The Tale Of Juan Ponce de Leon Aundrea

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The Tale Of Juan Ponce de Leon Aundrea Yates Jonathan Ogden

The Tale Of Juan Ponce de Leon Aundrea Yates Jonathan Ogden

Juan Ponce de Leon 1474 -1521 This explorer was born in Santerva`s de Compose,

Juan Ponce de Leon 1474 -1521 This explorer was born in Santerva`s de Compose, Spain in 1474. At age 47 he died in Havana. He is said to have traveled with Christopher Columbus in 1493 on his second voyage to Hispaniola, but according to modern historians he actually travelled with Nicolas de Ovando in 1502.

This Is A Map Of Places Explored By Juan Ponce de Leon He Explored

This Is A Map Of Places Explored By Juan Ponce de Leon He Explored the Cost of Florida with Spain as his sponsor.

WHY? ? ? He traveled because he thought their was gold on the island

WHY? ? ? He traveled because he thought their was gold on the island of Cuba, and obtained permission to conquer it. The Spanish empire continually encouraged exploration for land finding gold. During this time he also learned of an island called Bimini that is was known for The Fountain of Youth and accidentally discovered Florida searching for it thinking it was a new island.

Discoveries ► The Coast of Florida ► Puerto Rico

Discoveries ► The Coast of Florida ► Puerto Rico

Interesting Facts He retired and Died Shortly after in Puerto Rico, because he was

Interesting Facts He retired and Died Shortly after in Puerto Rico, because he was shot with a poison arrow, and it was the Caribous Native tribe that shot him. His autograph is Extremely Sloppy.

Bibliography ► http: //www. google. com/imgres? q=the+autograph+of+juan+ponce+de+leon&num=10& hl=en&biw=1024&bih=571&tbm=isch&tbnid=Jy. PK 8 OKBHf. ATo. M: &imgrefurl=http:

Bibliography ► http: //www. google. com/imgres? q=the+autograph+of+juan+ponce+de+leon&num=10& hl=en&biw=1024&bih=571&tbm=isch&tbnid=Jy. PK 8 OKBHf. ATo. M: &imgrefurl=http: //en. wi kisource. org/wiki/Appletons%27_Cyclop%25 C 3%25 A 6 dia_of_American_Biography/Ponce _de_Leon, _Juan&imgurl=http: //upload. wikimedia. org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/76/Ju an_Ponce_de_Le%2525 C 3%2525 B 3 n_Signature. svg/140 px. Juan_Ponce_de_Le%2525 C 3%2525 B 3 n_Signature. svg. png&w=140&h=77&ei=j 9 t. IUPa. VK 6 e. Z 2 QXQv. YD 4 Dw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=3188&sig=112591811926936192343&page=3 &tbnh=61&tbnw=112&start=39&ndsp=23&ved=1 t: 429, r: 13, s: 39, i: 243&tx=94&ty=32 ► http//: www. famusamericans. net/juanponcedeleon/ ► Google Images (In General)