Table Tennis KS 3 Table tennis table Table

Table Tennis (KS 3) ● ● Table tennis table Table tennis bat X 2 Table tennis ball 6 A 3 sheets of paper ● Forehand push will help direct the ball towards the corners Do not apply too much power as you have a chance at scoring more points if you are able to rally with your partner. If the ball goes out of play, let the partner serve rather than the participant. The timer will continue so quickly react to get the ball back into play. ● ● ● ● ● Teams of 4 Aim for the ball to bounce on the sheet of paper. Each A 3 paper is scored differently. Please see next slide. Add your total amount of points at the end of the timer. Add all 4 participants scores together to get a team score The school’s score will be the highest score set by one team ● Watch the demonstration video here: https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=MO 9 hjwb. I 0 UM Teams of 4, all participants take turns. Partner serves to the participant. The participant will aim for the sheets of paper to score points. Continue to rally the ball to score more points. Primary school = 1 minute Secondary school = 30 seconds ● ● ● The School Games is for everyone, To enter or for adaptations please contact your local SGO. www. leapwithus. org. uk /bucks-mk-virtual-school-games #BMKVirtual. SG

How to Play Primary Schools - 1 minute Secondary Schools - 30 seconds 1 participant (Right) - aiming for paper 1 partner (left) - return the ball 1 teacher/helper (centre) scorer/timekeeper Set out and number your A 3 sheets of paper as followed. Players will get the score the ball landed on. Continue to rally until the time is up. 4 players per team. Take in turns to score and add scores together to create a team score The scorer/timekeeper will add the score together and say when to stop. www. leapwithus. org. uk /bucks-mk-virtual-school-games Team with highest score will be the school’s score #BMKVirtual. SG
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