The ESA Climate Change Initiative CCI project on

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The ESA Climate Change Initiative (CCI) project on Sea Surface Salinity Management Science Co-Leaders:

The ESA Climate Change Initiative (CCI) project on Sea Surface Salinity Management Science Co-Leaders: J. Boutin & N. Reul Tasks Partners Algo development Product Validation Climate studies -Project will be KO end Feb 2018 for a first phase of 3 years -Main objectives of the project are: Algo development q to collect & review SSS product requirements provided by the climate research communities Production q to yearly produce updated L 2 to L 4 data record of consistent & well-calibrated satellite SSS (based on Lband SMOS, Aquarius and SMAP sensors but also on C-band sensors) and best fulfilling climate studies requirements. Algo development Product Validation q to validate and qualify CCI-SSS dataset uncertainties Climate studies q to assess CCI-SSS products impact for climate research through dedicated case study analyses Product Validation External Experts GSFC, JPL, REMSS

 • ALGORITHM Dev & PRODUCTION groups 1. Algorithm intercomparison between SMOS, Aquarius &

• ALGORITHM Dev & PRODUCTION groups 1. Algorithm intercomparison between SMOS, Aquarius & SMAP data: ancillary data, forward model components, calibration, bias corrections… 2. Algorithm for large tropical river plume SSS time series from C-band sensor data 3. Multi-Mission Merged prototype SSS products 4. Algorithm selection 5. Product Uncertainty characterization 6. Generation of a CCI product dataset once a year • Validation Group 1. Generation of match-ups in situ/CCI products 2. Analysis of different metrics (stat, scale analyses, ) 3. Intercomparison of datasets • CLIMATE GROUP • Requirements • CCI product assessment case study 1: North Atlantic salinity anomaly 2: Climate variability reconstruction in the Atlantic 3: Water cycle in the Bay of Bengal 4: Salinity stratification and smallscale variability 5: Comparing salinity variability between observations and models