The 10 th Sunday After Pentecost The Holy

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台灣聖公會聖雅各堂 聖靈降臨後第十主日 The 10 th Sunday After Pentecost 感恩聖禮 The Holy Eucharist 2016 /

台灣聖公會聖雅各堂 聖靈降臨後第十主日 The 10 th Sunday After Pentecost 感恩聖禮 The Holy Eucharist 2016 / 7 / 24

聖 詩 Processional Hymn (站) stand 《教會根基歌》 The Church’s One Foundation Page. 6

聖 詩 Processional Hymn (站) stand 《教會根基歌》 The Church’s One Foundation Page. 6

公禱書 《始禮啟應》 (公禱書 211頁) (BCP P. 299) 啟 身體只有一個,聖靈只有一個; 應 正如我們蒙召,同有一個指望; Celebrant There is

公禱書 《始禮啟應》 (公禱書 211頁) (BCP P. 299) 啟 身體只有一個,聖靈只有一個; 應 正如我們蒙召,同有一個指望; Celebrant There is one Body and one Spirit; . People There is one hope in God‘s call to us;

公禱書 《始禮啟應》 (公禱書 211頁) (BCP P. 299) 啟 一主、一信、一洗; 應 一上帝,就是眾人的父 Celebrant One Lord,

公禱書 《始禮啟應》 (公禱書 211頁) (BCP P. 299) 啟 一主、一信、一洗; 應 一上帝,就是眾人的父 Celebrant One Lord, one Faith, one Baptism; People One God and Father of all.

公禱書 《始禮啟應》 (公禱書 211頁) (BCP P. 299) 啟 願主與你們同在; 應 願主也與你同在; 啟 我們要禱告。 Celebrant

公禱書 《始禮啟應》 (公禱書 211頁) (BCP P. 299) 啟 願主與你們同在; 應 願主也與你同在; 啟 我們要禱告。 Celebrant The Lord be with you. People And also with you. Celebrant The Lord be with you.

本日祝文 The Collect of the day 上帝阿,祢保護所有信靠祢的人, 凡離開祢的,都沒有力量,也 不能成聖潔: O God, the protector of

本日祝文 The Collect of the day 上帝阿,祢保護所有信靠祢的人, 凡離開祢的,都沒有力量,也 不能成聖潔: O God, the protector of all who trust in you, without whom nothing is strong, nothing is holy:

求祢恩上加恩,力上加力,使 我們能靠著祢的治理和引導, 度過短暫的今世,卻不失落那 永恆的; Increase and multiply upon us your mercy; that, with you

求祢恩上加恩,力上加力,使 我們能靠著祢的治理和引導, 度過短暫的今世,卻不失落那 永恆的; Increase and multiply upon us your mercy; that, with you as our ruler and guide, we may so pass through things temporal, that we lose not the things eternal

這都是靠著我們的主耶穌基督, 聖子和聖父、聖靈,三位一體 的主,一同永生,一同掌權, 惟一上帝,永世無盡。阿們。 through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with

這都是靠著我們的主耶穌基督, 聖子和聖父、聖靈,三位一體 的主,一同永生,一同掌權, 惟一上帝,永世無盡。阿們。 through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

聖雅各日祝文 Collect of the St. James Day 恩慈的上帝阿,今天,我們在祢的面 前,紀念主的僕人使徒雅各,他在 十二使徒中,首先為耶穌基督的聖 名而殉道; O gracious God,

聖雅各日祝文 Collect of the St. James Day 恩慈的上帝阿,今天,我們在祢的面 前,紀念主的僕人使徒雅各,他在 十二使徒中,首先為耶穌基督的聖 名而殉道; O gracious God, we remember before you today your servant and apostle James, first among the Twelve to suffer martyrdom for the Name of Jesus Christ

我們懇求主,也將自我犧牲的服務精 神,賜給主教會的領袖們,唯有這 樣,他們在主的子民中,才能具備 真正的權柄; and we pray that you will pour out upon the

我們懇求主,也將自我犧牲的服務精 神,賜給主教會的領袖們,唯有這 樣,他們在主的子民中,才能具備 真正的權柄; and we pray that you will pour out upon the leaders of your Church that spirit of self-denying service by which alone they may have true authority among your people;

這都是靠著我們的主耶穌基督, 聖子和聖父、聖靈,三位一體 的主,一同永生,一同掌權, 惟一上帝,永世無盡。阿們。 through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with

這都是靠著我們的主耶穌基督, 聖子和聖父、聖靈,三位一體 的主,一同永生,一同掌權, 惟一上帝,永世無盡。阿們。 through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

獻詩/Choir <我要盡一生服事主> I WILL SERVE THE LOAD ALL MY DAYS 聖雅各堂詩班 St. James’ Choir

獻詩/Choir <我要盡一生服事主> I WILL SERVE THE LOAD ALL MY DAYS 聖雅各堂詩班 St. James’ Choir

每天我活,我要與主同行; Each day I live, I will walk with the Load; 無論何往我必跟隨祂引領。 I will

每天我活,我要與主同行; Each day I live, I will walk with the Load; 無論何往我必跟隨祂引領。 I will follow Him wherever He may lead.

祂要牽我手,祂確實知道; He will take my hand, He will understand; 祂的恩典夠我用。 His grace is all

祂要牽我手,祂確實知道; He will take my hand, He will understand; 祂的恩典夠我用。 His grace is all that I need.

