The Wonderful World of Poetry Dramatic Poetry Dramatizes

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The Wonderful World of Poetry…

Dramatic Poetry Dramatizes action though dialogue or monologue Narrative Poetry-Tells a story Lyrical Poetry Expresses Personal thoughts and Emotions

Expresses emotions, appeals to your senses, and often could be set to music. The Tyger - William Blake Tyger! burning bright In the forests of the night, What immortal hand or eye Could frame thy fearful symmetry? What the hammer? what the chain? In what furnace was thy brain? What the anvil? what dread grasp Dare its deadly terrors clasp? In what distant deeps or skies Burnt the fire of thine eyes? On what wings dare he aspire? What the hand dare seize the fire? When the stars threw down their spears, And watered heaven with their tears, Did he smile his work to see? Did he who made the Lamb make thee? And what shoulder, & what art Could twist the sinews of thy heart? And when thy heart began to beat, What dread hand? & what dread feet? Tyger! burning bright In the forests of the night, What immortal hand or eye Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?

When the Author of a poem writes something, but doesn’t really mean it literally. Types: Metaphor Simile Personification Hurry! Time is about to run out! Imagery

When human like qualities are given to an animal or object. Example: The dog danced. The scissors ran.

Similes • When you compare something using like or as. • The river is peaceful, like a new baby sleeping.

A comparison NOT using like or as. “Oh bright angel, speak again!” “It is the East, and Juliet is the sun!” Romeo, “Romeo and Juliet”, William Shakespeare

e Fishin I han g A casts. d him strike a wig crawl gling er We tu. night fighti rn the ng fo T crank h rh e fish The d togeth j eadly is life. u m a p n er. s d throu h from his co gh th ook squis t h l ors fo e wat as he e wor hes and I r er a m r c m a h watch ’s hea e r a s r i e n h e b is bod ds. out. d the br y abo ow own g , M ve the y Papa uts oo a throw h z a e with s the back the sk ndles him pole’ ill of as I s s long nd th t o p arm wo helpin a master en fo rk. rward g to w he lin. atch h e land A stif im s f ng th in a m j e r k , je e a quic e k reel w I g reedy shor rky spot T rk again. et to r , a sti e. h e f i ff s e h e l i ng y d i o t e i I n s y n’t ha. et, ell. ve a c sts ag he says. I know hance ain. I. , I reel i k othin now. says. t in. g. I kno w, he ime’s a cha rm, h Auth e say or: E s. lisabe th Ba bin A Poem that tel ls and ha s the el a story, ements a story of. Often N arrativ poems e have a rh scheme yme

VS. Refrain is when a poem repeats entire lines or more several times throughout. Ex: Like the chorus of a song Repetition is when a word or phrase is repeated just once or in one specific area of the poem.

1) In a poem, you can often see the images the author writes about 2) When the author provides visual pictures as you read. The spring flowers, vibrant, electrified with the newness of spring

“Meeting At Night” By Robert Browning The grey sea and the long black land; And the yellow halfmoon large and low; And the startled little waves that leap In fiery ringlets from their sleep, As I gain the cove with pushing prow, And quench its speed i' the slushy sand. Then a mile of warm seascented beach; Three fields to cross till a farm appears; A tap at the pane, the quick sharp scratch And blue spurt of a lighted match, And a voice less loud, through its joys and fears, Than the two hearts beating each to each! Dramati Poetry A poem where the spea someone other then themselves. A Drama poem often include characters and dialogu Dramatic Monologue is from a fictional chara point of view.

Who is the Speaker of the Poem? What is their tone? The Point of view can be the actual poet him/herself, but may also be an animal, an inanimate object, or a fictional character.

Irony When something that wasn’t expected happens. Or when the opposite of what is expected happens.

Connotation: Denotation: The actual dictionary definition of the word. The way a word makes us feel. Words can give us different feelings when we hear them…some positive, some negative, and everything in between! Word Choice/Diction

Musical Devices • Alliteration • Assonance When the same consonant sound is used throughout a piece of writing. When the same vowel sound is used in words throughout a piece of writing candy covered coconuts. That is the way we will pray today, okay?

Onomatopoei a word that expresses sound… Zip, zoom, bang, boom

Poetic Form Some forms… Haiku Cinquain Concrete

HAIKU A poem where there are 5 syllabus in the 1 st line; 7 in the second line; 5 in the 3 rd line. “You” I Love you so much, I long to see your beauty, Love the way you shine.

Cinquains Sister Smart, Outgoing Loving, playing, Laughing Always in for some fun Friend “Traditional” Cinquain The “Modern” Cinquain • A Cinquain is a poem that resembles a diamond. • It has 5 lines and begins with one word. • The 2 nd line has two adjectives that describe that word. “Tucson Rain” • The 3 rd , three verbs. The smell • The 4 th line is a phrase that goes deeper into the topic. Everyone moves To the window to look Work stops and people start talking Rain came • The 5 th line gives either a synonym for the first word, or a word that encompasses the whole poem.

Poetry in which authors use both words and physical shape to convey a message.

Another Concrete Poem

Poetry Resources Page Helpful Links for you! Types of Poems http: //www. tqnyc. org/NYC 030240/typesofpoems. html Samples of Narrative Poetry http: //www. babincentral. com/7 english/narrative_poetry. htm Lyrical Poetry www. lyrics. com Finding Poetry www. poemhunter. com/p/m/l. asp? l=All

• All pictures from the Microsoft Gallery • All poems from Prentice Hall Literature Book, “Gold” level. Prentice, Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632. 1989. • Poetic devices information/Definitions Prentice Hall Literature. • Cinquain info: http: //jfg-girlscouts. org/how/make/cinquain. htm • “Be Still my Beating Heart” by Sting: www. Lyrics. com • Slide 24 - Poem by Ali Duncan, grade 9, original “Zig-Zag” poem • Slide 25 -Headline Poem by Jessica Grover, grade 9
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