The Greatness of the Byzantine Empire The Byzantine

The Greatness of the Byzantine Empire!! “The Byzantine Empire survived and prospered, creating a civilization that blended Greek, Roman, and Christian ideas. ”

The Byzantine Empire is a continuation of the Roman Empire!

How were the Byzantine citizens where different from Roman citizens? Few people spoke Latin; most spoke Greek

Who is Constantine? • Roman Emperor-324 • Converts to Christianity - 330 • New capital for Roman Empire • Christianity spread eastward C. 288 A. D. – 337 A. D.

Why Move to Constantinople? Trade • Best trade routes are EAST of Rome • Ancient city of Byzantium-prime location • Black and Aegean Seas • Safe Harbor • East-west land route

Economic Systems Traded with people all over the world British Isles=wool China=silk Africa=cotton & grain India=spices Russia=furs Use the Silk Road Used gold coins

Who is Emperor Justinian? Emperor Justinian came to the throne in 527 A. D. His goal was to restore the Roman Empire and to govern it as a whole.

Achieving his goal To achieve this he… Paid Persian Kings not to attack Western Asia His armies conquered Italy and much of the land around the Mediterranean

Justinian’s Wife Justinian’s wife, Theodora became his most trusted advisor. He valued her intelligence and political wisdom.

Justinian’s Accomplishments Justinian’s passions were Law and Church. 1. He rebuilt the Christian Church Hagia Sophia - To show his strong ties to the Christian Church 2. Organized a new legal system called the Justinian Code. - This made laws clearer and fairer.

Justinian’s Code and its impact: Collection of over 400 years of Roman law and decisions made by Roman judges created a single uniform code of law; comprised of nearly 5000 laws, legal opinions, textbook for law students, and new legislation Impact- provided the basis of law for the Byzantine Empire for 900 years; many of those ideas used in the USA today

Byzantine and the Church During Justinian’s rule art and architecture flourished. Many cathedrals were constructed and the interiors were decorated with great detail. The greatest cathedral in the Empire was the Hagia Sophia. Byzantine Emperors and the church had strong ties. The official church of the Byzantine empire was the Eastern Orthodox Church.

Empire and Church What role did Christianity play in the Byzantine Empire? Emperor Patriarch – Chosen by Emperor What contributions did monasteries make to Byzantine society and culture? Metropolitans Bishops Priests (could be married)

IAN page 69 Title: Byzantine Contributions. Draw a circle in the center of the page. Byzantine Contributions

Byzantine Contributions Established Constantinople Developed new techniques in art Preserved Greek culture Byzantine Contributions Spurred the growth of trade Preserved Roman law Spread Christianity to peoples in the East

The Empire Declines The Empire lasted 500 years. After the death of Justinian the Empire slowly declined. 2 major reasons the land gained was invaded and the empire continued to shrink. Ottoman Turks The Christian Church divided in 1054.

The Church Divides In 1054 the Christian church divides into 2 parts. The major disagreement was the use of Icons are religious pictures or images of Jesus or Saints. The Byzantine Empire did not like the use of icons.

Another disagreement concerned the role of the Emperor. In the east, the emperor also was the head of the church. He claimed to rule directly in the name of Jesus. He also appointed all church officials. The western church claimed that the Pope, or leader of the Roman church, had authority over all Christians, including the emperor. After the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church existed separately.

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