The Hurt of Knowledge Locked Away The Hurt

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The Hurt of Knowledge Locked Away

The Hurt of Knowledge Locked Away

The Hurt of Knowledge Locked Away

The Hurt of Knowledge Locked Away

In a time when our communities are hurting Rich, pale men, hiding in their

In a time when our communities are hurting Rich, pale men, hiding in their towers Miserly not in their expenditures, but in their opportunities Our people struggling Our communities drying up

Empty lots where business used to be Empty schools where children used to learn

Empty lots where business used to be Empty schools where children used to learn Knowledge locked away, like trusts reserved for those with; Knowledge stolen that could have enriched the victim Knowledge of our path sadly unavoidable in its absence Our mistakes unlearned, unchanged, repeated and magnified

Even our childhood games tell of what’s to come If only we could see

Even our childhood games tell of what’s to come If only we could see through the conditioning A child without training, learning, growth An adult lost and struggling Those who have, wielding their knowledge as power Spewing their lies as truth

Manipulating the uninformed, the uneducated Texas and its textbooks across the land The loss

Manipulating the uninformed, the uneducated Texas and its textbooks across the land The loss of Franklin The absence of ethnicity’s contribution A dark labor, a dark time, a sad truth

Let us tear down their towers Let us build living, breathing monuments to knowledge

Let us tear down their towers Let us build living, breathing monuments to knowledge Beautiful and redeeming Filled with light hearts, laughing voices, and eager minds Their minds, laughter, and ingenuity will change our future They will change our nation They will change our hearts

Let the misers keep their opportunities, The educated will make their own Knowledge free

Let the misers keep their opportunities, The educated will make their own Knowledge free from its cell, given to the young Hurt no longer felt or feared A nation, a people; strong enough to stand again