The Firework Makers Daughter Tuesday 26 th January

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The Firework Maker’s Daughter Tuesday 26 th January 2021

The Firework Maker’s Daughter Tuesday 26 th January 2021

 • Looking through Chapter 1, write down quotes about Chulak. • One example

• Looking through Chapter 1, write down quotes about Chulak. • One example may be: Chulak was a personal servant to Hamlet, the white elephant which was owned by the King.

 • Task: • Write a character description about Chulak, using the quotes and

• Task: • Write a character description about Chulak, using the quotes and what we know about him already. • Think about the physical features – what does he look like? • Think about his personality – how could you show what type of person he is?

WAGOLL example. Chulak was a young boy, who worked for the King as an

WAGOLL example. Chulak was a young boy, who worked for the King as an animal keeper. It would appear that he had no parents to speak of and so was either or orphan or had run away from his home in search of work. His job was to look after a rare white elephant named Hamlet. Chulak was good friends with Lila and they had lots of fun together, especially as they shared a wonderful secret about Hamlet, in that the elephant could talk! Chulak was a very cheeky character and would often back chat the Elephant Master, especially when he would bring Hamlet back from his daily walk plastered in writing and advertising slogans. He regularly feigned innocence as to where the writing all came from, blaming the traffic and general business of outside the palace. However, Chulak was utilizing Hamlet’s rare colour to make money to be able to run away with Hamlet. The plan was to train Hamlet to sing, and he had visions of the world being his oyster. He almost had enough money to put his plan into place. Chulak’s friendship with Lila meant they often shared the stories of their hearts and when Lila confided in the boy that she yearned to be a firework maker, Chulak tricked Lalchand into giving information about the quest. Unfortunately, Chulak was not in possession of the full facts, and so when he realized that he had put his dear friend at risk, he immediately made a plan to go and rescue her.

Extension activity. Vocabulary work.

Extension activity. Vocabulary work.