THE IMITATION GAME Poster Deconstruction TAGLINE The tagline

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THE IMITATION GAME Poster Deconstruction

THE IMITATION GAME Poster Deconstruction

TAGLINE • The tagline is ‘Behind every code is an Enigma. ’ • This

TAGLINE • The tagline is ‘Behind every code is an Enigma. ’ • This is spread across the whole poster, suggesting it is an important message regarding the plot of the film (as it is also covering the main characters face). • Every letter is also shown in a bubble; this could be relevant to the film. Although it is a unique way of displaying text, it requires deeper concentration to be able to read the text; this perhaps foreshadows the plot of the film of having to decipher a code.

COLOURS • There is a dark colour scheme – dark reds, browns and greys.

COLOURS • There is a dark colour scheme – dark reds, browns and greys. • Furthermore, the character is wearing a tweed suit and shirt; giving an old-fashioned film to the poster; reflecting the date in which the film is set. • The light shining on the right side of the characters face shows perhaps that he is facing conflict – that he may have two sides to him. • Moreover, it highlights his importance in the film.

CENTRAL PHOTOGRAPHIC IMAGE • A close up of the main characters face implies the

CENTRAL PHOTOGRAPHIC IMAGE • A close up of the main characters face implies the important role he plays throughout the film. • The use of Star theory has clearly been used in this poster; Benedict Cumberbatch has recently built up a large fan base due to the numerous famous films he has recently been in. • However, Benedict is made to appear almost robotic, hiding behind a ‘code’ (The bubbles). This would imply that perhaps is the ‘man behind the magic. ’ • The bubbles spread across the poster resemble keys from an old type writer, or perhaps a code that needs to be deciphered. This is a common theme throughout the poster, not much about the plot is given away.

BACKGROUND IMAGE • There is a background colour of a fading burgundy colour; red

BACKGROUND IMAGE • There is a background colour of a fading burgundy colour; red is a colour associated with war and danger, reflecting the setting and events that occur during the film.

TITLE BLOCK • The title is centred at the bottom of the page, however

TITLE BLOCK • The title is centred at the bottom of the page, however the font is not in an extremely large size. This would suggest that the name of the film is not the factor being used to sell it – it’s the use of star theory and the tagline that are the major marketing strategies for this film. • Yellow is a contrasting colour in comparison to the colour scheme of the rest of the poster; and as a result is eye catching for the reader.

STAR BILLING • This is above the title at the bottom of the page;

STAR BILLING • This is above the title at the bottom of the page; there are only two names of actors shown. • The use of star theory to increase the success of this film is clearly being used as Benedict Cumberbatch and Keira Knightley are extremely famous English actors. • However, the names of the actors are written in a small font, because the picture of Benedict Cumberbatch is so well known, the names of the actors do not need to a prominent factor in the poster.

RELEASE DATE • ‘Coming soon’ leaves a sense of mystery to the audience, perhaps

RELEASE DATE • ‘Coming soon’ leaves a sense of mystery to the audience, perhaps foreshadowing the plot of the film.

TARGET AUDIENCE • The target audience for this film includes those interested in the

TARGET AUDIENCE • The target audience for this film includes those interested in the work of Alan Turing and perhaps Male Computer Fanatics.

ENIGMA CODE • The Enigma code of this poster leaves us asking. . •

ENIGMA CODE • The Enigma code of this poster leaves us asking. . • What is the code? • What the enigma? • What is the relevance of the bubbles? • What role does benedict play?