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THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE STUDENT TEAM ACHIEVEMENT DIVISION METHOD IN READING COMPREHENSION LEARNING OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS GRADE XII Name: Ghandur Muhammad Daffa, Noviyanti Aneros, Melia Dewi Judiasri Affiliation: Indonesia University of Education (UPI) Abstract Code: ABS-ICOLLITE-20096

Introduction • • • The definition of dokkai is 文章を読んでその意 味を理解し、解釈すること (bunsho o yonde

Introduction • • • The definition of dokkai is 文章を読んでその意 味を理解し、解釈すること (bunsho o yonde sono imi o rikai shi, kaishaku suru koto), means reading sentence, understanding the meaning and explaining the sentence. (The Great Japanese Dictionary : 1995) The difficulty that generally found by the learners in learning the Japanese language is the different characteristics between Japanese and Indonesian. These characteristics include the character use, vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar and language variety. (Sudjianto : 2009) STAD is the most simple cooperative learning method. In STAD, students are divided into up to 5 members each group randomly, and each group answered the questions collectively before the individual test begin. (Slavin : 2011)

Literature Review Research about STAD method in eleventh-grade students’ reading comprehension skills • Suardi

Literature Review Research about STAD method in eleventh-grade students’ reading comprehension skills • Suardi (2014) in Jurnal Pendidikan dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Indonesia Theory about STAD method • Slavin (2011) Reasons behind reading problem • Zeghoudi (2014) Difficulty of learning Japanese language • Sudjianto (2009)

Method • Quantitative research by using true experiment design. • Data: literature review, test,

Method • Quantitative research by using true experiment design. • Data: literature review, test, questionnaire, observation, and interview. • One experimental class that used STAD method and one control class that used conventional method • Analyzing data by using statistics

Ø From the statistical comparison between thitung and ttabel, it concludes that in the

Ø From the statistical comparison between thitung and ttabel, it concludes that in the pre-test phase, there is no significant differences between Japanese text reading comprehension skill in both the experiment class or the control class. Finding and Discussion Ø the next phase is the treatment phase. In the experiment class, the treatment is to give a Japanese text reading comprehension lesson using STAD method. The learning process itself follows the steps of STAD method, which are class presentations, teams, quizzes, individual development scores, and team recognitions. According to Slavin (2011)

Finding and Discussion Ø In the control class, the treatment was done without using

Finding and Discussion Ø In the control class, the treatment was done without using STAD method in the learning processes (conventional method). The learning process was done in two meetings as same as the experiment class. Ø From the statistical comparison between thitung and ttabel, it concludes that in the post-test phase, there is a significant differences between Japanese text reading comprehension skill in experimental class. The skills of the experimental class students were higher than the control class students. Ø From the questionnaire, it shows that the respondents were giving positive feedback to the STAD cooperative learning method.

Conclusion • • • students have lack of Japanese reading comprehension skills before the

Conclusion • • • students have lack of Japanese reading comprehension skills before the researcher applied the STAD cooperative learning method to them. After processing the data using the statistical approach, it shows that thitung grade was bigger than ttabel grade. In other words, it can be concluded that there was a significant difference between the STAD method class and the non-STAD method class. From the questionnaire that is given to the respondent from the experiment class, most of the students gave positive feedback to the STAD cooperative learning method. It can be proven by looking at the explanation from the students that STAD cooperative learning method was fun and made them easier to understand the Japanese text passage.

References Kamus Besar Bahasa Jepang (日本語大辞典). 1995. Kodansha Setiyadi, Bambang. (2006) Metode Penelitian Untuk

References Kamus Besar Bahasa Jepang (日本語大辞典). 1995. Kodansha Setiyadi, Bambang. (2006) Metode Penelitian Untuk Pengajaran Bahasa Asing. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu Slavin, R. (2011). Cooperative Learning: Teori, Riset, dan Praktik. . Bandung: Nusa Media Suardi, I Putu, dkk. (2014). Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe STAD Terhadap Hasil Belajar Membaca Bahasa Inggris Ditinjau dari Motivasi Berprestasi Siswa Kelas XI. Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Indonesia 4 (1) • Sudjianto, dkk. (2009). Pengantar Linguistik Bahasa Jepang. Jakarta: Kesaint Blanc. • Zeghoudi, Y, Belmekki, A, Belkhir, F, & Adder F. (2014). Reading Comprehension Difficulties Among ELF Learners: The Case of Third-Year Learners at Nehali Mohamed Secondary School. Accessed from: http: //webcache. googleusercontent. com/search? q=cache: 9 fqa. Mv. Tc. S 7 o. J: dspace. univtlemcen. dz/bitstream/112/7899/1/babayeba-wahiba. pdf+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=id • •