The Last Supper R2 S01 Learning Intentions The
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The Last Supper R-2 S-01
Learning Intentions The children will: demonstrate an understanding of Jesus’ 1) Last Supper as an event in Holy Week recall some of the symbols and rituals 2) which remind us of his action of washing feet at the Last Supper. Click the box to reveal the Learning Intention R-2 S-02
Where Holy Week fits in the Liturgical Year What is the first day of Holy Week? Palm Sunday is the first day of Holy Week. What season comes before Holy Week? Lent What season comes after Holy Week? Easter Can you name 3 special days in Holy Week? Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday Why is Holy Week called ‘Holy’ Week? Because Jesus died on the cross to save all people. Click the icons to make the answer appear. R-2 S-03
Can you explain the symbols of Holy Week and say what day they go with? Can you think of some other symbols that could also be used for each day in Holy Week? Click the box to write text in R-2 S-04
The first important thing Jesus did at the Last Supper Jesus knew now that he would be handed over to the high priests to be put to death. He made arrangements to have a last meal with his friends. Before the meal was served Jesus washed his friends’ feet. This was a ritual in the time and place where Jesus lived as the roads were very dry and dusty. Usually it was a servant’s job. Jesus washed their feet to show the disciples that they must be the servants of all. They needed to be willing to do things for others. This message that Jesus gave his first followers is also a message for all the followers who came after them – including us. We have to be prepared to be ‘servants’ whenever we can, because that’s what Jesus wants. In Jesus’ day washing someone’s feet was a way to welcome people to your home. It was a ritual that helped people to feel more comfortable and relaxed when they arrived. video button topeople play ‘Jesus washing feet’ home? What welcome rituals do you have. Click tothewelcome to your Click the down-button to move the blind down, click the up-button (appears at bottom) to move the blind to the top. R-2 S-05
The second important thing Jesus did at the Last Supper Jesus l a e m At the e bread, m took so blessed it t, broke i “Take, d, and sai s my si eat, thi body. ” some k o o t e Then h e thanks av wine, g the cup ve and ga aying, s to them m it all of fro “Drink is my is you, th blood. ” sus way Je e h t s This wa self to his t m gave hi for all time. A s r followe ss Jesus’ a every M do just as he s r followe to do at the em told th er. The Last pp Last Su as the first w Supper Mass. e the ne wer and i w d n Bread a esus blessed d an ls J symbo me his body a c est they be Mass the pri ne At d wi blood. read an ecome b e h t blesses elieve they b sus b Je and we and blood of y. the bod eat and drink o t for us Click the video button to play ‘JESUS The Last Supper’ Click the audio button to stop play ‘The Night Before our Saviour died’ Click the pins on the right to reveal post-it notes. R-2 S-06
The rituals that Jesus shared at the Last Supper we repeat at Mass on Holy Thursday – the washing of the feet The priest uses the water, the bowl and towel just as Jesus did to wash the feet of the people in his parish. The priest is the servant of his people. He is willing to serve his people. He carries out the same ritual with the same symbols as Jesus did. Click the icons to reveal statements R-2 S-07
The rituals that Jesus shared at the Last Supper we repeat at Mass – the sharing of Jesus’ body and blood Jesus is there with us because werepeats arethe hispriest At every The priest at the Then the. Mass priest takes We believe the wine takes thethis, place of did Jesus. followers now. He is with We call receiving Mass what Jesus at He chalice or cup of wine, he become Jesus’ blood carries out the same ritual us in the bread and wine Holy Communion. We the Last Supper. He uses gives thanks to God and that Jesus did at the table and when we drink which have become hisit at believe the bread the words that Jesus says to the people, thebecome Last Supper. He takes we more like body and blood. This is and becomes Jesus’ body used to change the bread “Drink from it, allitofand you, the bread, blesses how he helps us and when we eat it we grow him. The Last Supper into his body and the says, “Take, this is my for this is myeat, blood. ” and makes us able to live like to be more like him. wine into hisas blood. was the first Mass. body. ” just Jesus the people drink it. did, and heshares did. it with the people. Card 1 Click top card to discard it R-2 S-08
In Holy Week we act out the stories to help us understand what happened in this very special week in Jesus’ life 1) Before the disciples had their meal at the Last Supper Jesus washed their feet. 2) Jesus wanted to show his friends how to be servants to others. 3) Jesus changed the bread into his body and the wine into his blood and gave it to the disciples. 4) The Last Supper was the first Mass with the same rituals and symbols. 5) The priest takes the place of Jesus and he speaks the words and does what Jesus did at the Last Supper. A) with the same rituals and symbols. B) to be servants to others. C) the words and does what Jesus did at the Last Supper. D) Last Supper Jesus washed their feet. E) wine into his blood and gave it to the disciples. Click a statement below to complete the sentence correctly R-2 S-09
Check up 1) Make a comic strip and tell the story of what happened on Holy Thursday. 2) Draw and write about 2 symbols and rituals that are part of the Holy Thursday events. 3) Name two things that happened at the Last Supper that happen at Mass. Put arrows to show they are alike. 4) Make up 5 quiz questions about Holy Thursday and the Mass. 5) Which activity do you think helped you to learn best in this resource? 6) Questions I would like to ask about the topics in this resource are … Click the worksheet button to go to the worksheet R-2 S-10
Time for Reflection Click the audio button to stop play reflective music R-2 S-11