Threads CSIT 402 Data Structures II Multithreading models

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Threads CSIT 402 Data Structures II

Threads CSIT 402 Data Structures II

Multithreading models many to one many to many

Multithreading models many to one many to many

Thread Functions function description thr_create Create a thread thr_self Get the thread identifier thr_yield

Thread Functions function description thr_create Create a thread thr_self Get the thread identifier thr_yield Yield thread execution thr_exit Terminate a thread thr_join Wait for thread termination thr_suspend Suspend thread execution thr_continue Continue thread execution thr_setprio Set the thread priority thr_getprio Get the thread priority

Thread Functions thr_create(void *stack_base, size_t stack_size, void*(*start_routine)(void*), void* arg, long flag, thead_t * new_thread);

Thread Functions thr_create(void *stack_base, size_t stack_size, void*(*start_routine)(void*), void* arg, long flag, thead_t * new_thread); stack_base - contain the address for the stack, if it is NULL, thr_create will allocate a stack for the new thread with at least stack_size bytes. stack_size - contain the size, in number of bytes, for the stack that the new thread uses. start_routine - contain the function which the new thread begins execution. arg – Can be anything that is described by void, which is typically any 4 -bytes value. Note that you can supply one argument. To get your procedure to take multiple arguments, encode them as one structure.

Thread Functions thr_create(void *stack_base, size_t stack_size, void*(*start_routine)(void*), void* arg, long flag, thead_t * new_thread);

Thread Functions thr_create(void *stack_base, size_t stack_size, void*(*start_routine)(void*), void* arg, long flag, thead_t * new_thread); flags – Specifies attributes for the created thread. THR_SUSPENDED THR_DETACHED THR_BOUND THR_NEW_LWP THR_DAEMON new_thread – Points to a location where the ID of the new thread is stored

Thread Functions Get the thread identifier thread_t thr_self(void); Yield thread execution void thr_yield(void); Terminate

Thread Functions Get the thread identifier thread_t thr_self(void); Yield thread execution void thr_yield(void); Terminate a thread void thr_exit(void* status);

Thread Functions Wait for thread termination thread_t tid; thread_t departedid; int ret; int status;

Thread Functions Wait for thread termination thread_t tid; thread_t departedid; int ret; int status; thr_join(thread_t tid, thread_t *departedid, void **status); ret = thr_join( tid, &departedid, (void*) status); //join tid thread with status ret = thr_join(tid, &departedid, NULL); //join tid thread without status ret = thr_join(tid, NULL); //join tid thread without return id and status ret = thr_join(NULL, &departedid, NULL);

Thread Functions Suspend thread execution int thr_suspend(thread_d tid); Continue thread execution int thr_continue(thread_t tid);

Thread Functions Suspend thread execution int thr_suspend(thread_d tid); Continue thread execution int thr_continue(thread_t tid);

Thread Functions Set the thread priority int thr_setprio(thread_t tid, int newprio); Get the thread

Thread Functions Set the thread priority int thr_setprio(thread_t tid, int newprio); Get the thread priority int thr_getprio(thread_t tid, int * newprio); Thread_t tid; int ret; int newprio = 20; ret = thr_create(NULL, func, arg, THR_SUSPEND, &tid); // suspend created thread ret = thr_setprio(tid, newprio); // set the new priority to the new thread ret = thr_continue(tid); //suspended thread starts to execute with the new priority

Critical Section P 1: X++; Load M(0 x 300) INC Store M(0 x 300);

Critical Section P 1: X++; Load M(0 x 300) INC Store M(0 x 300); P 2: X--; Load M(0 x 300) DEC Store M(0 x 300); P 1: P 2: load M(0 x 300) INC load M(0 x 300) DEC Store M(0 x 300)

Synchronization Functions Mutual Exclusion Lock. . . Initialize a mutex Destroy a mutex Acquire

Synchronization Functions Mutual Exclusion Lock. . . Initialize a mutex Destroy a mutex Acquire a mutex Release a mutex Try to acquire a mutex

Synchronization Functions Initialize a mutex_t mp; int mutex_init(mutex_t *mp, int type, void *arg); TYPE:

Synchronization Functions Initialize a mutex_t mp; int mutex_init(mutex_t *mp, int type, void *arg); TYPE: 1. USYNC_PROCESS : the mustex can be used to synchronize threads and other processes. 2. USYNC_PROCESS_ROBUST : the mutex can be used to robustly synchronize threads in this and other processes. 3. USYNC_THREAD : the mutex can be used to synchronize threads in this process only.

