TITLE OF PAPER First Author Second Author Third

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TITLE OF PAPER First Author, Second Author, Third Author Introduction Results We hope you find this template useful! What sections to include and what to put in them? Some helpful tips provided on the template: Introduction (approximately 200 words): Get your viewer interested in the issue. Use the absolute minimum of background information and definitions, quickly place your issue in the context of published, primary literature. • • • Poster has paper size A 1 (594 × 841 mm). The analogous rules apply for the poster as for the article (see http: //ctpsr. econ. muni. cz/instructionsfor-authors/ The poster can be colored. Conclusion This poster has 724 words (just look in File Properties to get this statistic. ). Aimf for 800 words. Materials and Methods (approximately 200 words): Briefly describe used methods, characteristics of data files, etc. , but not with the detail used for a manuscript. Use figures, tables etc. , if possible. Poster is a big piece paper that can communicate your research at conference. It is an abstract of your research. In addition to title and author(s), most successful poster provides brief statements of introduction, material and methods, results and conclusions. Just try to keep your poster to 800 words or less (without references and figure legends). A person could fully read your poster in under 5 minutes. Materials and Methods Use font Arial for title and headings and font Cambria for body text. Headers should be at least in a 36 -point font, paragraph and figure captions in a 22 24 -point font and diagrams or charts legibly in a size sufficient to be read at a distance of 1. 5 meter. The boxes around the text will automatically fit the text you type, and if you click on the text, you can use the little handles that appear to stretch or squeeze the text boxes to whatever size you want. Results (approximately 200 - 300 words, not counting figure legends) In first paragraph briefly describe results. In second and other paragraphs begin presentation of data analysis and discussion. Support this part by charts or images. This is always the largest section. . (1) (2) Conclusions (approximately 200 words): Remind the reader of the major result, try to convince the visitor why the outcome is interesting, . References (5 -10 citations): References have to be consistent throughout the text of the poster. Their corresponding citation will be added in the alphabetical order. Ensure that every reference in the text of poster appears in the list of references and vice versa. In the text citations should be numbered and use the brackets [1]. References [1] ACT No. 128/2000 Coll. , on Municipalities, the Czech Republic. [2] DOSTÁL, J. 2014. The Influence of the Type of Replacement Wage on the Economic Value of Volunteering: Emergencies in the Czech Republic. In Špalková, D. , Matějová, L. (Eds): Proceedings of the 18 th International Conference: Curent Trends in Public Sector Research. Brno: Masaryk University, 232 -240. [3] EUROSTAT. 2013. [online] Government finance statistics (GFS). European Commission. Available on <http: //epp. eurostat. ec. europa. eu/portal/page/ portal/government_ finance_statistics/introduction> [4] JACKSON, P. M. , BROWN, C. 1994. Public Sector Economics, Oxford UK & Cambridge USA: Blackwell. [5] KAPLAN, R. S. , NORTON, D. P. 1992. The Balanced Scorecard - Measures That Drive Performance. Harvard Business Review; 70(1): 71 -79. [6] OATES, W. E. 2006. On the Theory and Practice of Fiscal Decentralization. IFIR Worning Paper No 2006 – 05. [7] PÉTERI, G. , HORVÁTH, T. M. 2003. Regulation and Competition in Local Utilities Sector in Central and Eastern Europe. In Péteri, G. , Horváth, T. M. (Eds. ): Navigation to the Market. Budapest: OSI/LGI, pp. 13 – 98. Acknowledgement Based on: Colin Purrington (http: //colinpurrington. com/tips/academic/pos terdesign)