每天我活,我要與主同語, Each day I live, I will talk with the Load, 我要用祈禱敬拜來親近祂。 I will

每天我活,我要與主同語, Each day I live, I will talk with the Load, 我要用祈禱敬拜來親近祂。 I will come to Him in worship and in prayer.

祂聽我祈求祂又安慰我, He will hear my plea, He will comfort me; 祂慈愛與我同在。 His love will

祂聽我祈求祂又安慰我, He will hear my plea, He will comfort me; 祂慈愛與我同在。 His love will always be there.

哈利路亞,哈利路亞! Alleluia, alleluia! 我心用榮耀讚美歌頌。 My heart sings with glory and with praise.

哈利路亞,哈利路亞! Alleluia, alleluia! 我心用榮耀讚美歌頌。 My heart sings with glory and with praise.

哈利路亞,哈利路亞! Alleluia, alleluia! 我要盡一生服事主。 I will serve the Load all my days.

哈利路亞,哈利路亞! Alleluia, alleluia! 我要盡一生服事主。 I will serve the Load all my days.

每天我活,就要歌頌我主, Each day I live, I will sing to the Load, 我要揚聲頌讚榮耀祂的名。 I will

每天我活,就要歌頌我主, Each day I live, I will sing to the Load, 我要揚聲頌讚榮耀祂的名。 I will lift my voice to glorify His name.

聲清澈響亮,我要來頌讚。 Singing clear and strong, I will raise my song. 宣揚祂無比大愛! His wondrous love,

聲清澈響亮,我要來頌讚。 Singing clear and strong, I will raise my song. 宣揚祂無比大愛! His wondrous love, I’ll proclaim!

哈利路亞,哈利路亞! Alleluia, alleluia! 我心用榮耀讚美歌頌。 My heart sings with glory and with praise.

哈利路亞,哈利路亞! Alleluia, alleluia! 我心用榮耀讚美歌頌。 My heart sings with glory and with praise.

哈利路亞,哈利路亞! Alleluia, alleluia! 我要盡一生服事主。 I will serve the Load all my days.

哈利路亞,哈利路亞! Alleluia, alleluia! 我要盡一生服事主。 I will serve the Load all my days.

我要服事生命的救主, I will serve my Savior and my Load, 盡一生! all my days!

我要服事生命的救主, I will serve my Savior and my Load, 盡一生! all my days!

聖洗禮 Holy Baptism 引薦及查問 Presentation & Examination 公禱書 213頁 Page 301, BCP

聖洗禮 Holy Baptism 引薦及查問 Presentation & Examination 公禱書 213頁 Page 301, BCP

洗禮誓約 (站) stand The Baptismal Covenant 公禱書 215頁 Page 304, BCP

洗禮誓約 (站) stand The Baptismal Covenant 公禱書 215頁 Page 304, BCP

祈禱 Prayers for the Candidates 公禱書 217頁 Page 305, BCP

祈禱 Prayers for the Candidates 公禱書 217頁 Page 305, BCP

將水祝聖祈禱文 Thanksgiving over the Water 公禱書 218頁 Page 305, BCP

將水祝聖祈禱文 Thanksgiving over the Water 公禱書 218頁 Page 305, BCP

洗禮 The Baptism 公禱書 219頁 Page 307, BCP

洗禮 The Baptism 公禱書 219頁 Page 307, BCP

(站) 堅振禮 The Confirmation 公禱書 220頁 Page. 415, BCP

(站) 堅振禮 The Confirmation 公禱書 220頁 Page. 415, BCP

(坐/sit) 報 告 Annoumcement

(坐/sit) 報 告 Annoumcement

奉獻詩 Offertory Hymn 《求做遠象歌》 Be Thou My Vision Page. 7 (站) stand

奉獻詩 Offertory Hymn 《求做遠象歌》 Be Thou My Vision Page. 7 (站) stand

獻禮頌 普天頌讚 645首 Offertory Hymn 求主祝福我手所獻 Bless Thou the gifts our hands have brought

獻禮頌 普天頌讚 645首 Offertory Hymn 求主祝福我手所獻 Bless Thou the gifts our hands have brought 我所計畫一切事 Bless Thou thework our hearts have planned 惟靠信心 志向 意念 Ours is the faith the well the thought 其餘一切在主手中 The rest O God is in thy hand 阿們 A-men

大祝謝禮 (第一式) (站) stand The Holy Communion (Eucharistic Prayer A) 公禱書 237頁 Page. 361

大祝謝禮 (第一式) (站) stand The Holy Communion (Eucharistic Prayer A) 公禱書 237頁 Page. 361 BCP

(站) stand 擘餅 The Breaking of the Bread 公禱書 241頁 Page. 364 BCP

(站) stand 擘餅 The Breaking of the Bread 公禱書 241頁 Page. 364 BCP

(跪) kneel 聖餐後禱文 Post-Communion Prayer 公禱書 242頁 Page. 365 BCP

(跪) kneel 聖餐後禱文 Post-Communion Prayer 公禱書 242頁 Page. 365 BCP

祝 福 Blessings (跪) kneel

祝 福 Blessings (跪) kneel

(站) stand 差 遣 Dismissal

(站) stand 差 遣 Dismissal

退堂詩 Recessional Hymn (站) stand 《我愛教會歌》 I Love Thy Church, O God Page. 8

退堂詩 Recessional Hymn (站) stand 《我愛教會歌》 I Love Thy Church, O God Page. 8