The Elements of Nonfiction Grade 7 Titanic Quiz

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The Elements of Nonfiction Grade 7

Titanic Quiz p http: //teacher. scholastic. com/scholasticne ws/magazines/scope/pdfs/SCOPE-REPRO 042312 -03. pdf

Learning Goal p Analyze, comprehend and evaluate nonfiction text.

Learning Goal Analyze, comprehend and evaluate nonfiction text. p Take apart and figure out, understand what it means and make judgments about writing that’s based on real events and information. p

Objectives p 1. 2. 3. 4. You will be able to: Identify and describe types of nonfiction. Distinguish between fact and opinion. Distinguish between objective versus subjective writing. Define and understand new academic vocabulary.

Take Out Binder with Paper p Use Cornell Note-taking method. p

Part 1

It has been nominated by Geo as "THE photo of the year". Click to Enlarge

NONFICTION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Should we expect nonfiction to be absolutely true? Is that possible? “Every documentary is, in fact, fiction. ” READ NONFICTION WITH INCREASED COMPREHENSION AND A CRITICAL, ANALYTICAL POINT OF VIEW. http: //youtu. be/BI 1 V 1 Cm. Fv. MA

Nonfiction Unit We will read selections that use facts for the purposes of informing, argument, and persuasion. p You will discover how to determine what is true, what is false, and what is open to debate. p

Nonfiction - Academic Vocabulary • fact p • argument p • opinion p • persuasive techniques p • text features p • reasoning p

Nonfiction text features – Text features include headings, subheadings, boldfaced type, and captions. p These elements all serve as road signs, guiding you through a text and pointing out key ideas. p Just as you would look at a road map before driving to a new place, you may also find it helpful to preview. p

Nonfiction p Previewing - Scanning the text features of an article before reading it.

Nonfiction p TITLE - The name of the work. The topic of an article is often revealed in the TITLE

Nonfiction p • The main ideas of paragraphs are often stated in the HEADINGS

Nonfiction • GRAPHIC AID - Detailed information presented in an easy-to-read format p • CAPTIONS – clarify information in a graphic aid. p

Nonfiction p Part 1: Get the Big Picture n Preview Text Features - preview the workshop as if it is an article that you will report on. Use the PLAN process to use text features to plan your reading.

Nonfiction - PLAN p p 1. P—Preview content and structure: Begin a Cluster Diagram by writing the workshop title in the center circle. Then add a circle for the first main heading (Part 1: Get the Big Picture). Add another circle for the first subheading Cluster diagram?

Nonfiction p 2. L—Locate visual information: Locate any graphic aids and note each one in a circle connected to the appropriate heading.

Nonfiction p 3. A—Add information as you read: Scan the article, looking for boldfaced words. Add the words to a circle near the related heading.

Nonfiction p 4. N—Note your reflections on the information: n As you add information to the organizer, include these symbols to note your reactions to the text: n n p √ = familiar information ? = unfamiliar information * = interesting or important ! = surprising or amazing The symbols will help you decide which parts of text you should spend the most time studying.

Nonfiction – Read to Understand p Main Idea – the most important idea that the writer wants to communicate to the reader p Supporting Details – Facts or examples that explain the main idea. p Topic sentence – States the main idea of a paragraph

Nonfiction – Read to Understand p Implied Main Idea – Sometimes the main idea is not stated directly, so it must be inferred (inference).

Nonfiction p Earthquake Article http: //youtu. be/FW-Tkpv. KPl 0 p (Warning – Real footage) p p Read Text – 865 - 871

Part 2 - http: //youtu. be/Cn. DH 1 va 7 i. C 0

Nonfiction – Background Knowledge p What do you know about sharks?

Nonfiction Sharks p http: //youtu. be/f. Qe. VZJVo. RJo p

Shark Saves Man’s Life p http: //knue. com/man-claims-shark-savedhis-life/

Nonfiction - Review p elements of nonfiction: text features n n n Writers use design elements called text features to organize text and to point out key ideas and important information. Some of the most common text features include: • titles • sidebars • captions • subheadings • graphic aids • bulleted lists

Nonfiction - Reading skill: outline To help yourself keep track of the main ideas and supporting details in a text, create an outline. p To take notes in outline form, follow these guidelines: p n n n • Use the text features to identify the article’s main ideas. • Use a roman numeral to label each main idea. • Under each main idea, add supporting details. Label each with a capital letter.

