The Powers of Congress Legislative Powers The powers

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The Powers of Congress

The Powers of Congress

Legislative Powers § The powers that are specifically given to the Congress are called

Legislative Powers § The powers that are specifically given to the Congress are called “expressed powers” § Constitution gives Congress the power to do whatever is “necessary and proper” to carry out their expressed powers § “Implied powers” powers needed to perform their job but not listed; Air Force

Taxing and Spending § To pay for the govt. and its services Congress has

Taxing and Spending § To pay for the govt. and its services Congress has the power to collect taxes § All tax bills must start in the House of Representatives, but Senate must approve; why? § Authorization bills create programs and establish how much money can be spent on them; space program § Appropriations bills actually provide the money for the program or activity

Legislative Powers § Congress has the power to § § regulate foreign and interstate

Legislative Powers § Congress has the power to § § regulate foreign and interstate commerce; includes trade and other economic activities among the states Laws dealing with air traffic, railroads, trucking, radio, television, air pollution, and the stock market are based on this power Congress has the power to declare war; who sends troops? Congress has the power to create, maintain, and oversee the armed forces Senate must approve any treaties the president makes

Nonlegislative Powers § Congress can propose § § § constitutional amendments Senate has the

Nonlegislative Powers § Congress can propose § § § constitutional amendments Senate has the power to approve or reject the President’s nominees for various high-ranking officials such as his Cabinet House has the authority to impeach federal officials who have committed a serious crime or offense; if House votes to impeach two thirds in Senate must agree for the official to be removed; Johnson and Clinton Congress monitors the activities of the president and makes sure he enforces their laws

Limits on Power § Constitution reserves many powers to the states § Supreme Court

Limits on Power § Constitution reserves many powers to the states § Supreme Court can declare laws passed by Congress to be unconstitutional § President can veto bills passed by Congress; Congress can override veto with a 2/3 vote in each house

Limits on Power § Congress can not suspend the “writ of habeas corpus” except

Limits on Power § Congress can not suspend the “writ of habeas corpus” except in cases of rebellion or invasion; court order that requires police to bring a prisoner to court to explain why they are holding the person § Congress can not pass a “bill of attainder”; laws that punish a person without a jury trial § Congress can not pass “ex post facto” laws; laws that make an act a crime after the act has been committed