The Firework Makers Daughter Thursday 28 th January

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The Firework Maker’s Daughter Thursday 28 th January 2021 Writing an informal letter.

The Firework Maker’s Daughter Thursday 28 th January 2021 Writing an informal letter.

 • Dear Father Lila’s letter • I have completed my apprenticeship. Thank you

• Dear Father Lila’s letter • I have completed my apprenticeship. Thank you for all you have taught me. I am going to seek the Royal Sulphur from Razvani, the fire-fiend, and I shall probably not see you again, • Your ex-daughter • Lila.

Imagine you are Lalchand had just received Lila’s letter. What would you write in

Imagine you are Lalchand had just received Lila’s letter. What would you write in response?

Task: Write a reply from Lalchand to his daughter. What would Lalchand want to

Task: Write a reply from Lalchand to his daughter. What would Lalchand want to write to his daughter? How would he respond to her anger? My dearest Lila.

Sentence starter helpers: Naturally, Although I believe that How could you possibly In my

Sentence starter helpers: Naturally, Although I believe that How could you possibly In my view Without a doubt Another reason The real truth is I strongly believe Undoubtedly, Just think about

My dearest daughter, Lila. From the moment your mother, my beloved wife, passed away

My dearest daughter, Lila. From the moment your mother, my beloved wife, passed away you became my world. There was nothing I would have done to protect you from harm. Oh Lila, what have you done? Why did you choose to take this path? You have absolutely no idea of the danger you have put yourself in. I fear the worst will come to you and this will be all my fault. From a young age, you have always found fascination in the fireworks. Many an hour we have spent exploring the different ways of creating such wonders and nothing has given me more pride in the way you found success. My dear girl, you would have become such a sensational pyrotechnic creator, had this lack of communication not gotten in the way. Alas, you have left to find Razvani, the fire-fiend but my heart tells me you are in grave danger. You see, Chulak has only given you half facts. Without the inner details of your quest, you are bound to perish and that fills my heart with such sorrow and misery. Chulak had no right to deceive me in such a way, and trick part facts out of me. I know I should have told you the truth but my dear girl, you were not born to be a firework maker. Your purpose in life was to become a dutiful wife and to tend to a home, not live with burnt fingers and scorched eyebrows. Whatever was I thinking of? I know your heart lies with making fireworks but I am afraid that this life is not for you, not for my sweet, beautiful girl. I pray that wherever you are, the Gods will take mercy on you and keep you safe. Until we meet again, Your ever-loving father. xx