The Concept of SelfReliance Is located centrally within

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The Concept of Self-Reliance… • Is located centrally within the discourse of community development

The Concept of Self-Reliance… • Is located centrally within the discourse of community development • The approach affirms the people-centeredness of community development

Self-Reliance • Seeks to empower the individual and groups of people • Has a

Self-Reliance • Seeks to empower the individual and groups of people • Has a strong focus on human development • Builds democratic societies (with women at the centre) • Develops through skill building and identifying opportunities

3 Levels of the Approach

3 Levels of the Approach

Main Components of Approach: • It focuses on the poorest and most vulnerable section

Main Components of Approach: • It focuses on the poorest and most vulnerable section of the community and organizes these individuals into self-help groups (SHGs) • It helps women realize their potential as individuals through a savings and loan system • It builds capacity and competence through training programmes provided by the local NGO • It builds the model up through clustering 8 -12 SHGs into a Cluster Level Association • The last component is the Federation level which helps ensure sustainability

Individuals within a community… Ma. Zuma Ma. Cebi Ma. Gasa Ma. Ngcobo Ma. Xaba

Individuals within a community… Ma. Zuma Ma. Cebi Ma. Gasa Ma. Ngcobo Ma. Xaba Ma. Gwala Ma. Gcumis a

Eg. Ma. Zuma

Eg. Ma. Zuma

Savings & Self-Help Groups Focus on the Individual

Savings & Self-Help Groups Focus on the Individual

SHG Discussion… SHGs focus on the following: • Savings/credit and all economic activities/income generating

SHG Discussion… SHGs focus on the following: • Savings/credit and all economic activities/income generating activities • Social bond affinity among members • Basic social issues in family and community

Savings/Self-Help Groups • Participatory Assessment/Asset mapping • Concept • Savings/Credit & Loan Management •

Savings/Self-Help Groups • Participatory Assessment/Asset mapping • Concept • Savings/Credit & Loan Management • Goal Setting & Action Plan • Leadership and Communication • Conflict Resolution • Basic Business Skills • SHG Evaluation

Benefits for women in Savings/SHGs include: • Increase in self-confidence and skills acquired through

Benefits for women in Savings/SHGs include: • Increase in self-confidence and skills acquired through capacitybuilding • Increase in household income and savings through easier access to loans to meet needs • Increased ability to contribute towards funeral costs or an unexpected crisis • Increase in personal support networks from Savings/SHG members within a sharing and caring environment

Benefits for women in Savings/SHGs include: • Increase in awareness of household and community

Benefits for women in Savings/SHGs include: • Increase in awareness of household and community needs • Greater involvement in community projects • Greater voice within the household and community and ability to make decisions • Increased ability to care for and meet the basic needs of children and/or grandchildren

Cluster Level Associations Focus on the Groups & Community

Cluster Level Associations Focus on the Groups & Community

CLUSTER Discussion Clusters focus on: • Strengthening Savings/SHGs and forming new ones • Mobilizing

CLUSTER Discussion Clusters focus on: • Strengthening Savings/SHGs and forming new ones • Mobilizing resources and services through linkages with other service providers • Implementing needs-based projects in the community • Establishing a value system in the community • Making presence felt in local/traditional governance

Cluster Modules • CLA concept • Forming and Strengthening of SHGs • Community projects

Cluster Modules • CLA concept • Forming and Strengthening of SHGs • Community projects (social and economic) • Mobilizing needs-based resources and services • CLA as an institution • CLA goals and action plans, forming sub-committees • Importance of M & E • CLA vision building • CLA sustainability

Federation Focus on Policy Transformation & Advocacy

Federation Focus on Policy Transformation & Advocacy

FEDERATION Discussion The Federation: • Maintains the characteristics of the Institution • Acts as

FEDERATION Discussion The Federation: • Maintains the characteristics of the Institution • Acts as a link between the people and the system to maintain peace and security • Lobbies and advocates for pro-people’s policies • Operates as a legal body to interact with external bodies

Entering into a Community 1. Meet with Tribal or Elected Leadership • Introduce organization

Entering into a Community 1. Meet with Tribal or Elected Leadership • Introduce organization • Negotiate independence to minimize political control and interference 2. Organization Staff Visit Each Homestead Personally • Explain the concept • Invite mainly women to join a savings group • Select community facilitators who are from the local community

Role of Organization 1. Create an environment to stimulate social and economic development 2.

Role of Organization 1. Create an environment to stimulate social and economic development 2. Create an environment where people can develop their full potential 3. Create opportunities as identified by the need 4. Mentorship 5. Support

Responsibility of the Organization • Looking inwards as an organization • Well-trained staff with

Responsibility of the Organization • Looking inwards as an organization • Well-trained staff with a thorough understanding of the self-reliance concept and content of training modules • Content of training modules • Staff able to read analyze the context of the women and report to office • Office respond by identifying appropriate opportunities. i. e. Capacity building, markets, debriefing sessions, etc. • Active networking approach

Training Staff and Community Facilitators 1. Three weeks intensive training in: • • •

Training Staff and Community Facilitators 1. Three weeks intensive training in: • • • Exposure Visit The SHG Concept The SHG Program How to conduct home visits The 1 st module of the Manual 2. Staff attend a two-day training every month. 3. One day debriefing session.

Siyabonga! Thank you!

Siyabonga! Thank you!