Telling The Time The Hands of Time The

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Telling The Time

The Hands of Time The clock has two hands: ØThe long hand is the minute hand ØThe short hand is the hour hand:

The Hands of Time Ø‘’Minute” is a long word. So, the minute hand is a long hand Ø“Hour” is a short word. So, the hour hand is a short hand m i n u t e hour

The Hands of Time Each number on a clock represents 5 minutes. Replacing the numbers with multiples of 5 will help you see why there are 60 minutes in an hour. Hour Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Minute Number 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 or 00

More clock 5’s If the minute hand is on the 3, how many minutes past the hour is it? 15 How about on the 8? 40 How about on the 5? 25 How about on the 7? 35 How about on the 11? 55 10 11 12 1 2 9 3 8 10 9 8 7 11 6 5 12 1 4 2 3 7 6 5 4

When the minute hand is pointing to 12, read the time as “o’clock”. For this reason, the hour hand pointing to the 3 is read as “three o’clock”.

Now the minute hand is pointing to 12 and the hour hand is pointing to the 4. So, we read the time as “four o’clock”.

What time is it? / What is the time ? When the minute hand is on 12, we read that time as “o’clock”. This clock is showing 4: 00, or “four o’clock”.

Quarters If the minute hand is on 3, than it is fifteen minutes after the hour. Sometimes people say this is a quarter past. 11 12 1 10 2 9 3 8 4 7 6 5

Half-pasts 11 12 1 10 2 9 3 8 4 7 6 5 If the minute hand is on 6, then it is 30 minutes after the hour sometimes people say this is half past.

When it's past the hour (up to 30 minutes past) we say "past". For example, It is ten past ten When it's before the hour (after 30 minutes past) we say "to". To illustrate, 12 10 It is five to nine 11 1 2 9 3 8 7 6 5 4

Digital Clocks show us the time using numbers. The number on the left of the is Hours, and the number on the right is Minutes

Clocks with Hands (analog clocks) Clocks can also use hands to show us the Hours and Minutes. We call them "analog" clocks.

What time is it? / What is the time ? 7: 30 It is half past seven

What time is it? / What is the time ? 11: 10 It is ten past eleven

What time is it? / What is the time ? 7: 45 It is a quarter to eight or It is forty five past seven

What time is it? / What is the time ? 4: 55 It is five to five

What time is it? / What is the time ? 10: 20 It is twenty past ten

There are 24 hours in a day. The day is broken up into two parts: A. M. (the morning hours) and P. M. (the evening hours) A. M. stands for ante meridiem, which means “before noon. ” The A. M. hours go from 12: 00 A. M. (midnight) to 11: 59 A. M. (one minute before noon). P. M. stands for post meridiem, which means “after noon. ” The P. M. hours go from 12: 00 P. M. (lunch time) to 11: 59 P. M. (one minute before midnight). Afternoon/night hours mean the time is in the P. M.

Writing the time • Morning 00: 01 - 11: 59 • a. m. - stands for Ante Meridiem (the time between midnight and noon) 00: 01 hrs - 12: 00 • noon or midday 12: 00 • p. m. - stands for Post Meridian (after noon) 12: 01 - 24: 00 hrs • Afternoon 12: 01 - 18: 00 • Evening 18: 01 - 22: 00 • Night 22: 01 - 24: 00 • Midnight 24: 00

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