Testing Fourier dimensionality and sparsity Ryan ODonnell Carnegie

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Testing Fourier dimensionality and sparsity Ryan O’Donnell Carnegie Mellon University joint with Parikshit Gopalan

Testing Fourier dimensionality and sparsity Ryan O’Donnell Carnegie Mellon University joint with Parikshit Gopalan Rocco Servedio Amir Shpilka Karl Wimmer UW & Microsoft SVC Columbia Technion CMU & Duquesne

Outline 1. Testing boolean functions overview 2. Statement & proof sketch of Result 2

Outline 1. Testing boolean functions overview 2. Statement & proof sketch of Result 2 3. Statements of other results

Property Testing Characterizingtestability fairly well-understood for & graphs [AS 05 a, AS 05 b,

Property Testing Characterizingtestability fairly well-understood for & graphs [AS 05 a, AS 05 b, AFNS 06, AT 08, …] codes [KS 07, KS 08, …]. But wide open for boolean functions.

Testable boolean function properties poly(s/ϵ) q’s

Testable boolean function properties poly(s/ϵ) q’s

Characterization? ? Fischer’s survey [Fis 01] suggests Fourier may be key. This paper: Having

Characterization? ? Fischer’s survey [Fis 01] suggests Fourier may be key. This paper: Having concise Fourier representation is testable.

Fourier analysis of boolean functions

Fourier analysis of boolean functions

Fourier analysis of boolean functions

Fourier analysis of boolean functions

Fourier analysis of boolean functions There are 2 n linear functions, Every uniquely expressible

Fourier analysis of boolean functions There are 2 n linear functions, Every uniquely expressible as a real #

Fourier sparsity Def: f is s-sparse ⇔ Eg: # of nonzero is ≤ s

Fourier sparsity Def: f is s-sparse ⇔ Eg: # of nonzero is ≤ s Linear functions are 1 -sparse. k-juntas are 2 k-sparse.

Result #2 Thm: “Is s-sparse? ” is ϵ-testable with poly(s/ϵ) nonadaptive queries.

Result #2 Thm: “Is s-sparse? ” is ϵ-testable with poly(s/ϵ) nonadaptive queries.

Physical space Fourier space

Physical space Fourier space

Fourier space

Fourier space

Hashing Fourier coefficients idea s 2 buckets

Hashing Fourier coefficients idea s 2 buckets

Hashing Fourier coefficients idea s 2 buckets

Hashing Fourier coefficients idea s 2 buckets

λ: subpace of codimension d

λ: subpace of codimension d

affine subpace of λ: codimension d b∈

affine subpace of λ: codimension d b∈

Hashing Fourier coefficients idea 2 d = s 2 buckets (aff. subsps. ) indexed

Hashing Fourier coefficients idea 2 d = s 2 buckets (aff. subsps. ) indexed by F 2 Birthday Paradox? OK, by pairwise independence.

Projection functions

Projection functions

Projection functions

Projection functions

Projection functions b

Projection functions b

Physical to Fourier link b ex:

Physical to Fourier link b ex:

Physical to Fourier link b ex: Pbf(x) = avg. of ±f on 2 d

Physical to Fourier link b ex: Pbf(x) = avg. of ±f on 2 d = s 2 strings rel’d to x

The Test 1. Hash to a random 2 d = s 2 buckets b.

The Test 1. Hash to a random 2 d = s 2 buckets b. 2. For each b, 3. ϵ’-test if Pbf(x) ≡ 0, 4. Let B = {b : Pbf wasn’t ≡ 0} 5. Say NO if |B| > s for ϵ’ = poly(ϵ/s)

The Test 1. Hash to a random 2 d = s 2 buckets b.

The Test 1. Hash to a random 2 d = s 2 buckets b. 2. For each b, 3. ϵ’-test if Pbf(x) ≡ 0, 4. Let B = {b : Pbf wasn’t ≡ 0} 5. Say NO if |B| > s 6. Say YES for ϵ’ = poly(ϵ/s)

The Test 1. Hash to a random 2 d = s 2 buckets b.

The Test 1. Hash to a random 2 d = s 2 buckets b. 2. For each b, 3. ϵ’-test if Pbf(x) ≡ 0, for ϵ’ = poly(ϵ/s) 4. Let B = {b : Pbf wasn’t ≡ 0} 5. Say NO if |B| > s 6. Say YES poly(s/ϵ) nonadapt. queries

The Test Recall that for b ∈ B we “should” have Pbf = Analysis

The Test Recall that for b ∈ B we “should” have Pbf = Analysis easier if you also do: 6. For each b ∈ B, 7. Test |Pbf| constant 8. Test sgn(Pbf) is linear, using [BLR 90]

The Test Recall that for b ∈ B we “should” have Pbf = Analysis

The Test Recall that for b ∈ B we “should” have Pbf = Analysis easier if you also do: 6. For each b ∈ B, 7. Test |Pbf| constant 8. Test sgn(Pbf) is linear, using [BLR 90]

Key for analysis Granularity Theorem: If is s-sparse, then for all λ. (hence 0

Key for analysis Granularity Theorem: If is s-sparse, then for all λ. (hence 0 or > 1/s)

Other results Def: f is k-dimensional if { } lies in a k-dimensional subspace.

Other results Def: f is k-dimensional if { } lies in a k-dimensional subspace. ⇔ f is a “k-junta of parities” Result 1: “Is f k-dimensional? ” is ϵ-testable with 2 O(k)/ϵ nonadaptive queries.

Other results Result 4: Exact, properlearning algorithm for s-sparse functions under unif. (Easy consequence

Other results Result 4: Exact, properlearning algorithm for s-sparse functions under unif. (Easy consequence of Granularity Theorem. )

Other results Result 5: “Every subclassof k-dimensional functions is testable with 2 O(k)/ϵ nonadaptive

Other results Result 5: “Every subclassof k-dimensional functions is testable with 2 O(k)/ϵ nonadaptive queries. ” (Uses “Testing by implicit learning” [DLMORSW 07])