The Three Branches of government Legislative Branch Executive

The Three Branches of government • Legislative Branch • Executive Branch • Judicial branch

Legislative Branch Makes the laws Congress (535 People) House of Representatives (435) senate (100)

Executive Branch (enforce the laws) President Vice president Presidents cabinet

Judicial Branch (Interprets the laws) - Supreme court - Other federal court

House of Representatives • # of representatives in your state depends on the state population. • Every state has at least 1 rep. • Serve 2 -year terms. • Can be elected unlimited times. • Are directly elected by the people.

Senate • • 2 senators from each state. Senators serve 6 year terms. Can be elected Unlimited times. Are directly elected by the people.

To be a Representative • Must be 25 years old. • Be a U. S citizen for 7 years. • Live in the state that you are representing.

To be a senator • Be 30 years old. • Be a U. S citizen for 9 years. • Live in the state you are representing.

Leader of the house • The speaker of the house.

Leader of the senate The senate President is the vice president of the united states. leader

Powers of the house of representatives • Impeaches government officials ( accuse them of doing wrong). • All bills must start in the house.

Powers of the senate • Approves treaties made by the president. • Approves judges picked by the president. • Holds impeachments trials.

Powers of both the house of rep. and the senate. • Declare war • Print money • Pass bills

Executive branch The people in this branch. • The president • Vice president • President’s cabinet

To be president • • Be 35 years old Live in the U. S for 14 years Be a natural born citizen (born in the U. S) Pick Judges

The presidents Main Job • Enforce the laws • Veto bills • Make treaties

Presidents Terms • The president serves a four year term. • The President can be elected two terms • A president can serve a total of 10 years. If a president dies the next person in line steps up, until next election the two years don’t count if the person wanted to run for president after the job was passed down to them. • The president is elected in nov. , but cant take office until January.

Presidential succession • If the president dies these are the next two people in line. • Vice president • The speaker of the house

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