The Lambs Book of Life The Lambs Book

The Lamb’s Book of Life

The Lamb’s Book of Life A Record of Names Exists n n Moses referred to it (Ex. 32: 32 -33) Lesson learned: sin keeps us out of the Lamb’s book of life

The Lamb’s Book of Life A Record of Names Exists n n David referred to it (Psa. 69: 27 -28) Lesson learned: the righteous are named there

The Lamb’s Book of Life A Record of Names Exists n n Malachi referred to it (Mal. 3: 16) Lesson learned: there is comfort in knowing that the Lord remembers all those who fear him; they are not lost to antiquity

The Lamb’s Book of Life A Record of Names Exists n n Jesus referred to it (Lk. 10: 20) Lesson learned: true joy is knowing that your name is written there

The Lamb’s Book of Life A Record of Names Exists n n Paul referred to it (Phil. 4: 3) Lesson learned: Christians who work hard are written there

The Lamb’s Book of Life A Record of Names Exists n n The author of Hebrews referred to it (Heb. 12: 22 -23) Lesson learned: our name written in heaven is more important than our name written on earth

The Lamb’s Book of Life A Record of Names Exists n n John referred to it (Rev. 3: 5) Lesson learned: one’s name recorded can later be blotted out; no “once-saved-always-saved”

The Lamb’s Book of Life Names Recorded May Be Later Erased n n n Unforgiven sin (Exodus 32: 32 -33; Psalm 69: 68) Lack of commitment (Rev. 3: 3 -5) Taking from God’s Word (Revelation 22: 18 -19)

The Lamb’s Book of Life A Record of Names Exists n n John referred to it (Rev. 13: 8; 17: 8; 21: 27) Lesson learned: those living the worldly life are not written in this book

The Lamb’s Book of Life A Record of Names Exists n n John referred to it (Rev. 20: 12 -15) Lesson learned: names recorded are blessed in heaven; names absent are cursed in hell

The Lamb’s Book of Life Is Your Name Written There? n n There is no partiality with God. Anyone can have his name recorded! Can you sing, “When the roll is called up yonder, I’ll be there”?
- Slides: 12