Synergy Parent VUE for San Ysidro School District
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Synergy Parent VUE for San Ysidro School District
Parent. VUE - Home Parents can view information for all of their children attending a SYSD school in one account.
Parent. VUE – My Account Parents can set email notification preferences for their child’s attendance and grades.
Parent. VUE - Calendar view allows parents to see assignments that have been assigned by their child’s teacher.
Parent. VUE – Assignment Detail Parents can view details about assignments, including due date, score, description, and resources.
Parent. VUE – Calendar Sorting Parents can sort by class and assignment type.
Parent. VUE - Attendance Parents are able to see their child’s current attendance record.
Parent. VUE – Class Schedule Current class schedules are available with the name and email of the teacher.
Parent. VUE – Course History Parents of 7 th and 8 th grade students can view their child’s transcript with grades and credits earned.
Parent. VUE – Grade Book Current grade book records , according to teachers’ grade books, are viewable by parents.
Parent. VUE - Grade Book Summary & Assignments Grade summaries and assignment detail reports are available.
Parent. VUE - Health Parents can see the current health and immunization records.
Parent. VUE – Report Card Parents are able to access their child’s most recent report card.
Parent. VUE – Student Information Student information is viewable and editable to parents. Home addresses must still be changed and verified at the school office.
Parent. VUE – Edit Student Information
Parent. VUE – Digital Locker Parents have access to view their child’s digital locker which can be used to store and submit assignments to teachers online if requested by the teacher.
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