The Battle of Lexington and Concord 1775 Winner

The Battle of Lexington and Concord 1775 Winner: British won Lexington, America won Concord. Importance: Spark of the Revolution, 1 st battle of the American Revolution. Many called this battle the “shot heard around the world” because everyone was shocked and surprised the Americans declared war on England

The Battle of Ticonderoga 1775 Winner: Americans Importance: The 1 st major victory for the Americans-with help from Green Mountain Boys they gained control of the waterways between Canada and the colonies and also seized cannons and ammo from the British fort that would later be used against the British.

The Battle of Bunker Hill 1775 Winner: British. Importance: Patriots tried to regain control of Boston from the British. Although the British drove the Americans away, it was not without heavy losses. . 1, 000 British casualties Less than 100 for the Americans Proved Patriots would be tough to beat.

The Battle of Long Island 1776 Winner: British. Importance: Washington’s Continental army retreated from the New England battle front prevented a total end to the War by successfully evacuating 10, 000 American troops from British capture.

The Battle of Trenton 1776 Winner: America Importance: Sneak attack on Hessian soldiers Christmas night. Americans captured over 1, 000 British forces. Boosted American morale after being driven from the Battle of Long Island Encourages more Americans to join the army.

The Battle of Saratoga 1777 Winner: America Importance: Turning point in the Revolution for the Americans. A key victory that convinced France to join the war as an ally of America. France’s alliance provided America with the foreign aid necessary to defeat England.

Valley Forge Winter of 1777 -78 Winner: Importance: Winter encampment considered a low point in the war for the American troops. Many died from cold, starvation and disease. On positive note, through Washington’s leadership, the Continental Army did receive valuable military training that transformed them from a rag tag army into a disciplined army.

The Battle of Yorktown 1781 Winner: America Importance: Final battle of the Revolution. British General Cornwallis surrendered to the combined forces of General Washington and his French allies in Yorktown, Virginia ending the war.

The Treaty of Paris, 1783 • The peace agreement that officially ended the American Revolution. Three negotiations were made: 1. England officially recognized America as an independent country 2. New boundaries were set, all Territory East of the Mississippi 3. All British forts were to be removed from North America

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