THE PAST SIMPLE TENSE navadni preteklik RABA Past

THE PAST SIMPLE TENSE navadni preteklik

RABA Past simple uporabljamo, ko želimo opisati dogodke, ki so se zgodili v preteklosti. Dogodki so se zaključili v preteklosti in nič več ne trajajo. Zgodili so se enkrat in se ne ponavljajo, čas dogodkov je znan.

PRISLOVNA DOLOČILA ČASA: • • • yesterday three weeks ago last year in 2002 from March to June for a long time for 6 weeks in the 1980 s in the last century in the past

KAKO GA TVORIMO? Tvorimo ga tako, da glagol postavimo v preteklik (past simple): PRESENT SIMPLE (sedanjik) She is 15 years old. (Stara je 15 let. ) PAST SIMPLE (preteklik) She was 15 years old. (Stara je bila 15 let. )

GLAGOL BITI: EDNINA 1. I was (jaz sem bil) 2. you were (ti si bil) 3. he was (on je bil) she was (ona je bila) it was (ono je bilo) She was 15. Was she 15? She wasn’t 15. MNOŽINA 1. we were (mi smo bili) 2. you were (vi ste bili) 3. they were (oni so bili) They were happy. Were they happy? They weren’t happy.

PRAVILNI GLAGOLI: Past simple pri ostalih glagolih (pravilnih) tvorimo tako, da glagolu dodamo končnico -ed. play – played dance – danced call – called Mary played the flute. Did Mary play the flute? Mary didn’t play the flute.

POSEBNOSTI PRI ZAPISU PRAVILNIH GLAGOLOV: • če se glagol konča na –e, glagolu dodamo le –d: change – changed Suzy changed her hairstyle last week. • če se glagol konča na –y, pred njim pa je soglasnik, opustimo –y ter ga nadomestimo z –i ter dodamo – ed: study – studied Dan studied a lot for this test. • če se glagol konča na –y, pred njim pa je samoglasnik, glagolu dodamo – ed: play – played Sharon played football for 3 hours on the weekend.

• Pravila o podvojitvi zadnje črke: ü Če se glagol konča takole: soglasnik-samoglasniksoglasnik, podvojimo zadnji soglasnik (en zlog) stop – stopped We stopped at the store to get some gasoline. ü Če se glagol konča na črke: h, w, x, y podvojitve NI fix – fixed Sam fixed the note to the board.

NEPRAVILNI GLAGOLI: Nekateri glagoli v angleščini so namreč drugačni od pravilnih glagolov, lahko bi jih poimenovali tudi izjeme. V pretekliku (past simple) imajo drugačne oblike, tako da preteklika ne tvorimo s končnico -ed, pač pa uporabimo 2. obliko glagolov s tabele.

NEKAJ PRIMEROV: 1. oblika INFINITIVE 2. oblika PAST SIMPLE 3. oblika PAST PARTICIPLE slovenski prevod catch caught ujeti go went gone iti know knew known vedeti say said reči write wrote written pisati read brati be was, were been biti

PRIMER: • trdilni stavek: My sister went to bed. (glagol je v 2. obliki) • vprašalni stavek: Did my sister go to bed? (DID + glagol v 1. obliki) • nikalni stavek: My sister didn’t go to bed. (DIDN’T + glagol v 1. obliki)

VPRAŠALNICE: My aunt wrote a letter yesterday. Did my aunt write a letter yesterday? My aunt didn’t write a letter yesterday. WHAT did my aunt write yesterday? WHEN did my aunt write a letter? WHY did my aunt write a letter? WHO wrote a letter yesterday?

Vstavi WAS ali WERE: 1. I _______ happy. 2. You _______ angry. 3. She ____ in London last week. 4. He ____ on holiday. 5. It _______ cold. 6. We ____ at school. 7. You ____ at the cinema. 8. They _____ at home. 9. The cat ____ on the roof. 10. The children _____ in the garden.

Vstavi glagole v ustrezni obliki (pravilni glagoli): 1. I _____ (live) in Madrid last year. 2. We ________(not play) football yesterday. 3. ____ you ______ (watch) that film last night? 4. Where ____ you _____(study) English? 5. I'm sorry. The bar _____(close) half an hour ago. 6. They _________(not stay) in a hotel last year. 7. I _______ (walk) to work last week. 8. He ______ (study) computers for five years. 9. They _______ (arrive) late for the party. 10. We _______ (marry) in a church.

