The Intel Retiree Organization Stay ConnectedStay Informed Barbara
The Intel Retiree Organization Stay Connected/Stay Informed Barbara Frank – President, Santa Clara Site Coordinator Cheryl Pruss – Vice President & Benefits Committee Chair Vicki Valens – Secretary & Folsom Site Coordinator www. intelretiree. com Intel Retiree Organization 1
Why We Are Meeting To let you know “about us” – the Intel Retiree Organization • To help get the word out • To review our current partnership areas with Intel and discuss developing an additional partnership channel with site committees www. intelretiree. com Intel Retiree Organization 2
Vision and Mission • IRO Vision • Intel retirees are a valued member of the Intel family. • IRO Mission • To make a meaningful and positive difference for Intel retirees, the company, our local communities and current employees planning for retirement. • Officially recognized by Intel 2008 • The only non-employee group to receive this distinction. • Intel Executive Sponsor – Richard Taylor • Request & receive annual funding www. intelretiree. com Intel Retiree Organization 3
How is the Organization Structured? Intel Retiree Organization President Vice President Secretary Communications Committee Arizona Website Committee Bay Area Health/Benefits Committee Folsom Massachusetts All other USA www. intelretiree. com Volunteer Committee Site Coordinators New Mexico Newsletter Oregon/Washington GER/Int’l Intel Retiree Organization 4
Retirees/Membership by Site # of Intel Retirees (as of 4/14) OR 1403 SC 1008 AZ 936 FM 582 NM 454 MA 353 Other US 401 Total US 5137 ML 733 PH 517 Other INT 309 Total INT 1559 # of IRO Members(as of 6/14) OR/WA 805 SC 474 AZ 449 FM 357 MA 163 NM 139 Other US 163 Total US 2550 ML PH Other INT Total INT 61 Total Intel Retirees 6696 Total IRO Members 2611 www. intelretiree. com Intel Retiree Organization 5
Value for Retirees • Reference resource for Intel benefits programs, healthcare, contacts – Web site postings (examples) : • How to get insurance on the open market • FAQS for i. RMP/SERMA (started 2010, updated with 2013 changes) • Intel’s response re: what should retirees expect now that Health Care has passed • Help desk for Intel retirement questions and resolving retirement issues – Own and manage our website: www. intelretiree. com • Mailbox (intelretiree@gmail. com) to handle questions; building FAQ capability for IRO & Intel • Assistance in resolving escalated benefits issues (with Intel or without) www. intelretiree. com Intel Retiree Organization 6
Value for Retirees • Communication channel for providing Intel and retiree news to IRO members • Send email updates for important information – i. e. AMT Tax Credit Change, Matching Hours Deadlines & Process, News Flash articles • Social functions • Channel to locate other retirees • community of over 2600 who share stories and spend time together • Travel stories and tips & tricks • Local group events–luncheons, golf, wine tasting, etc www. intelretiree. com Intel Retiree Organization 7
Value for Intel • Retirees help retirees • Communication channel to IRO members • Information resource for employees considering retirement • Reduce Intel Help Desk traffic from retirees by increasing understanding of Intel’s benefits • Retirees volunteer in their communities AND there is an opportunity to make Intel’s community service and Corporate Social Responsibility story more robust www. intelretiree. com Intel Retiree Organization 8
Value for the Community • Intel Involved volunteering & matching funds • Encore fellowships • Donations to annual community giving campaign • Informal advocates/ambassadors for Intel in the community www. intelretiree. com Intel Retiree Organization 9
Potential Value for Site Committees • Consider IRO a resource – Retirees are potentially volunteers to help with on-site activities – We have a channel for communication to retirees – We can assist with coordination of volunteers Examples of site activities retirees have requested: • • Blood drives Campus Health or Volunteer Fairs Campus celebrations and recognition events Campus wide speaker events Examples of site activities retirees could support: • • Mentors for potential retirees, experience could be useful in retirement classes Tour guides? Help with integration of new employees? Promote Intel retirees volunteering in local community Promote Intel Foundation contributions to local communities www. intelretiree. com Intel Retiree Organization 10
What Are We Asking You To Do ? • Partner with us to pilot changes that will help retirees feel more like a valued member of the Intel family and will benefit the site • Include IRO board member in site meetings to find opportunities for retiree involvement? • Start with Sponsorship of IRO Annual Site Dinners? • Other? www. intelretiree. com Intel Retiree Organization 11
Issues To Resolve As We Go Forward • There can be HR legal concerns regarding compensation of retirees that voluntarily assist Intel – Options: pay retirees for volunteering to assist Intel with putting on site activities OR work with HR legal on an alternative idea • Signing retirees in through security for activities www. intelretiree. com Intel Retiree Organization 12
Next Steps www. intelretiree. com Intel Retiree Organization 13
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