The Salem Witch Trials American Puritanism Witch Trials

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The Salem Witch Trials & American Puritanism

The Salem Witch Trials & American Puritanism

Witch Trials Background http: //www. biography. com/video. do? name=booograp hy&bcpid=1753162054&bclid=1859720769&bctid=186 6681898

Witch Trials Background http: //www. biography. com/video. do? name=booograp hy&bcpid=1753162054&bclid=1859720769&bctid=186 6681898

Puritanism in Salem Society (Guided Notes side of handout) �Puritans: Devout Christians who suffered

Puritanism in Salem Society (Guided Notes side of handout) �Puritans: Devout Christians who suffered religious persecution in Old World Came to New World to be free Separating Puritans (Plymouth) vs. Non-separating Puritans (MA Bay) Ironically, became the persecutors themselves � Guiding Principle: absolute belief that their way of life was right – no one could remain if he was not a member of good standing with the church

Puritanism in Salem Society � Puritanism & Witches Beliefs spanned Europe and America in

Puritanism in Salem Society � Puritanism & Witches Beliefs spanned Europe and America in 17 th & 18 th centuries Thousands were executed while few questioned the actual existence of witches. Puritans believed that the Devil was hiding behind every tree—he did not work alone and employed helpers known as witches. Witches were defined as people who had entered a covenant with the Devil. � Invisible or inside a person’s body without him or her knowing it. � The Devil or his agent (a witch) could assume the shape of an innocent person and then torment another person. Salem, Massachusetts was thought to be the Devil’s center for attack. Puritans were quick to accuse and quick to accept the accusations of others. Puritans never figured out what a witch actually was or how to discover one.

Puritanism in Salem Society �Basic Tenets of Puritanism 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Puritanism in Salem Society �Basic Tenets of Puritanism 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Doctrine of the Elect God vs. Devil Theocracy Open Confession, Repent, Penance Adultery Pleasure and the devil

Puritanism in Salem Society �Doctrine of the Elect = Predestination Belief that God alone

Puritanism in Salem Society �Doctrine of the Elect = Predestination Belief that God alone chooses salvation Thus, a person’s belief in Jesus and dedication to religious practice cannot affect one’s salvation Only God chooses which individuals will be privileged with salvation � These individuals = the “elect” This meant that everyone must lead a righteous life – in order to be prepared � The only way to be selected from salvation was to lead life this way � Once this is broken, person is marked for damnation Salem Witch Hunt – seeks to expose those not part of the elect

Puritanism in Salem Society �God vs. Devil Principle: If God can elect certain people

Puritanism in Salem Society �God vs. Devil Principle: If God can elect certain people to be saved, then the Devil can select certain people to be bewitched Devil: a vivid and active enemy � One of God’s angels fallen from grace � Continual campaign to destroy designs of God “Affliction” by the devil does not happen to every sinner

Puritanism in Salem Society �Theocracy Definition: a government controlled entirely by the church Characteristics

Puritanism in Salem Society �Theocracy Definition: a government controlled entirely by the church Characteristics a. b. c. d. Early Ministers – served as officers and administrators of civil government If you were not a member of the church, then you could not vote in elections The Crucible Proctor does not attend church regularly Goody Osburn - commandments Minister of church = possesses a great deal of authority

Puritanism in Salem Society �Open Confession, Repent, Penance – If a man has sinned

Puritanism in Salem Society �Open Confession, Repent, Penance – If a man has sinned once: he must openly (publically) confess his sins = repent � Penance = the whole process of atoning Without open confession, there will be no chance of being saved Crucible – we see many people who are suddenly ready to confess because they know all will be forgiven � In Salem, without confession, sinner hanged automatically � Leads to many fake confessions

Puritanism in Salem Society �Adultery One of the worst sins man commit Punishable by

Puritanism in Salem Society �Adultery One of the worst sins man commit Punishable by death Same consequences for both men and women �Anything pleasant was inspired by the devil Women were forbidden to dress prettily Children were not expected to play games Theaters were forbidden Dancing was a cardinal sin