The Present Perfect Page 214 Chapter 5 Realidades

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The Present Perfect Page 214 – Chapter 5 Realidades 3

The Present Perfect • In English we form the present perfect tense by combining have or has with the past participle of a verb: he has seen, have you tried? , they haven’t eaten.

The Present Perfect • To form the past participle of a verb in Spanish, you add -ado to the stem of -ar verbs and -ido to the stem of most -er/-ir verbs.

The Present Perfect • To form the present perfect tense, we combine this past participle with the present tense of the verb haber.

The Present Perfect • We generally use the Spanish present perfect in the same way we use its English equivalent.

The Present Perfect helping verb participle: I have studied helping verb participle: We have studied You(all) have studied You have studied He, She It Has studied They have studied

The Present Perfect He estudiado hemos estudiado habéis estudiado han estudiado

The Present Perfect I have chosen We have chosen You have chosen He, She It has chosen They have chosen

The Present Perfect he escogido hemos escogido habéis escogido han escogido

The Present Perfect I have decided We have decided You have decided He, She It has decided They have decided

The Present Perfect he decidido hemos decidido habéis decidido han decidido

The Present Perfect • No he reparado la bicicleta todavía. • I haven’t repaired the bicycle yet.

The Present Perfect • ¿Qué trabajos has tenido? • What jobs have you had?

The Present Perfect • Notice that when the past participle is used with forms of haber, the final -o never changes. (In other words, the –o ending does NOT change for gender…. la puerta abierta example…)

The Present Perfect • Ricardo ha grabado su película favorita. • Sus hermanos han grabado una telenovela.

The Present Perfect • Certain verbs that have a double vowel in the infinitive form (except those with the double vowel ui ) require an accent mark on the i in the past participle.

The Present Perfect • Caer • Leer • Oír • Creer • Traer • Reír caído Leído oído Creído Traído Reído (fallen) (read) (heard) (believed) (brought) (laughed)

The Present Perfect • Notice that we place no and other negative words, object pronouns, and reflexive pronouns directly in front of the form of the verb haber.

The Present Perfect • Has alquilado esa película alguna vez? • No, no la he alquilado nunca.

The Present Perfect • Some verbs have irregular past participles. • Memorize this acronym: • REVV MAC PHDD

R E V V roto escrito visto vuelto Romper Escribir Ver Volver M A C muerto abierto cubierto Morir Abrir Cubrir P H D D puesto hecho dicho devuelto Poner Hacer Decir Devolver