Tokugawa Japan EMPEROR Emperor n n Emperor and

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Tokugawa Japan

EMPEROR Emperor n n Emperor and imperial family highest on social ladder Figurehead (leader in name only) n n n His Imperial Majesty AKIHITO 125 th Emperor of Japan No political Power Under control of Shogun’s clan Emperor still exists today

Structure of Feudal Japan Empero r Figurehea d

Shogun n n n Miltary Leader Highest in samurai warrior class Political Leader

Structure of Feudal Japan Emperor Figurehea d Shogun Samurai Warrior Class

Daimyo Regional lords n Part of samurai warrior class n Ran territories according to shogun’s rules n Sankin Kotai (“hostage system”) used to maintain loyalty to shogun n Generally divided into: - Fudai: “inside” daimyo - Tozama: “outside” daimyo n

Daimyo Castles of the Tokugawa Era

Himeji Castle

Matsumoto Castle

Ako Castle

Structure of Feudal Japan Emperor Figurehea d Shogun Daimyo s Samurai Warrior Class

Samurai n n n Professional warriors Loyal to shogun and Daimyos Supposed to follow code of conduct called bushido

Structure of Feudal Japan Emperor Figurehea d Shogun Daimyo s Samurai Warrior Class

The topknot

Katana • long sword

Ronin n n Master-less samurai Worked as n n body guards for rich merchants Paid soldiers during civil wars

Structure of Feudal Japan Emperor Figurehea d Shogun Daimyo s Samurai Roni n Samurai Warrior Class

Peasants n n Largest class Included farmers and fishermen Valued because they produced food for all other classes Paid taxes with rice and work

Structure of Feudal Japan Emperor Figurehea d Shogun Daimyos Samurai Warrior Class Samurai Roni n Peasant s 90% of population

Artisans n n Craftspeople who made variety of products Not as respected as peasants because they didn’t produce food

Structure of Feudal Japan Emperor Figurehea d Shogun Daimyos Samurai Warrior Class Samurai Roni n Peasan ts Artisans 90% of population

Merchants n n Sold goods and produce made by others Low social status n Produced nothing of value and lived off the efforts of others’ work

Structure of Feudal Japan Emperor Figurehea d Shogun Daimyos Samurai Warrior Class Samurai Roni n Peasan ts Artisans Merchants 90% of population

Eta n n Outcasts Means “full of filth originally discriminated against because they were butchers, leather workers, grave-diggers, tanners, executioners Discrimination because of Buddhist prohibitions against killing and Shinto concepts of nature

Structure of Feudal Japan Emperor Figurehea d Shogun Daimyos Samurai Warrior Class Roni n Peasan ts Artisans Merchants Eta 90% of population Lowest Class
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