Trigonometry Trigonometry Overview Trigonometry in our daily life
- Slides: 42
Trigonometry Overview
Trigonometry in our daily life
Trigonometry Measuring Tool
Trigonometry Angle - Deg / Rad
Trigonometry sin
Trigonometry cos
Trigonometry tan
Trigonometry Unit Circle P
Trigonometry Unit Circle - Graph of sin / cos / tan
Trigonometry u + v = 90 - u + v = 180 Q P
Trigonometry x = 25 t y = 25 sin(t)
Trigonometry x = 25 t y = 25 sin(5 t)
Trigonometry x = 50 cos(2 t) y = 50 sin(2 t)
Trigonometry x = 100 cos(2 t) y = 50 sin(2 t)
Trigonometry x = 100 cos(2 t) y = 50 sin(4 t)
Trigonometry r = 50 (1+cos(t))
Trigonometry r = 50 (1+cos(5 t)) - 20
Trigonometry House
Trigonometry Tree
Trigonometry Electricity Line and Tree
Trigonometry Satellite
Trigonometry Boat
Trigonometry Flight
Trigonometri Definisjon – Rettvinklet trekant C b A a c B
Trigonometri Definisjon - Enhetssirkel 1 y x 1
Trigonometri Def 1 y x 1
Trigonometri Tabell
Trigonometri Relasjoner
Trigonometri Sum / Differens mellom sin og cos til to vinkler
Trigonometri Sinus-proporsjon D A A C B C D B C b A a c B
Trigonometri Areal-setning C b hc A c a B
Trigonometri Formler
Trigonometri Amplitude / Vinkelhastighet / Frekvens / Periode / Fase y(t) d Utslag ved tiden t Likevektlinje A Amplitude Vinkelhastighet f Frekvens T Periode t + Fase - / Faseforskyvning
Trigonometri Amplitude / Faseforskyvning A=3 Amplitude Faseforskyvning
Trigonometry House
Trigonometry Tree
Trigonometry Electricty line and Tree
Trigonometry Satellite
Trigonometry Boat
Trigonometry Flight
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