • Sir Francis Drake • John Cabot • Sir Walter Raleigh

Famous Tudor Explorers • Sir Francis Drake • John Cabot • Sir Walter Raleigh Explorers also set sail from many other European countries including… • Christopher Columbus • Vasco da Gama • Ferdinand Magellen

The Tudor Navy • When Henry VIII came to power, England had only a

The Tudor Navy • When Henry VIII came to power, England had only a small navy. During his reign Henry spent a great deal of money building up a large fleet to defend the kingdom. • Life at sea was risky and dangerous, but sailors could claim new land bring back things like cotton, spices, silk and precious metals.

 • The ships used in Tudor times were called galleons. These were very

• The ships used in Tudor times were called galleons. These were very large ocean ships. They had a special deck for cannons. They were broad, slow and not very easy to move around.

The Mary Rose • The Mary Rose was King Henry VIII's favourite warship. While

The Mary Rose • The Mary Rose was King Henry VIII's favourite warship. While heading for action in 1545, Mary Rose sank and many sailors died. • The link below tells the story • https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=H_Fhtxe. N 7 Wg

https: //maryrose. org/recoveringthe-mary-rose/ The Mary Rose was discovered lying on the seabed in 1971.

https: //maryrose. org/recoveringthe-mary-rose/ The Mary Rose was discovered lying on the seabed in 1971. The remains of the ship were lifted to the surface in 1982. The remains of the ship were preserved and many objects from the ship were recovered. Through these we can learn about life on a Tudor warship. The link below shows news footage at the time https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=5 Xhb. XKE 6 a. Tc

Life on board • Sailors were at sea for many weeks. • There were

Life on board • Sailors were at sea for many weeks. • There were rats and disease. • There were no fridges or tins for food so their food became infested with mice, beetles and maggots. • Sailors became ill as they had a very poor diet and there were no real medicines.

This week’s work Resources are in the Resources Section of Tudor Topic. There also

This week’s work Resources are in the Resources Section of Tudor Topic. There also printed copies in the collection cupboard. Year 5 and 6 • Year 3 and 4 • Write an account of the sinking and raising of the Mary Rose. or • Describe life on a Tudor ship. • Describe what it was like to be a sailor on a Tudor ship. or • Find out about the Spanish Armada Battle in 1588 and write an account as a comic strip or and report. Activities for all year groups – Art – Paint or draw a sea battle scene. There are many images online to inspire you. Model making – Can you make a Tudor Warship or a weapon Baking – Can you bake ship’s biscuits (without the weevils!) Or maybe you have a better idea!