SYNONYMS There are certain synonyms you are expected

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SYNONYMS There are certain synonyms you are expected to know for GCSE.

SYNONYMS There are certain synonyms you are expected to know for GCSE.

synonyms Before you check the list, can you remember what a synonym is ?

synonyms Before you check the list, can you remember what a synonym is ? We use synonyms as different ways of saying something eg. friend a synonym might be ‘mate’ or ‘pal’ synonyms

synonyms The following lists of synonyms will help you prepare for the Listening and

synonyms The following lists of synonyms will help you prepare for the Listening and Reading papers. You may wish to use some of the synonyms in your controlled assessment work in order to vary your language. synonyms

Nouns French Synonym English Click to check tle hesport synonym offered and the meaning

Nouns French Synonym English Click to check tle hesport synonym offered and the meaning le docteur le médecin l’E. P. S l’hôtel de ville la mairie l’office de tourisme le syndicat d’initiative P. E. doctor town hall tourist office l’avenir le future le début le commencement start l’université la fac(ulté) university les passe-temps les loisirs hobbies / pasttimes

Nouns French Synonym English les grandes vacances les vacances d’été summer holidays les personnes

Nouns French Synonym English les grandes vacances les vacances d’été summer holidays les personnes âgées les vieux old people les jeunes les ado(lescent)s young people les déchets les ordures rubbish deux semaines quinze jours/une quinzaine a fortnight un(e) ami(e) un copain/une copine a friend un emploi un boulot / un job a job une promenade une randonnée a walk

Verbs French Synonym English faire du vélo faire du cyclisme to go biking faire

Verbs French Synonym English faire du vélo faire du cyclisme to go biking faire du shopping faire des achats/les magasins to go shopping faire du cheval faire de l’équitation to go horse-riding faire des promenades faire des randonnées faire de la natation nager to go for a walk to go swimming lire faire la lecture to read travailler en plein air travailler à l’extérieur to work outside habiter vivre to live

Verbs French Synonym English être en bonne forme être en bonne santé to be

Verbs French Synonym English être en bonne forme être en bonne santé to be in good shape / health être au chômage être sans travail to be unemployed épouser to get married se marier

Adjectives French Synonym English excellent/super chouette/génial/sensas great/brilliant barbant ennuyeux boring amusant drôle/rigolo/marrant funny calme

Adjectives French Synonym English excellent/super chouette/génial/sensas great/brilliant barbant ennuyeux boring amusant drôle/rigolo/marrant funny calme tranquille calm/quiet difficile dur difficult/hard horrible affreux awful strict sévère strict sympa aimable/agréable nice/friendly sérieux grave serious

synonyms Think about the words you didn’t know. These are the words you will

synonyms Think about the words you didn’t know. These are the words you will need to revise further. Perhaps make a list to revise from and come back and test yourself in the near future. synonyms