The French school system Lcole Maternelle Preschool in

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The French school system

The French school system

“L’École Maternelle” = Preschool in France (Not Compulsory) *La petite section de maternelle ou

“L’École Maternelle” = Preschool in France (Not Compulsory) *La petite section de maternelle ou PS (3 years old) = Nursery *La moyenne section de maternelle ou MS (4 years old) = Pre-K (Reception UK) *La grande section de maternelle ou GS (5 years old) = Kindergarden (Year 1 UK)

“L’École Primaire” = French Elementary School (Compulsory) *Cours préparatoire ou CP (6 years old)

“L’École Primaire” = French Elementary School (Compulsory) *Cours préparatoire ou CP (6 years old) = 1 st Grade (Year 2 UK). *Cours élémentaire 1 re année ou CE 1 (7 ) = 2 nd grade (Year 3 UK). *Cours élémentaire 2 e année ou CE 2 (8 ) = 3 rd grade (Year 4 UK). *Cours moyen 1 re année ou CM 1 (9 ) = 4 th grade(Year 5 UK). *Cours moyen 2 e année ou CM 2 (10 ) = 5 th grade (Year 6 UK). The teachers are called traditionally “le maître” and “la maîtresse and there is a main teacher that teaches several subjects such as French , maths, geography, history, sciences, P. E, arts, a foreign language.

“L’Enseignement Secondaire”Compulsory Until Minimum 16 Years Old There are several teachers in secondary school,

“L’Enseignement Secondaire”Compulsory Until Minimum 16 Years Old There are several teachers in secondary school, one for each subject. The subjects taught are maths, French, history, geography, Latin, Greek, 2 foreign languages, technology, P. E. , R. E. , physics, biology, Arts. Le Collège = French Middle School, From 11 to 16 Years Old (Compulsory) *La sixième (11 years old) = 6 th grade (Year 7 UK). *La cinquième (12) = 7 th grade (Year 8 UK). *La quatrième (13) = 8 th grade (Year 9 UK). *La troisième (14) = 9 th grade (Year 10 UK). The collège ends with a test called « le Diplôme National du brevet » .

Le Lycée – High School in France, 16 to 18 Years Old Le lycée

Le Lycée – High School in France, 16 to 18 Years Old Le lycée can be in general studies, with some specialities as in languages or sciences, leading to the diploma of Baccalauréat général (commonly called “le bac”), or prepare you for a special trade (hairdresser, a cook, mechanic…) leading to CAP or BEP diplomas – you can stop at 16 years old – or to a Baccalauréat technologique. Studies in France are compulsory until you reach 16 years old, but they can be in school or in an apprentice program. *La seconde (15 years old) = 10 th grade (Year 11 UK). *La première (16 ) = 11 th grade (Year 12 UK). *La terminale (17 ) = 12 th grade (Year 13 UK).

L’Enseignement Supérieur – Higher Studies in France After the BAC pupils can go for

L’Enseignement Supérieur – Higher Studies in France After the BAC pupils can go for “des études supérieures” (higher studies) à la fac, à l’université (college/university) or in les Grandes Écoles (the French Ivy League: Science. Po, HEC, Central, Polytechnique… ). You need to have le baccalauréat and a special preparatory two-year-course to get into these schools and they often require that you have “une mention” (honors of the jury) to get in, or that you pass a special test.

PUPILS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS Since 2005, special needs pupils are integrated in the classes.

PUPILS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS Since 2005, special needs pupils are integrated in the classes. Some teachers are specialized and, in some schools, follow them on a regular basis. Most of the time, they are taken care of by normal teachers with the rest of the pupils in the class.