11. It _____ (end) at 6 pm. 12. Ellen ______ (wait) for an hour. 13. You ______(like) the movie. I didn't. 14. Bob _____(need) that book yesterday. 15. They ______(use) my new pen. 16. The teacher ______ (help) the students after class.

WHAT DID TOM DO YESTERDAY? Glagole v oklepaju postavi v preteklik: Yesterday Tom ____(get) up at 7 o'clock. He ______(have) a shower and _____(put) on some clean clothes. Then he _____(have) breakfast. At half past seven he _____(go) into the bathroom, _____(brush) his teeth and _____(comb) his hair. After that he _____(put) on his shoes and _____(leave) his home to go to school. He _____(take) the bus which ______(have) a stop in front of his home. He _____(get) on this bus at a quarter to eight. He ______(get) off the bus in front of the school and (enter) ______his classroom just in time.

He _____(listen) to various teachers from 8 a. m. to 1: 35 p. m. Then he ____(hurry) home because he ____(be) very hungry. He _____(eat) lunch and _____(do) his homework. Later on he _____(watch) TV. In the evening he _____(have) dinner with his parents. After that he _____(meet) some friends in the city. When he _____(come) home, he _____(wash) his face and _____(brush) his teeth before he _____(put) on his pyjamas. Finally, he ______(enjoy) listening to his favourite music or watching TV in bed late at night until he (fall) asleep.

Tvori vprašalne in nikalne povedi: 1. They collected postcards. → 2. You jumped high. → 3. Albert played squash. → 4. The teacher tested our English. → 5. Fiona visited her grandma. → 6. He washed the car. → 7. You were thirsty. → 8. He had a computer. → 9. I bought bread. → 10. You saw the house. →

Vstavi glagole v pretekliku v ustreznih oblikah: 1. Yesterday, she ______(answer) all the questions. 2. They _______(forget) all the names. 3. I _______(love) sweets when I _______(be) young. 4. The police _____(catch) the robbers this morning. 5. It _____(not snow) last year. 6. _______ she _____(stop) in front of your house? 7. They _____(sleep) on the floor. 8. He _______(not look) at me. 9. We _____(hurry) because we _____(be) late. 10. Mary ______(not play) football with them.

11. How much money ______ you ____(spend)? 12. They ____(think) it ______(be) impossible. 13. Mr and Mrs Thompson ____(drink) whisky yesterday. 14. The accident _____(happen) last week. 15. Why _______ she _____(buy) that horrible dress? 16. Mark ______(park) the car outside. 17. I _____(see) that film at the cinema two years ago. 18. Tim and John _______(not like) school very much. 19. She ______(open) the window and ______(jump) out. 20. He ______(fall) out of a tree and _____(break) his leg.

CELINE DION: BECAUSE YOU LOVED ME http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=9 Ck. Ku. A 86 Mis For all those times you stood by me For all the truth that you made me see For all the joy you brought to my life For all the wrong that you made right For every dream you made come true For all the love I found in you I'll be forever thankful baby You're the one who held me up Never let me fall You're the one who saw me through it all You were my strength when I was weak You were my voice when I couldn't speak You were my eyes when I couldn't see You saw the best there was in me Lifted me up when I couldn't reach You gave me faith 'coz you believed I'm everything I am Because you loved me You gave me wings and made me fly You touched my hand I could touch the sky I lost my faith, you gave it back to me You said no star was out of reach You stood by me and I stood tall I had your love I had it all I'm grateful for each day you gave me Maybe I don't know that much But I know this much is true I was blessed because I was loved by you

You were my strength when I was weak You were my voice when I couldn't speak You were my eyes when I couldn't see You saw the best there was in me Lifted me up when I couldn't reach You gave me faith 'coz you believed I'm everything I am Because you loved me You were always there for me The tender wind that carried me A light in the dark shining your love into my life You've been my inspiration Through the lies you were the truth My world is a better place because of you I'm everything I am Because you loved me

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