TONE AND MOOD Tone Tone is a particular

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Tone “Tone is a particular way of expressing feelings or attitudes that will influence how the reader feels about the characters, events, and outcomes. Speakers show tone more easily than writers because they can use voice tone, gesture, and facial expressions. A writer must use words alone. ” -Susan Geye

Tone, continued Tone is primarily conveyed through: diction – the choice and use of words and phrases point of view – mode of narration Syntax – the arrangement of words and phrases level of formality – formal versus informal It is not what you say. It is how you say it!

Tone, continued Purpose of tone: 1. Deepen the reader’s connections to the events of that scene and to the character 2. Reveal character personality and motivation

Tone, continued Remember, tone can change over the course of a story. As a character grows or changes, the tone can change!

List of Tone Words (not complete) Anxious Apathetic Bitter Bold Bossy Callous Clueless Confident Cruel Curious Encouraging Frightening Hopeful Hurtful Joking Loving Pessimistic Sarcastic Silly Snotty Suspicious Violent Whiney Wisecracking

Mood is what the reader feels while reading a scene or story. It is not the reader’s emotions, but the atmosphere (the vibe) of a scene or story. It is what the reader reads or feels or notices.

Activity 1 – Movie Trailer Watch the original movie trailer for Toy Story 3. Then watch the re-make movie trailer of Toy Story 3 – Horror. Compare and contrast the tone in the 2 clips. Compare and contrast the mood in the 2 clips.

Activity 2 – Write in Groups Get in groups of 3 or 4. Give each group a tone word. Each group must write a story of a dog walking in the park and convey the tone on their card. The group may not use the tone word in their story. After writing, each group will share their story.