The difference between adjectives and adverbs What is

The difference between adjectives and adverbs 形容詞と副詞の違い

What is an adjective ? An adjective is a word which is used to help a noun. It describes the noun. 形容詞(ADJECTIVE)は、名詞 を修飾します。

What is an adverb ? An adverb is the word which is used to help verbs and adjectives. It describes a verb or adjective by adding ‘how’, ‘where’, ‘when’, or ‘why’ to it. 副詞(ADVERBS)は形容詞や動詞など を修飾します。

Did you sleep well yesterday? Here, ‘well’ is the adverb. It describes how he or she slept.

Today, we focus on the difference between ‘well’ and ‘good’ 今回は特にwellとgoodの違いに注目して授 業します

Why ‘well’ or ‘good’ is used. I can play tennis well. テニスを上手にできる。 He is a good tennis player. 彼は腕のいいテニス選手だ。

Without ‘well’or ‘good’, we can’t understand whether his skill is good or bad. *WellやGoodがなければテニスの 腕前がわからない。

To help Verb or Noun Adverbs or adjectives give more information to the verb or noun in the sentence to understand more deeply whether it is positive or negative. 副詞や形容詞がつくことによって動詞 では補足しきれない情報(上手なのか下 手なのかなど)をよりよく理解できる。

In order to understand the difference, we will look at the difference of use between good and well. 違いを理解するため、形容詞( good)と副詞(well)の使い方違い を見ましょう。

How to use ‘good’ Good is an adjective that is used to describe the noun. Goodは形容詞で名詞を修飾 します。

How to use ‘well’ Well is an adverb that is used to describe the adjective or verb. Wellは形容詞と動詞を修飾す る副詞です。

Which do you choose ? Good or Well In this sentence, which is correct? good or well You are a ( ) person. あなたはいい人だね

Which do you choose ? Good or Well (2) In this sentence, which is correct? good or well I don’t know her very ( ). 私は彼女をあまりよく知り ません

Let's practice ~Activity 1~

Let's practice ~Activity2~

Find your friend’s goodness Game まずワークシートを配ります Question1にwellを使って例のように得意なこと を書きましょう Question2にgoodを使って好きな人物を説明しよ う 友達に次のように質問してみよう Question1 What can you do well ? Question2 Who do you like ? And, why do you like him or her or them ?
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