Nonfiction Create an outline p Looks can be deceiving - http: //youtu. be/nmhgi 665 Oek p Read Workbook 185 -195 p n As you read, ANNOTATE (means mark up your text with meaningful notes) include these symbols to note your reactions to the text: n √ = familiar information ? = unfamiliar information – or you have a question * = interesting or important ! = surprising or amazing n n n

Part 3 - Objectives Elements of Nonfiction • explore the key idea of what is accurate • identify fact and opinion • read a magazine article Reading • recognize and analyze author’s bias Vocabulary • build vocabulary for reading and writing • understand use prefixes (ab-, a-, extro-, re-, trans-, tra-) and the Latin root vert (also an EL language objective)

Nonfiction - Jaws p http: //youtu. be/uc. MLFO 6 Ts. FM - Fiction p http: //youtu. be/Rx. Qsnya. ZBTs - Nonfiction Compare and contrast on a T-chart. p When we compare and contrast, what are we examining? p

Nonfiction - Jaws p http: //youtu. be/uc. MLFO 6 Ts. FM - Fiction p http: //youtu. be/Rx. Qsnya. ZBTs - Nonfiction Compare and contrast on a T-chart. p When we compare and contrast, what are we examining? Similarities and differences. p

Another perspective on sharks… p http: //youtu. be/BG 6 u. Msq 8 PPs p http: //www. scholastic. com/browse/article. jsp? id=3756258 n (Shark fin article with video) http: //www. amnestyusa. org/ourwork/issues/business-and-humanrights/oil-gas-and-miningindustries/conflict-diamonds p (conflict diamonds) p

Change for Patients?

Fact and Opinion p Fact - a statement that can be proved. n p To prove, or verify, a fact, you might use personal observations, eyewitness accounts, a reliable print or online source, a scientific experiment, or a discussion with an expert. • Opinion - a statement that can’t be proved because it expresses a person’s beliefs, feelings, or thoughts.

Fact or Opinion? 1. Jaws is about a great white shark that killed several people in a beach community. p 2. The book stayed on the bestseller list for 40 weeks. p 3. The book is better than the movie. p

Recognize Author’s Bias p Bias - attitude about the topic n p experiences and beliefs often affect an author’s attitude Loaded language - words that convey a strong positive or negative feeling.

Loaded Language The beautiful shark glided gracefully through the water. p Identify the loaded language. p CHECK UNDERSTANDING - Describe the writer’s bias in the above example. p

vocabulary strategy: denotations and connotations A word’s denotation is its literal meaning —that is, the meaning found in a dictionary definition. p A word’s connotation comes from the shades of meaning it has beyond its definition. p

vocabulary strategy: denotations and connotations For example, a stubborn person could also be described as strong-willed or pigheaded. p But strong-willed connotes “independent in thinking and acting, ” while pig-headed connotes “inflexible. ” p Recognizing connotations can improve both your reading and your writing. p

vocabulary strategy: denotations and connotations p p p p p PRACTICE Choose the word in each pair that has a positive connotation. Then use the word in a sentence. 1. gathering—mob 2. skinny—slender 3. chuckle—snicker 4. petite—puny 5. inquiring—prying 6. gossip—chat 7. self-confident—arrogant 8. immature—youthful

Nonfiction In subjective, or personal, writing the author freely reveals his or her own feelings, judgments or opinions.

Nonfiction Objective writing contains facts that can be verified or checked.

Peter Benchley is best known for his novel Jaws, which is about the hunt for a great white shark that killed several people in a beach community. p Jaws stayed on the bestseller list for 40 weeks. In 1975, Steven Spielberg turned it into one of the top-grossing movies at the time. It was also nominated for an Academy Award for Best Picture. p

Peter Benchley went on to write other novels and screenplays with the ocean as the setting, as well as nonfiction works about the ocean. p When Benchley wrote Jaws, little was known about great white sharks. His description of them as vicious man-eaters frightened many people out of the water and triggered an aggressive shark hunt. p

Peter Benchley, always fascinated by the ocean, spent a great deal of his life exploring it. He came to discover that much of what he wrote was incorrect. p He was outspoken in his regrets for helping to create this hysteria. p Benchley noted, “For every human being killed by a shark, roughly ten million sharks are killed by humans. ” p

Textbook Pages 884 -893 p As you read, look for loaded language and ask yourself, what is the author’s attitude toward great white sharks?

Nonfiction p Prose n n a : the ordinary language people use in speaking or writing b : a literary medium distinguished from poetry especially by its greater irregularity and variety of rhythm and its closer correspondence to the patterns of everyday speech

Nonfiction p Persuasive essays - try to convince readers to think or act in a certain way p When the nonfiction writer's main purpose is to convince the reader of his or her point of view, and the writer selects facts to accomplish this purpose, the method of writing is called persuasion.

Nonfiction p Descriptive essays - present people, situations or place. They describe p When the writer wants to recreate an event, experience, or place through language that appeals to the senses, the method of writing used is called description.

Nonfiction p Exposition - something written to present and explain, like a report p When the writer's main purpose is to inform the reader as objectively as possible about an event or to clarify an idea, the method of writing is called exposition.

Nonfiction p Narrative essays – tell the story of actual events p When nonfiction writers describe a series of events in the form of a story, they are using the method of writing called narration.

Nonfiction p Reflective essays – explore an author's thoughts about ideas or experiences

Nonfiction p Informational Text - Guides, ranging from directions and warranties to maps and contracts

Nonfiction p Autobiography – the story of part or all of a person's life, written by that person

Nonfiction p Biography – an author tells the story of someone else's life

Nonfiction p Biography – an author tells the story of someone else's life

Nonfiction p Read page 513

Nonfiction p Read page 513

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