The Amazon River presentation Where does The Amazon

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The Amazon River presentation

The Amazon River presentation

Where does The Amazon River start and end? The Amazon River starts in Peru

Where does The Amazon River start and end? The Amazon River starts in Peru and ends in the Atlantic Ocean. The river goes through Peru, Brazil, Columbia, Venezuela, Bolivia, Guyana and Ecuador.

How long is the Amazon River? The Amazon River is the second longest river

How long is the Amazon River? The Amazon River is the second longest river in the world. It is 6, 400 km.

What cities does The Amazon River pass? The Amazon River passes many cities. Here

What cities does The Amazon River pass? The Amazon River passes many cities. Here are the major ones: Iquitos, Manaus and Santarem

What animals benefit from The Amazon River? Some of the animals that benefit from

What animals benefit from The Amazon River? Some of the animals that benefit from The Amazon River are: • • • The pink dolphin or bufeo (Inia geoffrensis) The giant river otter. Amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis) Arapaima (Arapaima gigas) Electric eel (Electrophorus electricus)

What is/was the Amazon River used for? The Amazon River is a largest and

What is/was the Amazon River used for? The Amazon River is a largest and deepest river in the world. It is very easy for boating and shipping. So trading between countries will be easier. The Amazon River also used for drinking and bathing.

Fun facts about The Amazon River!!! • The Amazon River is 11 million years

Fun facts about The Amazon River!!! • The Amazon River is 11 million years old! • A Slovenian athlete once swam almost the entire length of the Amazon River, in 66 days. • The Amazon River used to flow backwards. • The Amazon River has a hidden twin-river flowing below it. • It expands greatly during the wet seasons.

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Thank you for reading about The Amazon River!