tglied der HelmholtzGemeinschaft Data Acquisition at a particle

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tglied der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Data Acquisition at a particle physics experiments 13. 8. 12 Sergey

tglied der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Data Acquisition at a particle physics experiments 13. 8. 12 Sergey Mikirtytchiants, IKP FZJ GGSWBS'12, Batumi Aug. 13 -17

Outline. How to study interaction of an elementary particles? Particle identification and detectors. Digitizing

Outline. How to study interaction of an elementary particles? Particle identification and detectors. Digitizing of detector signals. Data acquisition system. Trigger. Example: Strange particle production in p-p collision. Summary. 13. 8. 12 Slide 2

How to study interaction of an elementary particles? incident interaction ejectiles ? target Kinematics

How to study interaction of an elementary particles? incident interaction ejectiles ? target Kinematics (conservation law) Reconstruct ejectiles, unobservable directly (missing mass) Example: Strange particle production in proton-proton collision stotal ~ mb 13. 8. 12 Slide 3

What is needed to carry out such study? Accelerator Incident particle beam Particle: p;

What is needed to carry out such study? Accelerator Incident particle beam Particle: p; Energy: 2 Ge. V; Intencity: nb = 1012 1/s Target Particle: p; Dencity (thikness): nt = 1014 1/cm 2 Luminosity: L = nt nb fb= 1014 x 1012 x 106 = 1032 cm-2 s-1 Event rate: R = stotal L = 10 -29 cm-2 x 1032 cm-2 s-1 = 103 s-1 Setup to detect and identify ejectiles 13. 8. 12 Slide 4

Particle identification. Means the type of the particle (mass) and its momentum (P) Charged

Particle identification. Means the type of the particle (mass) and its momentum (P) Charged particles Energy losses in matter E/ x [ Me. V/cm ] Cherenkov radiation (velocity) Bending of trajectory in magnetic field B R=P/e. B Time of flight 13. 8. 12 → P=f(x, y) tof = (t 1 -t 0)/L [ ns/m ] Slide 5

Detectors. Temporal resolution TOF Spatial resolution Tracking Energy resolution E, E Dead time 2

Detectors. Temporal resolution TOF Spatial resolution Tracking Energy resolution E, E Dead time 2 ns 0. 1 mm ------ 0. 1 ns 10 ns 1 ns DG 10 m 1 Me. V 0. 2 s 0. 1 s 10 ns DG ------ 0. 1 Me. V 1 s 100 s MW Chambers Prop. Drift Scintillators Organic Inorganic Silicon Strip Pixel DG - Detector Geometry 13. 8. 12 Slide 6

Digitizing (1). TDC — Time Digital Converters Resolution - s [ns / bin] Range

Digitizing (1). TDC — Time Digital Converters Resolution - s [ns / bin] Range (full scale) – n-bits Nonlinearity - s = f(bin) Conversion time ~ ms t 0 start tj t tn stop_m Multihit TDC: m times ADC — Analog Digital Converters Resolution - s [AV / bin] Range (full scale) – n-bits Nonlinearity - s = f(bin) Conversion time ~ ms t 1 stop t 0 t Charge Q Amplitude A Tclk 0 Flash ADC aj m 0<j<m m times 13. 8. 12 Slide 7

Digitizing (2). Registers Coordinate detector (MWPC) MSB n Data 1 2 1 0 LSB

Digitizing (2). Registers Coordinate detector (MWPC) MSB n Data 1 2 1 0 LSB 0 1 1 Latch 0/1 0/1 Scalers Each input signal increments the counter content by ONE Data = Data + 1 Double pulse resolution ~ 5. . . 10 ns Max. speed ~ 20. . . 200 MHz Capacity – 24. . . 32 bits 13. 8. 12 Slide 8

Data acquisition. Common hardware structure Detectors Front end electronics D 1. . . Dn

Data acquisition. Common hardware structure Detectors Front end electronics D 1. . . Dn Pre. Amplifier Discriminator …. Digitizers HV, LV Gas, Cooling …. DATA stucture Header (Run number, comment) {Event number; Time stamp; Source ID (ADC_1); {Data_ADC_1}; Source ID (TDC_1); {Data_TDC_1}; …. . . . End of event}; // event size {Next Event}; 13. 8. 12 ADC TDC REG SCL …. Trigger Level 1 Interface Computer CAMAC VME LVDS Bus PCI Bus …. . DATA storage. Amount of DATA = <event size> x Accepted Trigger rate upto 100 MB/s !!! → Zero data suppression → Selective Trigger Slide 9

Data acquisition. Common hardware structure Detectors Front end electronics D 1. . . Dn

Data acquisition. Common hardware structure Detectors Front end electronics D 1. . . Dn …. Digitizers Interface …. Computer …. . t 0 , gate nacc Trigger ninp DT nacc BUSY DATA storage. Dead time: After each accepted event DAQ is insensitive during a period t For a unit of time: Full Dead time: Full Live time: Efficienty e of Data taking: 13. 8. 12 ninp DT (DT) nacc Average DT: <t > = 100 ms <ninp> e 103 1/s 0. 91 104 1/s 0. 50 105 1/s 0. 09 106 1/s 0. 01 Efficiency e increasing by → Clusters ( less DT ) → Selective Trigger (less ninp ) Slide 10

Data acquisition. Cluster structure Detectors Front end electronics D 1 …. Dn Digitizers Interface

Data acquisition. Cluster structure Detectors Front end electronics D 1 …. Dn Digitizers Interface Computer cluster_1 …. . t 0 , gate cluster_n …. Trigger nacc DT ninp nacc DAQ BUSY DATA storage. cluster synchro cluster event builder Advantages: a) Flexibility; b) High performance … 13. 8. 12 Slide 11