Synchronization Functions. Destroy a mutex int mutex_destroy(mutex_t* mp); . Acquire a mutex int mutex_lock(mutex_t*

Synchronization Functions. Destroy a mutex int mutex_destroy(mutex_t* mp); . Acquire a mutex int mutex_lock(mutex_t* mp); . Release a mutex int mutex_unlock(mutex_t* mp); . Try to acquire a mutex int mutex_trylock(mutex_t* mp);

Synchronization Functions Condition Variables - Initialize a condition variable Destroy a condition variable Wait

Synchronization Functions Condition Variables - Initialize a condition variable Destroy a condition variable Wait for an absolute time Signal one condition variable Signal all condition variable

Synchronization Functions Initialize a condition variables cond_t cv; int cond_init(cond_t *cv, int type, int

Synchronization Functions Initialize a condition variables cond_t cv; int cond_init(cond_t *cv, int type, int arg); TYPE: 1. USYNC_PROCESS : the condition variables can be used to synchronize threads and other processes. 2. USYNC_THREAD : the condition variables can be used to synchronize threads in this process only.

Synchronization Functions Destroy a condition variables int cond_destroy(cond_t *cv); Wait for a condition cond_t

Synchronization Functions Destroy a condition variables int cond_destroy(cond_t *cv); Wait for a condition cond_t cv; int cond_wait(cond_t *cv, mutex_t *mp);

Synchronization Functions Wait for an absolute time cond_timewait(cond_t* cv, mutex_t *mp, timestruct_t abstime) Signal

Synchronization Functions Wait for an absolute time cond_timewait(cond_t* cv, mutex_t *mp, timestruct_t abstime) Signal one condition variable int cond_signal(cond_t *cv); int cond_broadcast(cond_t * cv);

Synchronization Functions Semaphores - initialize a semaphore increment a semaphore block a semaphore count

Synchronization Functions Semaphores - initialize a semaphore increment a semaphore block a semaphore count decrement a semaphore count destroy a semaphore state

Synchronization Functions Initialize a semaphore int sema_init(sema_t *sp, unsigned int count, int type, void*

Synchronization Functions Initialize a semaphore int sema_init(sema_t *sp, unsigned int count, int type, void* arg); sema_t sp; int ret; int count; count = 4; ret = sema_init(&sp, count, USYNC_THREAD, 0); ret = sema_init(&sp, count, USYNC_PROCESS, 0);

Synchronization Functions Increment a semaphore count int sema_post(sema_t *sp); Decrement a semaphore count int

Synchronization Functions Increment a semaphore count int sema_post(sema_t *sp); Decrement a semaphore count int sema_trywait(sema_t* sp); Destroy a semaphore int sema_destroy(sema_t * sp);

Synchronization Functions Read-Write Locks. . . . Initialize a read-write lock Acquire a read

Synchronization Functions Read-Write Locks. . . . Initialize a read-write lock Acquire a read lock Try to acquire a read lock Acquire a write lock Try to acquire a write lock Unlock a read-write lock Destroy read-write lock state

Synchronization Functions Initialize a read-write lock rwlock_init(rwlock_t * rwlp, int type, void* arg); rwlock_t

Synchronization Functions Initialize a read-write lock rwlock_init(rwlock_t * rwlp, int type, void* arg); rwlock_t rwlp; int ret; ret = rw_lock_init(&rwlp, USYNC_THREAD, 0); ret = rw_lock_init(&rwlp, USYNC_PROCESS, 0); int int int rw_rdlock(rwlock_t *rwlp); rw_tryrdlock(rwlock_t *rwlp); rw_wrlock(rwlock_t *rwlp); rw_trywrlock(rwlock_t *rwlp); rw_unlock(rwlock_t *rwlp); rw_destory(rwlock_t *rwlp);