The Golden Ratio The Golden Section The Divine

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The Golden Ratio The Golden Section The Divine Proportion The Golden Mean

The Golden Ratio The Golden Section The Divine Proportion The Golden Mean

Golden ratio φ = 1 + √ 5 2 Golden Rectangle = 1. 61803399.

Golden ratio φ = 1 + √ 5 2 Golden Rectangle = 1. 61803399. . Golden Triangle 36 φ -1 φ 1 72

A B Ratio of A to B is the golden ratio A = 1.

A B Ratio of A to B is the golden ratio A = 1. 618 B

The Great Pyramid of Giza 2560 BC -Side lengths approximately 230 m -Base covers

The Great Pyramid of Giza 2560 BC -Side lengths approximately 230 m -Base covers 53 000 m^2 -Sides angled at 51. 5 degrees. 1^2 + (√φ)^2 = φ^2 √φ φ 1 2 1+ 1. 618 = 2. 618

The Parthenon

The Parthenon

Notre Dame

Notre Dame

CN Tower Base to observation deck 342 m Base to spire 553. 33 m

CN Tower Base to observation deck 342 m Base to spire 553. 33 m 553. 33 = 1. 618 = φ 342

B Pentagon, each side of length 1. A C F E D I AF

B Pentagon, each side of length 1. A C F E D I AF I I FD I = φ

Saint Jerome Leonardo Da Vinci (1451 -1519 )

Saint Jerome Leonardo Da Vinci (1451 -1519 )

Crucifixion (1502) Raphael

Crucifixion (1502) Raphael

Ognissanti Madonna (Madonna of Glory) Giotto di Bondone (1267 -1337)

Ognissanti Madonna (Madonna of Glory) Giotto di Bondone (1267 -1337)

Bathers Seurat (1859 -1891)

Bathers Seurat (1859 -1891)

Vetruvian Man Leonardo Da Vinci

Vetruvian Man Leonardo Da Vinci

Mona Lisa Leonardo Da Vinci

Mona Lisa Leonardo Da Vinci

Golden Ratio on the Body Height / Head to fingertips / Head to elbow

Golden Ratio on the Body Height / Head to fingertips / Head to elbow Elbow to fingertips / Elbow to wrist Head to fingertips / Head to naval Elbow to wrist / Length of hand

Fibonacci Sequence 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89,

Fibonacci Sequence 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, …. . 1/1=1 2/1=2 3 / 2 = 1. 5 5 / 3 = 1. 6666. . . 8 / 5 = 1. 6 13 / 8 = 1. 625 21 / 13 = 1. 615385. . . 34 / 21 = 1. 619048. . . 55 / 34 = 1. 617647… 144 / 89 = 1. 617978… Φ = 1. 61803399

Ratio of Clockwise spiral to counterclockwise spirals 34 : 55, 89 : 55, 144

Ratio of Clockwise spiral to counterclockwise spirals 34 : 55, 89 : 55, 144 : 89

Nautilus Shell

Nautilus Shell

Golden ratio in art, architecture & nature…. believable or not?

Golden ratio in art, architecture & nature…. believable or not?