Trigger. Aim: digitize and store data only in case of the certain conditions. Goal:

Trigger. Aim: digitize and store data only in case of the certain conditions. Goal: reduce data losses and amount of stored data by ignoring of undesirable background events. Level 1: very fast, but pure rejection Hardware logic based on Timing (restricted time window for TOF) E, E (cut by setting of high threshold Spatial selection by coincidence of certain SC's Level 2: stronger rejection, but slower ; needs data buffering Dedicated digital signal processing based on special algoriythm (rough track reconstruction) Higher trigger levels: more selective and slower Software based, can be applied ofline. 13. 8. 12 Slide 12

Example. Strange particle production in p-p collision near to threshold Tp 1. 8 –

Example. Strange particle production in p-p collision near to threshold Tp 1. 8 – 2. 2 Ge. V Aim of experiment: stotal Searching for pair: (K+p), (K+ +) Триггер: K+ 13. 8. 12 Slide 13

COoler SYnchrotron COSY. p, d (un)polarized momentum 0. 3. 7 Ge. V/c intencity upto

COoler SYnchrotron COSY. p, d (un)polarized momentum 0. 3. 7 Ge. V/c intencity upto 1010 1/s Cooling electron: ~0. 3 Ge. V/c stochastic: >1. 5 Ge. V/c 13. 8. 12 Slide 14

Spectrometer ANKE. 1 m STT ND (SC, MWPC) FD (SC, MWPC, MWDC) Target H

Spectrometer ANKE. 1 m STT ND (SC, MWPC) FD (SC, MWPC, MWDC) Target H 2, D 2 cluster jet 13. 8. 12 p, d PD (SC, MWPC) K+ , + Slide 15

Frontend electronics of Scintillator Detectors. Front end electronics Fan Out PMT_up Y= L L=1

Frontend electronics of Scintillator Detectors. Front end electronics Fan Out PMT_up Y= L L=1 m t =7 ns/m Dt = 2 Lt = 14 ns Pd. So 14_Tup → QDC CFD Pd. So 14_Tup → TDC, Scaler HV_up Sc Mean timer PS Pd. So 14_MT → TDC, Scaler , Trigger HV_dn Pd. So 14_Tdn → TDC, Scaler CFD Y= 0 PMT_dn 13. 8. 12 Fan Out Pd. So 14_Tdn → QDC Slide 16

Raw spectra. Source: TDC's TOF spectra between So 13 and Sa 1. . .

Raw spectra. Source: TDC's TOF spectra between So 13 and Sa 1. . . 23 criterion Valid Sa 13. 8. 12 Source: QDC's Energy loss spectra So 13 and Sa 1. . . 23 efficiency of registration K+ BG 1. 0 0. 25 Slide 17

Time of flight (TOF). online offline TOF spectrum of So 13 (& Sa 1.

Time of flight (TOF). online offline TOF spectrum of So 13 (& Sa 1. . . 23) criterion TOF onl TOF ofl 13. 8. 12 Energy loss spectrum of So 13 efficiency of registration K+ BG 1. 0 0. 11 0. 99 0. 29 Slide 18

'Delayed Veto'. Delayed Veto spectrum of Tel 13 online Valid Sa So Dt-So del_1

'Delayed Veto'. Delayed Veto spectrum of Tel 13 online Valid Sa So Dt-So del_1 & del_2 & del_n & TOF trigger unit 13. 8. 12 offline Ve Dt-Ve & del_Ve Trigger criterion Del_Ve onl Del_Ve ofl efficiency of registration K+ BG ~0. 2 ~ 5 x 10 -3 0. 2 < 10 -3 Slide 19

Vertical angle. Vertical angles after K+-cuts in SC of Tel. 13 criterion Vertical angle

Vertical angle. Vertical angles after K+-cuts in SC of Tel. 13 criterion Vertical angle 13. 8. 12 efficiency of registration K+ BG 0. 99 0. 11 Slide 20

Summary of Criteria criterion Valid Sa TOF Del_Ve efficiency of registration K+ BG 1.

Summary of Criteria criterion Valid Sa TOF Del_Ve efficiency of registration K+ BG 1. 0 0. 25 1. 0 0. 11 ~0. 2 ~ 5 x 10 -3 TOF Del_Ve Vertical angle 0. 99 0. 29 < 10 -3 0. 11 All 0. 2 < 3. 5 x 10 -6 Trigger rate suppresion 10 — 30 times 50 — 200 times Right Criteria allows to study rare processes ! 13. 8. 12 Slide 21

Result: total cross section PLB 652, 245 -249 (2007) Tp =2. 16 Ge. V

Result: total cross section PLB 652, 245 -249 (2007) Tp =2. 16 Ge. V 13. 8. 12 Slide 22

Summary. For effictiveness data taking it is needed: Data Acquisition : Small dead time

Summary. For effictiveness data taking it is needed: Data Acquisition : Small dead time Cluster stucture Flexibility Trigger: Compromise of a criteria Cut Background Do not cut effect Online Data Handling: To control trigger criteria setting and thus be sure in quality of taken data 13. 8. 12 Slide 23

Questions. Detectors: 1. Which types of detectors can be used for tracking? 2. Which

Questions. Detectors: 1. Which types of detectors can be used for tracking? 2. Which detectors have fast time response? Digitizers: 1. Types and main characteristics of a digitizers? Data Acquisition : 1. What is important for effictiveness data taking? 2. Ways how to increase the efficiency of data taking? Trigger: 1. What is aim of trigger? 2. Which criteria could be used on the first level of trigger? 13. 8. 12 Slide 24