The AP Mindset An Introduction to AP PreAP

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The AP Mindset: An Introduction to AP, Pre-AP and Vertical Teams

The AP Mindset: An Introduction to AP, Pre-AP and Vertical Teams



The Advanced Placement Program “Our mission to prepare, inspire, and connect students to college

The Advanced Placement Program “Our mission to prepare, inspire, and connect students to college and opportunity, with equity and excellence, is clear. ” Gaston Caperton President, College Board January 2000

What Is… n Equity? n Excellence?

What Is… n Equity? n Excellence?

Benefits of the AP Program for Students Gain the Edge in College Preparation n

Benefits of the AP Program for Students Gain the Edge in College Preparation n Get a head start on college-level work. n Improve your writing skills and sharpen your problem-solving techniques. n Develop the study habits necessary for tackling rigorous course work. Stand Out in the College Admissions Process n Demonstrate your maturity and readiness for college. n Show your willingness to push yourself to the limit. n Emphasize your commitment to academic excellence. Broaden Your Intellectual Horizons n Explore the world from a variety of perspectives, most importantly your own. n Study subjects in greater depth and detail. n Assume the responsibility of reasoning, analyzing, and understanding for yourself.

AP Effect on Students who complete AP courses are: v v v v better

AP Effect on Students who complete AP courses are: v v v v better prepared academically more likely to choose challenging majors likely to complete more college-level work likely to perform significantly better than students who did not take AP courses more likely to exercise leadership more likely to graduate with a double major twice as likely to go into advanced study Willingham & Morris, 1986; UT Study 1988

What Counts in College Admissions % citing "considerably important" Courses Selected SAT Scores Class

What Counts in College Admissions % citing "considerably important" Courses Selected SAT Scores Class Rank Overall Grades Essay Work/School Activity 0 20 40 60 College Admissions Officials 1992 NACAC Survey 80 100

Advanced Placement Examinations v v v AP Examinations are composed of multiplechoice sections and

Advanced Placement Examinations v v v AP Examinations are composed of multiplechoice sections and free-response questions (with the exception of Studio Art) Free-response questions are scored by college professors and experienced AP teachers at June readings Examination scores range from 1 to 5

Advanced Placement Examinations 5 -- Extremely Well Qualified 4 -- Well Qualified 3 --

Advanced Placement Examinations 5 -- Extremely Well Qualified 4 -- Well Qualified 3 -- Qualified 2 -- Possibly Qualified 1 -- No Recommendation

Who Receives AP Exam Scores? v v AP Grade Reports are sent in July

Who Receives AP Exam Scores? v v AP Grade Reports are sent in July to students, high schools, and colleges designated by individual students. High school teachers and principals receive a special AP Grade Report online for all classes in which five or more students completed the AP Examination.

Pre-AP Initiative Pre-AP is a set of content-specific strategies to: n build rigorous curricula

Pre-AP Initiative Pre-AP is a set of content-specific strategies to: n build rigorous curricula n promote access to AP for all students (EQUITY) n introduce skills, concepts, and assessment methods to prepare students for success when they take AP and other challenging courses

What are AP Vertical Teams? AP vertical teams are groups of educators from different

What are AP Vertical Teams? AP vertical teams are groups of educators from different grade levels in a given discipline who work cooperatively to develop and implement a vertically aligned program aimed at helping students acquire the skills necessary for success in the Advanced Placement Program.

AP Vertical Teams

AP Vertical Teams

AP® U. S. Government and Politics 2008 -2014

AP® U. S. Government and Politics 2008 -2014

AP Program: A Summary v v v The AP Program provides the goals. An

AP Program: A Summary v v v The AP Program provides the goals. An AP Vertical Team provides a vehicle to achieve the goals. Together they promote educational excellence for all students.

College Board Information v v v Course Descriptions Teachers Guides Free-Response Guides/Released Exams Student

College Board Information v v v Course Descriptions Teachers Guides Free-Response Guides/Released Exams Student Guides Teleconferences Internet http: //apcentral. collegeboard. com http: //www. collegeboard. com/ap/students/index. html

The College Board The Southwestern Region Arkansas / New Mexico / Oklahoma / Texas

The College Board The Southwestern Region Arkansas / New Mexico / Oklahoma / Texas Southwestern Regional Office The College Board 4330 Gaines Ranch Loop, Ste. 200 Austin, Texas 78735 -6734 Phone: (866) 392 -3017 FAX: (512) 721 -1841