The Enriched Model of Dementia Personality and Biography

The Enriched Model of Dementia Personality and Biography

Personality (P) �This is all of the strengths and vulnerabilities that we have as human beings and that will have a direct effect on how individuals cope with the effects of dementia. �If a person has always been in control then they will struggle with the consequences of dementia. �An extrovert may cope better with communal living than an introvert.

Personality (P) �Personality does not usually change as a result of having dementia. �How people respond to stress and challenge are learnt behaviours �Asking family and friends how people have coped previously may help to plan care when helping someone to cope with the challenges living with dementia can bring

Biography (B) �People will try and make sense of what is happening to them in the here and now by reference to experiences they have had in the past. �Due to the brain damage people may have their memories may not be reliable e. g. people may not remember being admitted to a nursing home. �People will try and make sense of where they are and so use past memories to do this.

Biography or Life History (B) �People make sense of what is happening to them in the present by referring to the past and past experiences. �Due to brain damage the more recent past for people with dementia has often not been laid down reliably within memory stores. �For example people may not remember being admitted into a nursing home and this will not relate to any past experiences.
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