The Whole School Whole Community Whole Child Model
- Slides: 9
The Whole School Whole Community Whole Child Model: New Opportunities to Promote Health and Learning Sarah Sliwa, Ph. D. Health Scientist, School Health Branch Division of Population Health Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Division of Population Health | School Health Branch
Whole School Whole Community Whole Child
WSCC and Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) q New block grant provides formula funding to states: Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants (SSAEG) (Title IV) q Focus on “well-rounded” education, includes health education and physical education q Needs assessment required for districts allocated >$30 K. q Districts required to allocate 20% of Title IV funds to programs that support safe and healthy students (mental health, health services, nutrition, physical education, bullying, crisis management, and others. ) q Requires state-developed accountability systems that include a nonacademic indicator.
Framework for a well-rounded education: Whole School Whole Community Whole Child ESSA: Promote the involvement of parents in the activity or program ESSA: Promote PE/PA ESSA: Safe and healthy students includes nutrition
Meet Needs Assessment Requirements: CDC’s School Health Index ESSA Connection: Needs Assessment for Districts Allocated > $30 k www. cdc. gov/Healthy. Schools/SHI
Tools and Resources to Support the Nutrition Environment
Tools to Promote Physical Education and Physical Activity
Parents for Healthy Schools
Use Data to Support Decision-making: CDC School-based Surveillance Systems • Elementary, middle, and high schools • National data • Secondary schools • State and large urban school district data • High school students • National, state, and large urban school district data